Brugmansia aurea Lagerh. (syn: Brugmansia affinis (Saff.) Moldenke; Brugmansia pittieri (Saff.) Moldenke; Datura affinis Saff.; Datura arborea var. aurea (Lagerh.) J.Fraser & Hemsl.; Datura aurea (Lagerh.) Saff.; Datura pittieri Saff.) as per Catalogue of Life; . Brugmansia pittieri (Saff.) Moldenke, Boissiera 7: 1 1943. (Syn: Brugmansia affinis (Soff.) Moldenke; Brugmansia amesianum (R.E.Schult.) D’Arcy; Brugmansia aurea Lagerh. [Illegitimate]; Datura affinis Saff.; Datura aurea (Lagerh.) Saff.; Datura pittieri Saff.; Methysticodendron amesianum R.E.Schult.) as per The Plant List; . Brugmansia pittieri (Saff.) Moldenke, Boissiera 7: 1 1943. syn: Brugmansia aurea Lagerh. [Illegitimate]; Datura aurea (Lagerh.) Saff. Common names: golden angel’s-trumpet, yellow angel’s-trumpet Tree datura often growing to more than 6 m; leaves alternate, ovate to ovate-lanceolate, up to 30 cm long, apex acuminate, margin entire, dentate on young branches; flowers golden yellow, nodding, up to 25 cm long; calyx tube slightly longer than half of corolla tube, 2-5 toothed; corolla funnel-shaped, flaring at mouth, teeth prolonged into distinct tail. Photographed from Kathgodam, planted outside a house. Beautiful… eye catching. We have the white ones here in Mysore city. The yellow ones are more beautiful than white variety! Solanaceae Fortnight: Brugmansia pittieri (Saff.) Moldenke from Kathgodam, Uttaranchal Pradesh-GSFEB25/27 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) Brugmansia pittieri (Saff.) Moldenke, Boissiera 7: 1 1943. syn: Brugmansia aurea Lagerh. [Illegitimate]; Datura aurea (Lagerh.) Saff. Very Good photos Sir. The yellow one not seen earlier. Banglore-Ooty November 2013 :: Requesting ID of this plant :: 04122013 :: ARK-01 : Attachments (2). 6 posts by 4 authors. Requesting to please ID this plant captured in the Ooty Botanical Gardens, Ooty in November 2013. Brugmansia sp. Thanks … Is it possible to provide a species level ID? I think it is Brugmansia aurea I think it may be Brugmansia sanguinea After having photographed B. sanguinea and looking looking at the flowers I think this this plant is B. aurea only as suggested by …
Solanaceae Fortnight :: ID Request – Brugmansia :: Ooty Bot Gdn :: ARKFEB-03/09 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments(2) earlier thread: Banglore-Ooty November 2013 :: Requesting ID of this plant :: 04122013 :: ARK-01 Solanaceae Fortnight: Solanaceae of Indonesia 1 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) Brugmansia suaveolens. Could you please validate. Also looks like Brugmansia candida. Please check for the characters. . Yes its looks like Brugmansia suaveolens I think it can be Brugmansia aurea as per keys at the keys at Drugs-Forum Solanaceae Fortnight: Brugmansia for ID from California-GSFEB29/31 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) Brugmansia sp. photographed from Sunnyvale, California Please help in ID Brugmansia species so far in efi. I think it should be Brugmansia aurea (Cultivated) as per images herein. Plant for ID Jun 2011 SMP3: I will support this plant being from the genus Burgmansia Yes Burgmansia Burgmansia Hybrid peach yes, and now there are many many cultivars… After going through the keys at Drugs-Forum, I think it is more closer to Brugmansia aurea (Cultivated) or its hybrid. . MS Oct, 2020/01 Brugmansia sp. for ID : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)- 1 high res. Location : Aizawl, Mizoram Date : 10-10-2020 Habit : Shrub or small tree Habitat : Cultivated Check Brugmansia aurea Lagerh. .
For me the ID is correct. It is actually a cultivated plant. Mostly pink coloured ones are grown here. Check this link as well: I think Brugmansia aurea Lagerh., as per images and details herein. . Solanaceae fortnight – PC 03 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1) . References: |
Brugmansia aurea (Cultivated)
Updated on December 24, 2024