Barleria prionitis L., Sp. Pl. 636 1753. (Syn: Barleria coriacea Oberm.; Barleria echinata St.-Lag.; Barleria prionitis var. angustissima Hochr.; Barleria prionitis subsp. madagascariensis Benoist; Barleria prionitis var. pubescens Kuntze; Barleria quadrispinosa Stokes; Barleria spicata Roxb.; Justicia appressa Forssk. (Unresolved); Prionitis hystrix Miq. (Unresolved); Prionitis pubiflora Miq. (Unresolved)); . bar-LEER-ee-uh — name commemorates French botanist, Jacques Barrelier … Dave’s Botanary pry-oh-NY-tis — Greek: priein (a saw) … Dave’s Botanary . commonly known as: common yellow nail dye, porcupine flower, thorny nail dye • Bengali: কণ্টঝিন্টি kantajhinti, পীতঝিন্টি pitajhinti • Gujarati: પીળો કાંટાશેળીયો pilo kantasheliyo • Hindi: झिण्टी jhinti, परुष parush, पीला पियाबांसा pila piyabansa, पीली कटसरैया pili katsaraiya, वज्रदंती vajradanti • Kachchhi: કંઢા આસેરીઓ kandha aserio, કાંટા આસેરીઓ kanta aserio • Kannada: ಹಳದಿ ಗೋರಟೆ haladi gorate, ಕುರಂಟಕ kurantaka, ಮದರಂಗಿ ಗಿಡ madarangi gida, ಮುಳ್ಳುಗೋರಣ್ಟ mullugoranta • Konkani: कोरांटी koranti • Malayalam: ചെമ്മുള്ളി chemmulli, കരിംകുറിഞ്ഞി karimkurunni, മഞ്ഞക്കനകാംബരം mannakkanakambaram • Marathi: कोळिता kolita, पिवळी कोरांटी pivali koranti • Odia: ଦାସକେରେଣ୍ଟା daskaranta, କଣ୍ଟା ମାଳତି kanta malati, ପୀତ pita, ପୀତକା pitaka, ପୀତ କୁରବକ pita kurabaka, ପୁର pura, ସୁପୀତ supita • Sanskrit: आर्तगलः artagalah, बाण bana, दासी कुरण्टकः dasi kurantakah, झिण्टी jhinti, ककुभ kakubha, किङ्किरातः kinkiratah, कुरण्टकः kurantakah, कुरवकः kuravakah, महासह mahasaha, मृदुकण्टः mrdukantah, पीतकुरण्टकः pitakurantakah, पीतकुरवः pitakuravah, पीतम्लानः pitamlanah, पीतपुष्पकः pitapushpakah, पीतसैरीयकः pitasairiyakah, सहचरः sahacharah, उद्यानपाकी udyanapaki, वज्रदन्ती vajradanti • Tamil: செம்முள்ளி cem-mulli, கோரண்டம் korantam, கொடிப்பசலை koti-p-pacalai, கொவிந்தம் kovintam, குறிஞ்சி kurinci, குடான் kutan, மஞ்சட்செம்முள்ளி mancat-cemmulli • Telugu: గోరంటచెట్టు gorantachettu, ముల్లుగోరంట mullu goranta • Tulu: ಆನೆ ಗೋರಂಟ ane gorante, ಜೆಂಟೆ ಪು gente pu, ಗೋರಂಟ gorante, ಗೋರಟೆ ದೈ gorate dai, ಮಂಜಲ್ ಗೊರಂಟಿ manjal goranti . As per efi thread: When in doubt I always fall back on FBI. Though two species B. prionitis and B. cuspidata look similar, the deciding factor is leaves subsessile narrowly oblong lanceolate, not more than 8 mm broad in B. cuspidata; distinctly petiolate (petiole 12-25 mm long), elliptic, 2-4 cm broad in B. prionitis; Also bracts of B. cuspidata are narrowly lanceolate smaller; larger, foliaceous and elliptic in B. prionitis. . Both Barleria montana and B. prattensis resemble in their general morphology hence may be confusing. Calyx features seem to be variable so cannot be wholly relied on. But the seed character is distinct enough to distinguish the two species. According to Shendage & Yadav (2010, Revision of genus Barleria in India): Seeds clothed with appressed-silky hairs —— Barleria montana Seeds glabrous ——- Barleria prattensis . Please refer to Cooke’s Flora Barleria prionitis L. : leaves elliptic, acuminate bristle-tipped; bracteoles linear-subulate; flowers spicate above Barleria cuspidata Heyne ex Nees: leaves subsessile, oblong-lanceolate, acute, bristle-tipped; bracteoles zero or a few minute bristles; flowers solitary in opposite axils . Both species are showing 2 stamens but the flower colour is different in prionitis and cuspidata. In prionitis flower is orange-yellow but in cuspidata it is yellow. In both plants leaves are ovate-elliptic, flowers solitary or axillary and bracts linear-lanceolate. But Outer sepals with glandular hairs inside; style glabrous……….. B. cuspidata Outer sepals without glandular hairs inside; style hirsute at base.…… B. prionitis . Flora of Haryana: Barleria cuspidata from Near Munak Karnal: Sharing pics of Barleria cuspidata from Near Munak Karnal This should not be Barleria cuspidata. Barleria cuspidata has thorns almost an inch long, which are about the size of the flower-tube. Barleria prionitis, on the other hand, has thorns about 1 cm long, about half the size of the flower-tube. Also leaves of Barleria cuspidata are narrower, oblong-lanceshaped. Request for species id 07032011 DKV-1: Location: Mhow, District Indore, Madhya Pradesh – Could be Barleria prionitis L. ! – In that case please find further details attached. This may not be of your use, but its for those who need it. Barleria prionitis L. Sp. Pl. 2: 636. 1753. – Here is the link at the Flowers of India dot net website Acanthaceae Week: Barleria prionitis from Delhi: Barleria prionitis L., Sp. Pl. 636 1753. Photographed from Herbal garden, Rajouri Garden and Ridge in Delhi. Common name: porcupine-flower A very common shrub in South India. This is known as ‘December Poo’ in Tamil and spatika in kannada. Barleria Prionitis Native Shrub Date/Time- Sep 2010 Katnal, Mysore district . Can be identified further Barleria prionitis var. prionitis – Corolla 6 cm long Barleria prionitis var. dicantha – Corolla 4 to 4.5 cm long [Source: Flora of the Indian Desert, MM Bhandari] I clicked this flower near Lonavala last month, please let me know what it could be. The following information in available. Date/Time- 16-6-2012 11:00 am Location- Lonavala region, near Lohagad Fort, Altitude- about 700m Habitat- Wild Plant Habit- Small plant Height- About 1 foot Leaves- Small, slender, about 4-5 cm in length (Pic attached) Flowers Size- 2-3 cm Colour-Yellow (Pic attached) Fruits- Not visible or obvious Barleria prionitis L syn: Barleria coriacea Oberm.; Barleria echinata St.-Lag.; Barleria spicata Roxb. Please see the earlier link posted by … for further details. Is this Barleria?: Posting a photo of a flower for Id.(looks like barleria?) Its Yellow Hedge Barleria : Barleria prionitis ( Acanthaceae) Requesting ID of this Barleria species – Mumbai 27052013 : ARK-02 : Attachments (2). 3 posts by 2 authors. Barleria prionitis, a plant with a wide range of medicinal / healing properties. ID Request 041213SG : Attachments (4). 3 posts by 3 authors. Please help identify this plant, 2-3ft, found on border of jowar field at Tembhurni, Maharashtra. Photographed 02Dec13. Barleria prionitis L.: Acanthaceae Yes, supporting … Barleria prionitis L. : Attachments (1). 1 post by 1 author. Barleria prionitis L., fam: Acanthaceae 21/02/2013; undershrub, from sea level to 1000m flowering, root is official in indian medicine, antipyretic Acanthaceae Fortnight :: Barleria prionitis :: Thane, Yeoor Hills :: DVMAR21/32 : 2 posts by 2 authors. 3 images. Barleria prionitis L. at Vaghbil, Thane on December 25, 2006 at Yeoor Hills on November 29, 2009 I hope you will help me out in sorting out my B. cuspidata and B. prionitis. I seem to have both, but knowing the clear cut differences. A few keys in books don’t help much. I have a strong feeling that the first picture (taken at Vaghbil, Thane on December 25, 2006) is Barleria cuspidata. Please validate. Yes, really difficult as different sources say different things as per details at top at Barleria prionitis I think flower dissection is required, if we follow keys in Revision of the Genus Barleria (Acanthaceae) in India: Outer sepals with glandular hairs inside; style glabrous……….. B. cuspidata Outer sepals without glandular hairs inside; style hirsute at base.…… B. prionitis I have separately sent you the copy of the above publication. Barleria prionitis seems to be easily recognized by lot of members. It is Barleria cuspidata that poses doubt, and may need dissection to assert OR rule out. Let me see if I come across any doubtful B. cuspidata in coming times. I will attempt dissecting to check the sepals and style. I also hope that eFI gets more and more pictures of both these species from experts, so that it becomes easier to compare with photos. That is, if I am wanting to avoid the dissecting procedure. Acanthceaea week validation of Barleria prionitis and cuspidata : 2 posts by 2 authors. Mixed thread- 2 correct images. attaching images of B.prionitis 3657,3658 and B cuspidata 2410.2413,2418,2415 please validate the same To me, following: 2410, 2413, 2415, 2418 … B. cuspidata Acanthaceae Fortnight :: Barleria prionitis :: Mumbai :: ARKMAR-47/59 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2) Attached are pictures of Barleria prionitis captured at Mumbai in December 2012. Was posted on the forum earlier, posting it in the family fortnight. Fwd: [efloraofindia:218190] Acanthaceae Fortnight: Barleria prionitis from Delhi-GSMAR07/08- 2 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Barleria prionitis L., Sp. Pl. 636 1753. syn: Barleria coriacea Oberm.; Barleria echinata St.-Lag.; Barleria spicata Roxb. A bushy prickly shrub with 3-4 spines in leaf axils; leaves elliptic-ovate, up to 10 cm long, tapering at ends; flowers orange-yellow in terminal spikes; calyx spine-tipped. Photographed from Herbal garden, Rajouri Garden and Ridge in Delhi. Common name: porcupine-flower Here is second from Herbal Garden clicked in April. Attachments (3) I agree with the id: Barleria prionitis. Fwd: [efloraofindia:218189] Acanthaceae Fortnight: Barleria prionitis from Delhi-GSMAR07/08- 1 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3) I have three distinct populations in my collection, but not able to fix them. This is the first one from Herbal Garden photographed on November 10. Supporting the id Barleria prionitis. Here is a link to the typical form of B. cuspidata Acanthaceae Fortnight : Barleria for ID : Nasik : 18MAR15 : AK-1 : 9 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1) Barleria seen in Nasik during the month of Oct with yellow flowers. For Species id please. Is it Barleria prionitis? Yes … … this is B.prionitis Acanthaceae Fortnight :: Barleria sp? :: Kamshet::: PKA-MAR96/96 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)- 1 MB each Barleria sp. from kamshet. It is Barleria prionitis Barleria prionitis ACANTHACEAE FORTNIGHT:: Barleria prionitis from Panipat:: NS MARCH 27/27 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4) This is posted for id validation, hopefully this is Barleria prionitis.. recorded from near Panipat.. Yes it is Barleria prionitis only For me the ID is perfect. NR250716-4 : 2 posts by 1 author. Find attached few pics for ID. Am new to this and am not very sure about the rules. Am giving enuf information here. If you need more info or something needs to be changed in the way i send stuff for ID, kindly lemme know. Thanks in advance. Location: Bangalore Date: XXIV.Jul.MMXVI barleria priontis, in a garbage dump alibaug, this sunday I Think Barleria cuspidata instead of B prionitis due to presence of two stamens I too think it is Barleria cuspidata at first look. Both species are showing 2 stamens but the flower colour is different in prionitis and cuspidata. In prionitis flower is orange-yellow but in cuspidata it is yellow. In both plants leaves are ovate-elliptic, flowers solitary or axillary and bracts linear-lanceolate. But Outer sepals with glandular hairs inside; style glabrous……… B. cuspidata Outer sepals without glandular hairs inside; style hirsute at base .…………… B. prionitis For more reference please go through the attached paper. I feel this is closer to images at Barleria prionitis L. rather than that at Barleria cuspidata F.Heyne ex Nees Barleria prionotis : 1 post by 1 author. Attaching flowering of barleria species in BHU Ayurvedic garden (DRAVYAGUNA- BHAISHAJYODYAN) as on 19.12.17. these are termed as shwet saireyak and peet saireyak on the basis of colour of flowers. In ayurvedic text shwet (white), peet (yellow), rakt(red) and neel (blue) pushpa saireyak is described. in this discussion we have gone through the three varities. kindly provide the picture of blue flowered barleria if possible. Pl. check the yellow flowerd one is Barleria prionotis Barleria prionitis AT APL 2018/07 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) Porcupine Flower Hindi: Vajradanti, Jhinti, Pila piyabansa, Pili katsaraiya Botanical Name: Barleria prionitis Family: Acanthaceae This is a plant with immense medicinal properties. Roots and leaves of this plant are useful in treating bleeding gums and toothache. It is also considered useful in respiratory troubles and has anti-microbial properties. Medicinal Plants Garden, Panjab University, Chandigarh. another Lepidagathis :: Rao Jodha Desert Rock Park :: 24 OCT 18 : 13 posts by 4 authors. 4 images. Rao Jodha Desert Rock Park Jodhpur Date: October 24, 2018 … Altitude: about 300 m (980 feet) asl ¿ Lepidagathis species ? Dear friends, I am confused; not sure if this is Lepidagathis. Please help with ID. seems its thriving I could not find a match as per comparative images Also check comparative images at Justicia Checked through Justicia, could not find any that looks like posted plant. Mainly the spines at the nodes … if there are no Lepidagathis, could it be some Barleria ? Will check later. It is close to Barleria prionitis Does not matches with images at Barleria prionitis or any other species so far at Barleria as per comparative images. Seems to be Barleria prionites Thanks … for following up on this query. Many thanks to … for suggesting Barleria prionitis, seconding … similar thought. It is indeed Barleria prionitis var. diacantha Blatt. & Hallb. … I have posted today photos of same plant in other (wet) places of the park, showing some of the last flowers of the season. Barleria prionitis var. diacantha :: Rao Jodha Desert Rock Park :: 24 OCT 18 : 2 posts by 2 authors. 4 images. Rao Jodha Desert Rock Park Jodhpur Date: October 24, 2018 … Altitude: about 300 m (980 feet) asl Barleria prionitis var. diacantha Blatt. & Hallb. Dear friends, I had skipped posting pictures of this plant, found at various places in the park, because they were at fag end of flowering – you can clearly see the fact in the photos put below. The reason for posting them today is to bring to your notice one faded flower, almost white, in the first photo. This was brought to my attention by one of my flickr friends that Barleria prionitis exhibits such fading glory of the flower. In this park, rather in this region, Barleria prionitis var. diacantha, is found distributed. Thus, the plants posted in another Lepidagathis :: Rao Jodha Desert Rock Park :: 24 OCT 18 are Barleria prionitis var. diacantha, well supported by comments from …
Barleria – indiantreepix | Google Groups Barleria Species for ID : Yellow Flower : Lonavala : 11APR19 : AK-4 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) A small plant growing wild with a single flower. Kindly help in Species id please. Barleria prionitis L. Barleria prionitis :: Prabalmachi, near Panvel :: 30 NOV 19 : 3 posts by 2 authors. 3 images. Prabalmachi between Matheran and Panvel Date: November 30, 2019 … Altitude: about 390 m (1,280 ft) asl Barleria prionitis L. saw it in a nursery. not in wild around here. nice Barleria Species for ID : Rajpipla, Gujarat : 05JAN20 : AK-9 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4) A cultivated plant seen during my visit in Nov,19. Barleria prionitis? Fwd: [efloraofindia:218192] Acanthaceae Fortnight: Barleria prionitis from Delhi-GSMAR07/08- 3 : 2 posts by 1 author. Attachments (2) Third population from Ridge 16 November Fwd: [efloraofindia:218193] Acanthaceae Fortnight: Barleria prionitis from Delhi-GSMAR07/08- 4 : 2 posts by 1 author. A 4th one from Ridge in March Thanks … for prompting me for re-look. When in doubt I always fall back on FBI. Though two species B. prionitis and B. cuspidata look similar, the deciding factor is leaves subsessile narrowly oblong lanceolate, not more than 8 mm broad in B. cuspidata; distinctly petiolate (petiole 12-25 mm long), elliptic, 2-4 cm broad in B. prionitis; Also bracts of B. cuspidata are narrowly lanceolate smaller; larger, foliaceous and elliptic in B. prionitis. This clearly identifies my plant with B. prionitis. They are corroborated by images at Flowers of India. This image of same population should help further. , Flowerv for Id -ID24032021SH1 – Is this Barleria ? 1 image. Flower for Id pl. Is this Barleria prionitis ?. Location – Sawantwadi (South Konkan, Maharashtra) Date – March 2021 Barleria species. Post habit pictures and foliage closeup etc. for proper ID. Sorry … This is the only picture with foliage. Another one is a close-up of flower which won’t be useful for ID. Yes, possible as per images at Barleria prionitis . Santali name(s) of Barleria prionitis: Please help with the name kanta phul for Barleria prionitis in Ol Chiki script. Reference: A Santali-English dictionary by A. Campbell, of the Santal mission Does ᱠᱟᱱᱛᱟ ᱯᱦᱩᱞ make sense 🙂 … I typed it using one online transcriber (Roman to Ol Chiki) If there are any other valid names, please help me with them too. The Transcription for kanta phul will be ᱠᱟᱱᱴᱟ ᱯᱷᱩᱞ I have also used these tools but, the online transcription tools for Santali language are experimental and constant efforts are done to make it accurate. I hope it will be improved in the future. Other valid names are ᱨᱟᱹᱭᱞᱟᱹ ᱵᱟᱦᱟ (raila baha) Thank you very much … for helping with kanta phul in the Ol Chiki script. Names of Plants in India :: Barleria prionitis: 3 posts by 2 authors. 1 image.
Names update: • Kannada: ಹಳದಿ ಗೋರಟೆ haladi gorate, ಕುರಂಟಕ kurantaka, ಮದರಂಗಿ ಗಿಡ madarangi gida, ಮುಳ್ಳುಗೋರಣ್ಟ mullugoranta • Tulu: ಆನೆ ಗೋರಂಟ ane gorante, ಜೆಂಟೆ ಪು gente pu, ಗೋರಂಟ gorante, ಗೋರಟೆ ದೈ gorate dai, ಮಂಜಲ್ ಗೊರಂಟಿ manjal goranti Revised: • Gujarati: પીળો કાંટાશેળીયો pilo kantasheliyo Update: • Kachchhi: કંઢા આસેરીઓ kandha aserio, કાંટા આસેરીઓ kanta aserio • bar-LEER-ee-uh — name commemorates French botanist, Jacques Barrelier … Dave’s Botanary commonly known as: common yellow nail dye, porcupine flower, thorny nail dye • Assamese: বজ্ৰদন্তী bajradanti, জিন্টি jhinti • Bengali: কণ্টঝিন্টি kantajhinti, পীতঝিন্টি pitajhinti • Gujarati: પીળો કાંટાશેળીયો pilo kantasheliyo • Hindi: झिण्टी jhinti, परुष parush, पीला पियाबांसा pila piyabansa, पीली कटसरैया pili katsaraiya, वज्रदंती vajradanti • Kachchhi: કંઢા આસેરીઓ kandha aserio, કાંટા આસેરીઓ kanta aserio • Kannada: ಹಳದಿ ಗೋರಟೆ haladi gorate, ಕುರಂಟಕ kurantaka, ಮುಳ್ಳು ಗೋರಂಟೆ mullu gorante, ಮುಳ್ಳು ಮದರಂಗಿ mullu madarangi • Konkani: ಗೊರಟಿ gorati, कोरांटी koranti • Malayalam: ചെമ്മുള്ളി chemmulli, കരിംകുറിഞ്ഞി karimkurunni, മഞ്ഞക്കനകാംബരം mannakkanakambaram • Marathi: कोळिता kolita, पिवळी कोरांटी pivali koranti • Odia: ଦାସକେରେଣ୍ଟା daskaranta, କଣ୍ଟା ମାଳତି kanta malati, ପୀତ pita, ପୀତ କୁରବକ pita kurabaka, ପୁର pura, ସୁପୀତ supita • Rajasthani: बज्रदंती bajradanti, पीली केटेली pili keteli • Sanskrit: आर्तगलः artagalah, बाण bana, दासी कुरण्टकः dasi kurantakah, झिण्टी jhinti, ककुभ kakubha, किङ्किरातः kinkiratah, कुरण्टकः kurantakah, कुरवकः kuravakah, महासह mahasaha, मृदुकण्टः mrdukantah, पीतकुरण्टकः pitakurantakah, पीतकुरवः pitakuravah, पीतम्लानः pitamlanah, पीतपुष्पकः pitapushpakah, पीतसैरीयकः pitasairiyakah, सहचरः sahacharah, उद्यानपाकी udyanapaki, वज्रदन्ती vajradanti • Santali: kanta phul • Tamil: செம்முள்ளி cem-mulli, கோரண்டம் korantam, கொடிப்பசலை koti-p-pacalai, கொவிந்தம் kovintam, குறிஞ்சி kurinci, குடான் kutan, மஞ்சட்செம்முள்ளி mancat-cemmulli • Telugu: గొబ్బి గోరింట gobbi gorinta, కొండ గొబ్బి konda gobbi, ముళ్ళ గోరింట mulla gorinta, ముండ్ల గొబ్బి mundla gobbi, పచ్చ గోరింట pacha goranta, పచ్చ ములు గోరింట pachha mulu goranta, తెల్ల ముళ్ల ఆకు thella mulla aaku • Tulu: ಆನೆ ಗೋರಂಟ ane gorante, ಜೆಂಟೆ ಪು gente pu, ಗೋರಟೆ ದೈ gorate dai, ಮಂಜಲ್ ಗೊರಂಟಿ manjal goranti botanical names: Barleria prionitis L. … infraspecifics: Barleria prionitis subsp. appressa (Forssk.) Brummitt & J.R.I.Wood • Barleria prionitis subsp. induta (C.B.Clarke) Brummitt & J.R.I.Wood • Barleria prionitis subsp. pubiflora (Benth. ex Hohen.) Brummitt & J.R.I.Wood … POWO Bibliography / etymology ~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~ common yellow nail dye
porcupine flower thorny nail dye
~~~~~ ASSAMESE ~~~~~ বজ্ৰদন্তী bajradanti, জিন্টি jhinti
~~~~~ BENGALI ~~~~~ কণ্টঝিন্টি kantajhinti, পীতঝিন্টি pitajhinti ~~~~~ GUJARATI ~~~~~ પીળો કાંટાશેળિયો pilo kantasheliyo
~~~~~ HINDI ~~~~~ झिण्टी jhinti
परुष parush
पीला पियाबांसा pila piyabansa
पीली कटसरैया pili katsaraiya वज्रदंती vajradanti ~~~~~ KACHCHHI ~~~~~ કંઢા આસેરીઓ kadha aserio, કાંટા આસેરીઓ kanta aserio
~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~ ಹಳದಿ ಗೋರಟೆ haladi gorate
ಕುರಂಟಕ kurantaka
ಮುಳ್ಳು ಗೋರಂಟೆ mullu gorante
ಮುಳ್ಳು ಮದರಂಗಿ mullu madarangi
~~~~~ KONKANI ~~~~~ ಗೊರಟಿ gorati
कोरांटी koranti
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~ ചെമ്മുള്ളി chemmulli
കരിംകുറിഞ്ഞി karimkurunni മഞ്ഞക്കനകാംബരം mannakkanakambaram
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~ कोळिता kolita
पिवळी कोरांटी pivali koranti
~~~~~ ODIA ~~~~~ ଦାସକେରେଣ୍ଟା daskaranta କଣ୍ଟା ମାଳତି kanta malati ପୀତ କୁରବକ pita kurabaka
ପୁର pura
ସୁପୀତ supita
~~~~~ RAJASTHANI ~~~~~ बज्रदंती bajradanti
पीली केटेली pili keteli ~~~~~ SANSKRIT ~~~~~ आर्तगलः artagalah, बाण bana, दासी कुरण्टकः dasi kurantakah, झिण्टी jhinti, ककुभ kakubha, किङ्किरातः kinkiratah, कुरण्टकः kurantakah, महासह mahasaha, मृदुकण्टः mrdukantah, पीतकुरण्टकः pitakurantakah, पीतम्लानः pitamlanah, पीतपुष्पकः pitapushpakah, पीतसैरीयकः pitasairiyakah, सहचरः sahacharah, उद्यानपाकी udyanapaki, वज्रदन्ती vajradanti ~~~~~ SANTALI ~~~~~ kanta phul
~~~~~ TAMIL ~~~~~ செம்முள்ளி cem-mulli, மஞ்சட்செம்முள்ளி mancat-cemmulli
கோரண்டம் korantam, கொடிப்பசலை koti-p-pacalai, கொவிந்தம் kovintam, குறிஞ்சி kurinci, குடான் kutan ~~~~~ TELUGU ~~~~~ గొబ్బి గోరింట gobbi gorinta, కొండ గొబ్బి konda gobbi, ముళ్ళ గోరింట mulla gorinta, ముండ్ల గొబ్బి mundla gobbi, పచ్చ గోరింట pacha goranta, పచ్చ ములు గోరింట pachha mulu goranta, తెల్ల ముళ్ల ఆకు thella mulla aaku
~~~~~ TULU ~~~~~ ಆನೆ ಗೋರಂಟ ane gorante
ಜೆಂಟೆ ಪು gente pu
ಗೋರಟೆ ದೈ gorate dai
ಮಂಜಲ್ ಗೊರಂಟಿ manjal goranti
~~~~~ x ~~~~~ . Chilika lake, December 2021 :: Yellow barleria for ID :: ARK2022-029: 6 images. Appears close to images at Barleria prionitis L. Thanks … for ID. I was confused between B. cuspidata and B. prionitis. . Barleria prionitis L. :: Shirgaon, Palghar :: Feb 26, 2023 · JUN23 DV378: 3 images. Barleria prionitis L. Shirgaon, Palghar :: Feb 26, 2023 · 3:55 PM IST :: about 24 m (79 ft) asl Many thanks to Alex Y. for validating the ID at iNaturalist. If not mistaking, the floral structures are persistent calices . Barleria prionitis L.: 1 image. location/date: Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, October 1994 . barleria prionitis: 4 images. Barleria prionitis, this was seen near Manjeri, Marine National Park, Andaman Islands in March 2024 . Lonar, MH, April 2024 :: Barleria for ID :: ARK2024-008: 2 high res. images. This was clicked near the Lonar crater, Maharashtra in April 2024. Requested to please ID. Confused between Barleria priorities and B. cuspidata Barleria prionitis L. . References: |
Barleria prionitis
Updated on January 16, 2025