Begonia crenata Dryand., Trans. Linn. Soc. London 1: 162 1791. (Syn. Begonia minima Bedd.; Saueria crenata (Dryand.) Hassk.);
be-GON-yuh — named for Michel Begon, 18th century Governor of St Domingue, French Canada kre-NAH-tuh — scalloped . commonly known as: common begonia • Marathi: काप्रु kapru, खडक आंबाडी khadak-ambadi
. Endemic to: Western Ghats (of India)
. Edible use (WILD): … young shoots and leaves as VEGETABLE … in rural area of Konkan
Begonias have monoecious (uni-sexual) flowers, male flowers have 2 sepals and 2 petals while the female flowers have 5 perianth segments. Both grow on the same plant. You may further observe that there are 3 styles crowned with kidney shaped branched stigmas on the female flower and on the back side of another faded female flower you can see 3 celled/ winged ovary as well. On male flowers you can see several stamens. In a cyme the female flowers are few and are usually placed below the male flowers.
. Begoniaceae (begonia family) » Begonia crenata
be-GON-yuh — named for Michel Begon, 18th century Governor of St Domingue, French Canada kre-NAH-tuh — scalloped commonly known as: common begonia • Marathi: काप्रु kapru, खडक आंबाडी khadak-ambadi Endemic to: Western Ghats (of India) Edible use (WILD): … young shoots and leaves as VEGETABLE … in rural area of Konkan
Dear friends, please let know if this plant is distributed in Goa, Karnataka, Kerala For ID 181011 NS 1:
This flower was photographed near Begonia crenata flowers at Mulshi on 4th Sep 11. I dunno if it is a begonia or some diff Species.
Plz provide Id. It is the same Begonia crenata, …. Begonias have monoecious (uni-sexual) flowers, male flowers have 2 sepals and 2 petals while the female flowers have 5 perianth segments. Both grow on the same plant. The one here is a female flower of B. crenata. You may further observe that there are 3 styles crowned with kidney shaped branched stigmas on the female flower and on the back side of another faded female flower you can see 3 celled/ winged ovary as well. On male flowers (in another thread) you can see several stamens. In a cyme the female flowers are few and are usually placed below the male flowers. Begonia from Mulshi: These Begonias were photographed at Mulshi on 4th Sep 11. ( Sorry that pics
r wavy – it was raining heavily ). I guess Common Begonia. Plz confirm. I can see one more flower in the photo violet in color. Which is that ? My photographs of this are available at this link : identificatin no050911sn3: location:mulshi,pune
plant habit:herb
ht./lngth:about 12” Yes … the plant you have posted certainly looks like Begonia crenata Kas week : Begonia crenata SMP:
KAS Week DS_081012_02 Begonia crenata:
It is Begonia crenata. Begonia For ID : Lonavala : 310713 : AK-1 : Attachments (1). 5 posts by 3 authors.
Begonia seen growing wild at Karla, near Lonavala on a mountain on 29/7/13. Id please. This should be Begonia crenata.
But the leaves appear to be a little different. Kindly post more pictures of flowers if any.
Thanks for the id. This is the only reasonably good picture I have. Due to cloudy weather and rains, I could not take good pictures. I found these small plants on vertical surfaces of rocks at Karla. Should be B.crenata. I also think this to be Begonia crenata
Affirmative. This is the Common Begonia [Begonia crenata]. Please check this link Requesting ID of this Begonia – Mumbai :: 10092013 :: ARK-02 :: September 2013 : Attachments (4). 3 posts by 2 authors.
Requesting to please ID this Begonia captured at SGNP, Mumbai in September 2013.
These looked smaller than the Begonia crenata I captured at Lohagad this August. Begonia crenata, one of the most common herbs on the damp rocks of the National Park in Mumbai along with Adiantum philippense [syn. A. lunulatum, also seen in your photographs] during the monsoon Begonia ¿ species ? at Pachmarhi :: 18 SEP 13 :: DV : 7 images. 3 posts by 2 authors.
Pachmarhi … about 3600 feet ft asl
Date / Time: 18 SEP 13 at 10:48 AM … Altitude: about 3400 ft asl
Begonia ¿ species ? … (family: Begoniaceae)
Dear friends, not sure of the species of this Begonia. Perhaps it is simply, the common begonia … B. crenata.
These begonia could be seen on many wet walls of hills in Pachmarhi; this particular sighting at a place called Jata Shankar located in a ravine. Photo below shows the typical wall of Pachmarhi hill.
This looks like the Common Begonia [B.crenata] to me. Please check this link Many many thanks … for the validating response
Rajgad, Sep 2014 :: Requesting ID of this plant :: ARKSEP-25 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3).
Requesting to please ID this plant captured at Rajgad near Pune in Sep 2014.
Is this Begonia crenata? Begonia crenata Begonia For ID : Mahabaleshwar : 26AUG15 : AK-50 : 50/50 : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
Begonia Species seen growing inside an old unused well. Sorry for the bad picture quality due to very heavy rain resulting in low light. Begonia species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available on net) A best seen Begonia species in Mahabaleshwar: Flower for Id pl.
Location – Near Guhagar (Konkan, Maharashtra) Date – 01.08.2017 Plant For ID : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)- Around 1 MB each.
Help with an ID. Annual herb, Whole plant Succulent and hairy. Hardly 10cm in length. Lythophytic in nature, having very loose roots on the Rocky mosses near perennial Stream. Central Western Ghats, Shivamogga. (AUGUST 2017)
A Begonia sp. Yes, … Pl. also check with comparative images at Begonia The plant is Begonia crenata.
For ID pl. – efloraofindia | Google Groups ![]() ![]() ID 05821: 2 images. Please identify this herb from Kozhikode district of Kerala. Pl. post with leaves for id. This photo shows enough of leaf characters. Begonia fallax– stems reddish. Leaves -nerves prominent, reddish, dividing after the middle of the lamina. Begonia crenata probably I think looks different from images at Begonia malabarica (syn: B.fallax) Yes I think B. crenata Devgad, Kokan, MH :: Begonia crenata :: ARK2021-061: 7 images. Begonia crenata
This was captured near Devgad, coastal Kokan, MH in Aug 2021. Thanks, …, for the beautiful images of Begonia crenata .
Request for Identification possibly Bigonia: Pl. check Begonia picta ! Begonia crenata Begonia crenata Could you help with the taxonomic key or any key identification point to differentiate Begonia picta and Begonia crenata? They both look the same to me…
I have also uploaded a small video on YouTube showing the habit of this beautiful species… Pl. see keys at B.crenata page in Flora of peninsular India in net. From my understanding of the Keys at the above site,
To differentiate the two species is number of chambers seen in the ovary (seen via a cross cut through the flower), 2 is Begonia crenata, stems holding the flowers is devoid of hairs (glabrous).
Crenata is common in Western Maharashtra and Karnataka.
3 chambers is Begonia picta, 2 placenta in 1 chamber each (6).
Also picta is a Himalayan species, found in altitude of 800 meters and above.
Flowering season for both is same Aug to Sep/October.
. References:
Begonia crenata
Updated on December 24, 2024