Byttneria pilosa

Byttneria pilosa Roxb., Fl. Ind. 2: 381 1824. (syn: Ayenia indica Christenh. & Byng;  Byttneria elegans Ridl.; Byttneria velutina Wall.; Chaetaea pilosa (Roxb.) Adelb.; Commersonia pilosa G. Don);
China (Yunnan), Laos, Thailand, Vietnam, Java, India, Myanmar [Burma], peninsular Malaysia (Perak, Pahang), India (Darjeeling, Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur), Sikkim, Bangladesh as per Catalogue of Life;


It’s not B. pilosa, if you sure it’s Bytteneria, check with B. andamanensis,

Might be you’re right …, I was little bit confused

Thanks, …, for validation.
I was also confused by the hairiness of the petiole and pedicles depicted in FOC illustration.
But it is OK as per close scrutiny of low resolution images and GBIFspecimens 1 and specimen 2, from the nearby areas.


MS,April,2022/34 Ayenia elegans ? for id.: 2 images.
Location : Darlawn, Mizoram

Altitude : ca.800 m
Date : 28-09-2017
Habit : Large climber
Habitat : Wild

What are the listed species?
May I request you to pl. post high res. images to check the details.
Appears close as per references at Byttneria pilosaPOWOGBIF specimen.

3 images- 2 very high res.

Yes, you are right as per nomenclature in POWO.

Also goes well as per keys in BSI Flora of India.



Catalogue of Life  POWO (Ayenia elegans (Ridl.) ined.)  The Plant List Ver.1.1  GBIFspecimens 1  specimen 2 (High resolution specimens) Flora of China  FOC illustration  India Biodiversity Portal  Wikipedia  Plant illustrations

Updated on December 23, 2024

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