Brugmansia aurea (Cultivated)

Brugmansia aurea Lagerh. (syn: Brugmansia affinis (Saff.) Moldenke; Brugmansia pittieri (Saff.) Moldenke; Datura affinis Saff.; Datura arborea var. aurea (Lagerh.) J.Fraser & Hemsl.; Datura aurea (Lagerh.) Saff.; Datura pittieri Saff.) as per Catalogue of Life;

Brugmansia pittieri (Saff.) Moldenke, Boissiera 7: 1 1943.
syn: Brugmansia aurea Lagerh. [Illegitimate]; Datura aurea (Lagerh.) Saff.
Common names: golden angel’s-trumpet, yellow angel’s-trumpet
Tree datura often growing to more than 6 m; leaves alternate, ovate to ovate-lanceolate, up to 30 cm long, apex acuminate, margin entire, dentate on young branches; flowers golden yellow, nodding, up to 25 cm long; calyx tube slightly longer than half of corolla tube, 2-5 toothed; corolla funnel-shaped, flaring at mouth, teeth prolonged into distinct tail.
Photographed from Kathgodam, planted outside a house.

Beautiful… eye catching. We have the white ones here in Mysore city. The yellow ones are more beautiful than white variety!

Brugmansia pittieri (Saff.) Moldenke, Boissiera 7: 1 1943. 

syn: Brugmansia aurea Lagerh. [Illegitimate]; Datura aurea (Lagerh.) Saff.
Common names: golden angel’s-trumpetyellow angel’s-trumpet
Tree datura often growing to more than 6 m; leaves alternate, ovate to ovate-lanceolate, up to 30 cm long, apex acuminate, margin entire, dentate on young branches; flowers golden yellow, nodding, up to 25 cm long; calyx tube slightly longer than half of corolla tube, 2-5 toothed; corolla funnel-shaped, flaring at mouth, teeth prolonged into  distinct tail.
Photographed from Kathgodam, planted outside a house.

Very Good photos Sir. The yellow one not seen earlier.

Banglore-Ooty November 2013 :: Requesting ID of this plant :: 04122013 :: ARK-01 :  Attachments (2). 6 posts by 4 authors.
Requesting to please ID this plant captured in the Ooty Botanical Gardens, Ooty in November 2013.

Brugmansia sp.

Thanks … Is it possible to provide a species level ID?

I think it is Brugmansia aurea

I think it may be Brugmansia sanguinea

After having photographed B. sanguinea and looking looking at the flowers I think this this plant is B. aurea only as suggested by …

Now known as Brugmansia pittieri (Saff.) Moldenke, Boissiera 7: 1 1943.


Solanaceae Fortnight :: ID Request – Brugmansia :: Ooty Bot Gdn :: ARKFEB-03/09 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments(2)
Requesting to please provide ID of the plant captured at Ooty Bot Gdn in November 2013.
Was posted on the forum earlier, B. aurea and B. sanguinea were suggested.

earlier thread: Banglore-Ooty November 2013 :: Requesting ID of this plant :: 04122013 :: ARK-01

Solanaceae Fortnight: Solanaceae of Indonesia 1 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
Brugmansia suaveolens. Could you please validate. 

Also looks like Brugmansia candida. Please check for the characters. .

Yes its looks like Brugmansia suaveolens

I think it can be Brugmansia aurea as per keys at the keys at Drugs-Forum

Brugmansia sp. photographed from Sunnyvale, California
Please help in ID

Brugmansia species so far in efi.

I think it should be Brugmansia aurea (Cultivated) as per images herein.


Plant for ID Jun 2011 SMP3:
A plant observed in SFO Botanical garden. Datura/Brugmansia species?

I will support this plant being from the genus Burgmansia

Yes Burgmansia

Burgmansia Hybrid peach

yes, and now there are many many cultivars…
difficult to be precise just from lateral shots of flowers…
they told us at Getty museum that their botanists need to dissect them before they would venture to name them!!!

After going through the keys at Drugs-Forum, I think it is more closer to Brugmansia aurea (Cultivated) or its hybrid.


MS Oct, 2020/01 Brugmansia sp. for ID : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)- 1 high res.
Location : Aizawl, Mizoram
Date : 10-10-2020
Habit : Shrub or small tree
Habitat : Cultivated

Check Brugmansia aurea Lagerh.

Thanks, …, for the id.
Yes, matches with Brugmansia aurea as per comparative images at Brugmansia


Brugmansia suaveolens (Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.) Bercht. & J.Presl (??) from Assam KD 03 Jun’22: 3 images.
Attached images are Brugmansia suaveolens (Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.) Bercht. & J.Presl (??). Please validate
Date : 05.06.2020
Location: Assam
Family : Solanaceae
Genus & species : Brugmansia suaveolens (??)
Habitat: Grows wild on roadside
Habit : Shrub

For me the ID is correct. It is actually a cultivated plant. Mostly pink coloured ones are grown here.

Check this link as well:

I think Brugmansia aurea Lagerh., as per images and details herein.
Keys at


Solanaceae fortnight – PC 03 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)
Here are few snaps of Metal from Uttarakhnda, which I will try to send one at a time. I could not mail them all at one go. ID please.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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