Begonia aff. difformis

Begonia difformis (Irmsch.) W.C.Leong, C.I Peng & K.F.Chung (syn: Begonia laciniata subsp. difformis Irmsch.; Begonia palmata var. difformis (Irmsch.) Golding & Kareg.) ?;
China South-Central as per Catalogue of Life;

Begonia picta Sm. ??? : 6 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (7)
Location:  Lamahatta, Darjeeling, India 
Date: 22 May  2017
Altitude: 6800 ft.
Flowers are bigger in size I have seen normally and flowering season not matching.

Was it wild or Cultivated ? I think looks different from images at Begonia picta Sm. Pl. check images in other threads also.

This is from wild.

B. thomsonii

Begonia thomsonii A.DC.

Just realised this plant is NOT B. thomsonii, sorry for the error, please correct on your website. I have to say I don’t know what it is!
Perhaps closer to B. difformis (B. aff. difformis)

Difficult for me. But I find images in web is not matching.
I guess images of leaf are not matching.

Yes I see. But….B. aff. difformis, with aff. meaning affinity. I don’t think it is exactly the same as B. difformis, but it is close.

ID is still pending. Does not match with B. thomsonii you have  recently ID in another thread !

It is definitely not B. thomsonii, and doesn’t match anything from the region. Potentially new sp.


Begonia thomsonii in FOI:
Images of Begonia thomsonii in FOI by …, are not correct as per discussions at Begonia picta Sm. ???
Pl. remove.

Yes … ! ID is not correct !

Thank you for pointing it out …



References: Catalogue of Life  The Plant List Ver.1.1 (Begonia difformis F.A. Barkley ex Golding- Unresolved)  Tropicos  

Updated on December 24, 2024

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