Canscora diffusa (Vahl) Brown ex Roemer & Schultes (1818: 301); Wight (1850: 1327); Clarke (1885: 104); Thiv (2003: 11). Gentiana diffusa Vahl (1794: 47). Exacum diffusum (Vahl) Willdenow (1798: 637). Type:—INDIA. India orientalis, s. die, Vahl s.n. (Holotype C!).
Orthostemon erectus Brown (1810: 451) (as ‘erectum’). Type:—AUSTRALIA. “New Holland”, s. die, Banks & Solander 1770(Holotype BM!). Canscora tenella Wallich ex Wight (1850: 1327). Canscora diffusa var. tenella (Wallich ex Wight) Clarke (1885: 103). Type:—INDIA. Quilon, October 1835, Wight 2296 (Lectotype E! designated here). Canscora lawii Wight (1850: 1327). Type:—Wight, Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient.4: 7. t. 1327. 1850. (Lectotype designated here). Canscora decurrens Dalzell (1850: 136). Type:—INDIA. Bombay, s. die, Dalzell s.n. (Lectotype K! designated here). Canscora lancifolia Miquel ex Clarke (1885: 103). Type:—INDIA. Mangalore, 1847, Hohenacker 305 (Lectotype TUB, designated by Thiv 2003, isolectotypes E!, K!, HAL!). Canscora divaricata Miquel ex Clarke (1885:103). Type:—INDIA. Canara, s. die, Hohenacker 670 (Lectotype TUB, designated by Thiv 2003, isolectotypes E!, K!, S!). Striga esquirolii Leveille (1914: 398). Type:—CHINA. s.loc., s. die, Blonchie 3502 (Holotype E!). Canscora khandalensis Santapau (1949: 485). Type:—INDIA. Maharashtra, Khandala, Behram’s prat, 3 October 1944, Santapau 5073 (Holotype BLAT!). Canscora diffusa var. tetraptera Naik & Pokle (1985: 673). Type:—INDIA. Maharashtra, Nagpur, s. die, Pokle 319 (Holotype BAMU). Canscora sanjappae Diwakar & Singh (2009: 337). as per Shahina PM, Santhosh Nampy. 2014. A taxonomic revision of the genus Canscora in South India, and the erection of the new genus Canscorinella (Canscorinae, Gentianaceae) with two new combinations.” Phytotaxa 164(4): 201–225. DOI:; . Canscora diffusa (Vahl) R.Br. ex Roem. & Schult., Syst. Veg. 3: 301 1818. (syn. Canscora decurrens Dalzell; Canscora diffusa var. tenella C.B.Clarke; Canscora diffusa var. tetraptera Naik & Pokle; Canscora divaricata Miq. ex C.B.Clarke [Invalid] .; Canscora khandalensis Santapau ….; Canscora pauciflora Dalzell ….; Cobamba dichotoma Blanco; Exacum diffusum (Vahl) Willd. ..; Gentiana diffusa Vahl; Orthostemon erectus R. Br. .; Pladera virgata Roxb. (Unresolved); Striga esquirolii H. Lév.) as per The Plant List; . kan-SKO-ruh — from the Malabar kansjan-kora (കാഞ്ചന കോര, golden herb) for Canscora perfoliata … Botanicus
dy-FEW-sa — loosely spreading … Dave’s Botanary . commonly known as: canscora • Hindi: भुई नीम bhui neem • Marathi: किलवर kilwar • Sanskrit: शंखपुष्पी sankhapushpi . Native to: tropical Africa, China, Indian sub-continent, Indo-China, tropical Australia . “Bengal Plants” describes two Canscora species :-
1) C. diffusa R. Br.; F. B. I. iv. 103; E. D. C. 384. Pladera virgata F. I. i. 401.
2) C. decussata Roem. & Schultz., F. B. I. iv. 104; E. D. C. 382. Pladera decussata F. I. i. 402;
Calyx striate or keeled ……. flowers rose-coloured …………………… diffusa
Calyx winged ……………….. flowers white ……………………………… decussata (now alata as per GRIN & The Plant List); . Canscora sp??260111-PKA2:
I had seen this small herb with white flowers. Leaves small (approx 10- 12mm), opposite, sessile. This looks like some Canscora sp. (Gentianaceae Family). This is for the first time i had seen Canscora sp. with white flowers.
Date/ Time: 17-01-2011 / 02:45PM Location: In the forest cover near Kalikale village Off “Ankola-Yalapur Rd head, Karnataka. Habitat: Wild Plant Habt: Herb. I can see calyx not winged, flowers pedicellate and pedicels not winged (to rule out C. decussata). Can’t go with the colour either. Can you indicate the size of the corolla? If the calyx is keeled it could be C. khandalensis. If the pedicels are winged, it could be C. pauciflora. Need more info to be sure. I think its the same Canscora diffusa. C. Khandalensis and C. pauciflora are treated as the synonyms of C. difusa. Canscora for ID : 050711 : AK-3:
Taken at Pratapgadh, Mahabaleshwar, Maharashtra on the 1st of Dec, 2009. Growing wild, a small plant. May 18, “Fascination of Plants Day” – Canscora diffusa from Karnala Bird Sanctuary, Maharashtra:
Though, it is almost 4 years for me that I am watching (and still trying to learn the ABC of Flora observation) wild flowers in and around Mumbai. But my love for this common herb of our region still reminds me on how it attracted me from looking up (for birds) to looking down (for such small herbs) and completely diverted me and my interest from BIRD WATCHING to FLORA. Canscora diffusa played the role of such change that I stand here for today on efI. I dedicate this pic and myself for the cause, as captioned, for the WILD FLOWERS OF WESTERN GHATS.
Canscora diffusa (Vahl) R.Br. ex Roem. & Schult.
kan-SKO-ruh — from the Malabar kansjan-kora (കാഞ്ചന കോര, golden herb) for Canscora perfoliata … Botanicus
dy-FEW-sa — loosely spreading … Dave’s Botanary Oct 18, 2008 … at Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary, Maharashtra
commonly known as: canscora • Hindi: भुई नीम bhui neem • Marathi: किलवर kilwar • Sanskrit: शंखपुष्पी sankhapushpi Native to: tropical Africa, China, Indian sub-continent, Indo-China, tropical Australia References: Flowers of India • eFlora • Aluka • Flowers of Sahyadri by Shrikant Ingalhalikar more views: Oct 9, 2008 … at Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary, Maharashtra mar 31, 2011 … at Dubare near Coorg, Karnataka Campanulaceae & Gentianaceae Week: Gentianaceae :: Canscora decurrens:
Found this herb in the grasslands at Kankeshwar, mid-october 2011, at one place and on one occasion only. Key points in id: 1. calyx not ribbed 2. leaves sessile, deccurrent along the stem. Plant for Id – validity: Habit & Habitat – It was grown horizontly on slopy region, height is uoto 9-10 cm, flower pinkish in colour.
location-Tamhini Ghat
Date-12.10.12 Canscora ? Hooghly 10/12/12 sk1: “Bengal Plants” describes two Canscora species :-
1) C. diffusa R. Br.; F. B. I. iv. 103; E. D. C. 384. Pladera virgata F. I. i. 401.
2) C. decussata Roem. & Schultz., F. B. I. iv. 104; E. D. C. 382. Pladera decussata F. I. i. 402.
Calyx striate or keeled ……. flowers rose-coloured …………………… diffusa
Calyx winged ……………….. flowers white ……………………………… decussata
While both the plants are erect branching annual, in all provinces, the first one has no Bengali name and the second one decussata is DANKUNI in Bengali (Bengal Plants)
I found this species growing on old wall, about 15 cm high. Darker background prevented the camera to focus lighter coloured object desired.
Species : Canscora diffusa (Vahl) R. Brown ex Roemer & Schultes ?
H & H : wild small herb on old wall
Date : 6/12/12, 10.10 a.m.
Place : Hooghly
all are Canscora diffusa . Please identify this flower: They are :
– Canscora diffusa.
– a species of Pimpinella.
– Hibiscus hirtus [Lesser White Mallow].
Small herb for id from Panni Khoh Maihar MP
Size about 10 cm only, growing on shady moist rock
shot on 20-1-12
leaves simple and opposite, flowers about 0.5 cm
pls id
Your plant is Conscora, sp from Gentianaceae may be Conscora diffusa. Yes it is Canscora diffusa (Vahl) R.Br. ex Roem. & Schult. (Kindly note the spelling of the genus) of Gentianaceae family. Id of Flower -ID 12062013SH2 : Attachments (1). 2 posts by 2 authors.
Posting a photo for Id of flower
Date / Time – 30.10.2012 / 11.30am
Location – Ratnagiri, Maharashtra
Habitat – Wild Canscora diffusa
Canscora diffusa——for sharing and validation : Attachments (1). 2 posts by 2 authors.
Pic of Kilwar, taken at Ambyvalley road, Lonavala, Pune in Oct12.
Yes Canscora diffusa.
This delicate herb was shot from Dehradun-Mussoorie road recently…
I could identify this as Canscora diffusa, my first sighting…
Please validate/correct the id.. Yes it is Canscora diffusa Thanks… can this also be Canscora roxburghii ? As per TPL and a book Canscora roxburghii Arn, ex Miq. is accepted name of C. wallichii C. B. Clarke (middle pic in the linked plate), which is similar to Canscora perfoliata Lam. and distributed in South India (FBI. iv. 105). A herbarium can be found at
This doesn’t look like C. roxburghii Arn, ex Miq. It looks like C. diffusa R. Br.
I am sorry for creating confusion in the thread… herb for ID – Wayanad – 07022014-NAW2 : Attachments (3). 4 posts by 4 authors.
Kindly identify this herb growing along a footpath in the forested part of the campus of the Gurukula Botanical Sanctuary, North Wayanad, Kerala. Photographed mid-Jan 2014.
Minute pink flowers less than 5 mm with 3 petals. lanceolate leaves opposite emerging along with branch with no petiole. Canscora sp Hopefully, Canscora diffusa (Vahl) R.Br. ex Roem. & Schult. Yes … is right
ID Request 220214SG : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2). Canscora sp…? Canscora diffusa
Campanulaceae and Gentianaceae Fortnight: July 1 to 14, 2014 : Gentianaceae : Canscora diffusa : Mahabaleshwar : 060714 : AK-5 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2).
Sharing pictures of Canscora diffusa from Mahabaleshwar. Taken on 1/12/14. Campanulaceae and Gentianaceae Fortnight: July 1 to 14 SN 8 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1).
Canscora diffusa (Vahl) R.Br. ex Roem. & Schult. wild herb from Sringeri area of Karnataka Campanulaceae & Gentianaceae Fortnight: Gentianaceae :: Canscora diffusa in Lonavala Region::PKA11 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1). Canscora diffusa from Lonavala Region.
Family: Gentianaceae. A common Gentian, thanks for sharing . Campanulaceae & Gentianaceae Week: Gentianaceae :: Canscora diffusa in Lonavala Region:
Canscora diffusa from Lonavala Region. Family: Gentianaceae.
the plant uploaded is Canscora diffusa
Campanulaceae & Gentianaceae Fortnight:: Canscora alata from Mussoorie:: NS 05 : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4).
This small herb was shot from near Mussoorie.. Flowers look trimerous! In Canscora flowers are tetramerous. Thanks Rawat Ji..the specimens actually appear trimerous as you have said.. this should not be unusual for Canscora As per other thread, the id is resolved as C. diffusa.. Agumbe :: Canscora FOR ID :: DVJAN47 : 6 posts by 3 authors. 3 images. Date: 26 DEC 2014 … Altitude: about 700 m asl Canscora species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available) The attached plant image belongs to Canscora only. Pl. give me some time to confirm the identity of the species. Conscora diffusa from me. Thank you very much … for your ID.
Now, me too think it to be Canscora diffusa.
Let us wait for … thoughts. Canscora diffusa—for sharing : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)
May I request you to identify these plant specimens.
Where & when these pictures have been taken ? Canscora sp? Canscora species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available on net) Its Canscora diffusa Canscora diffusa (Vahl) R. Br. ex roem. & Schult., variable form Thank you very much to all. All the species are collected from Jhargram, Western part of West Bengal in last month, i.e. 1st week of Feb, 2016. SK155OCT21-2016:ID : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4) Canscora diffusa (Vahl) R. Br. (accepted name) ??? I think yes Canscora diffusa…
ANNOV07 Canscora sp. for identification : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (4) Chimmony Wildlife Sanctuary, Kerala
9th November 2014 I am not sure, this looks different than what I saw – efi thread Canscora perfoliata Lam. : Attachments (1). 6 posts by 5 authors.
Sharing picture of Canscora perfoliata Lam.
Picture taken at Goa
Feb. 2013 Nice photographs … Do U have the photographs of leaves and also the side view of the flower. This will help in further confirmation of ID.. Yes very nice photo. Thanks all for appreciating .. No … do not have leaf picture Beautiful picture!
But, it doesn’t look like Canscora perfoliata to me too, mainly due to the sepals which are not (Is that right?) broadly winged in the posted picture. Please check these links for typical C. perfoliata: A 1 foot tall herb. Almost leafless presently. A small pair of sessile ovate leaves observed near base though.
Stem is quadrangular in some parts bot not like winged to me.
Flowers smaller than observed on plants on hills like Purandar
The plant is observed in the quarry near water body in this week (Feb 2018)
Is it Canscora diffusa or Canscora decurrens
Thanks, … Pl. check at It is Canscora diffusa (Vahl) R.Br. ex Roem. & Schult. C. decurrens Dalz. is its synonym as per details at Canscora
Yes thought so but FOS and BSI Maharashtra flora consider them as separate Pl. check latest revision details as per latest publication at–-l/g/gentianaceae/canscora
identification – efloraofindia | Google Groups Canscora khandalensis Santapau;
Khandala Canscora • Marathi: खंडाला किलवर Khandala kilwar;
Herb Id from Bangladesh_SM_1437 : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1)
Location: Sangu Matamuri Wildlife Sanctuary, Bandarban
Picture taken: February, 2019
Conscora sp. C. diffusa ? To me it looks like Canscora diffusa only
Canscora diffusa for sure ANJAN48 Canscora sp. for identification : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (7)
Family: Gentianaceae Canscora – species in eFIoraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available) I find it close to images at Canscorinella stricta (Sedgwick) Nampy & Shahina & as per Shahina PM, Santhosh Nampy. 2014. A taxonomic revision of the genus Canscora in South India, and the erection of the new genus Canscorinella (Canscorinae, Gentianaceae) with two new combinations.” Phytotaxa 164(4): 201–225. DOI: Canscora sanjappae Diwakar & R.Kr. Singh
Canscora Species for ID : Zarwani Forest, Gujarat : 13DEC19 : AK-11 : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1) what kind of ground is it growing in? i.e. habit photo? It was growing on a mountain slope. Canscora diffusa :: Yeoor Hills, part of SGNP :: 29 DEC 19 : 3 posts by 2 authors. 2 images. . Flower for Id – ID01012022SH3: 2 images- 1 high res. Flower for Id pl.
Location – Vasai (Maharashtra) Date – November 2021 Canscora diffusa (Vahl) R. Br. . Canscora diffusa (Vahl) Brown ex Roemer & Schultes: 5 very high res. images. Location: Surkhet, West Nepal
Altitude: 696m.
Date: 28 August 2021
Habit : Wild . Requesting a herb id_110922: 2 high res. images The herb is found growing on cut rock hillocks. Possible lithophyte.
The flowers are mauve-purple, with a slit in one of the petals.
Agasthymalai reserve environs, Kerala.
Canscora diffusa (Vahl) R. Br. . |
Canscora diffusa
Updated on December 24, 2024