Ceiba pentandra (Introduced)

Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn.Fruct. Sem. Pl. 2: 244 1791. (Syn.: Bombax cumanense Kunth; Bombax guineense Schum. & Thonn.; Bombax guineensis Schumach.; Bombax inerme L.; Bombax mompoxense Kunth; Bombax occidentale Spreng. [Illegitimate]; Bombax orientale Spreng.; Bombax pentandrum L.; Bombax pentandrum Jacq.; Ceiba anfractuosa (DC.) M.Gómez; Ceiba caribaea (DC.) A.Chev.; Ceiba casearia Medik.; Ceiba guineensis (Thonn.) A.Chev. ..; Ceiba occidentalis (Spreng.) Burkill; Ceiba pendrandra f. grisea Ulbr. …..; Ceiba thonnerii A. Chev.; Ceiba thonningii A.Chev.; Eriodendronan fractuosum DC. ……..; Eriodendron caribaeum G.Don; Eriodendron caribaeum G. Don ex Loud.; Eriodendron guineense G. Don ex Loud.; Eriodendron occidentale (Spreng.) G.Don; Eriodendron orientale Kostel.; Eriodendron pentandrum (L.) Kurz; Gossampinus alba Buch.-Ham.; Gossampinus rumphii Schott & Endl.; Xylon pentandrum Kuntze);
Kapok, True/ Singapore Kapok, Hattian, Safed Semal or Katan, Ceiba, White Silk-Cotton Tree • Bengali: schwetsimul • Gujarati: સફેદ શીમળો safed shimlo • Hindi: सफेद सावरा safed savara, सफेद सेमुल safed semul, शाल्मलि shalmali • Malayalam: പഞ്ഞിമരം panjimaram, ശീമപ്പൂള siimappuula • Marathi: सफेत सावरा safeta savara • Sanskrit: श्वेत शालमली shweta shalmali • Tamil: பஞ்சித்தணக்கு panji tannaku, ல்மலி shalmali • Telugu: తెల్ల బూరుగ tella;
SAY-buh — Latinized form of the South American name for this tree
pen-TAN-druh — bearing five stamens
Native to: tropical America, cultivated elsewhere
Large deciduous tree with spiny trunk; leaves palmate compound with 5-7 oblong-lanceolate leaflets; flowers usually opening before leaves, rose or white, tomentose outside; stamens 5, united at base into tube; capsules fusiform, 10-25 cm long; seeds many embedded in wool;

The typical green and fairly smooth stem and the pods are characteristic too;
The bloom color ranges from pink, pale yellow, white, near white
Flowers cover the tree when it was leafless;
The stem which is still green inspite of the largeness of the tree characteristic of Ceiba pentandra;
The negative aspects of the tree are:
1. Pollen are allergic.
2. The tree is a host for the wood worm which infect the wood of mango trees, resulting in the death of the trees. Therefore, the C.pentandra should not be cultivated near mango groves / trees.


Images by tspkumar


TSPNOV2015-58: Images of Ceiba pentandra. : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (7)

It is my pleasure to share few images of Ceiba pentandra (Malvaceae

Habit: Tree

Habitat: Cultivated…(Avenue planting)

Sighting: Chikmagalur, Hassan and Bangalore, Karnataka, about 1000 msl, 900 msl and 800 msl respectively.

Date: 16-06-2014, 27-01-2015, 31-01-2015, 01-03-2015, 06-03-2015 and 14-05-2015

nice close ups of flowers, … trees i have access to are very tall and old so no close up access to flowers, only those that fall. so it was very nice to see these close up pictures of fresh flowers.
Youngish trees i do not generally have access to, are the ones planted along the eastern bypass by the water bodes recognizable by their horizontal emerging branches and tell tale longish green (then brown) pods a few months in early summer..  I only get to see them in the rushing traffic.
i used know this as the REAL KAPOK TREE that Develops huge buttresses and shelters many many birds animal in their native lands

in its native habitats of the equatorial africa and central amercian and northern south american countries.


Kapok (Safed Semal/ White cotton silk)- Ceiba pentandra – indiantreepix | Google Groups : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5)
Attaching pictures of its flowers, bark, fruit, white floss, leaves etc. I have many big trees of this in my Colony at New Alipore, Kolkata. Birds like Mynas, Starlings, Bulbuls, Tailor birds, Orioles, Sunbirds, Crows etc. eat its nectar & possibly buds etc. during flowering in  Jan-Feb in my colony. It’s a great hub of birds including Doves, Shrikes etc. during this period as lot of insects are also there. I have made some of my best pictures on this tree adjacent to our house at 5 th floor. It’s a very tall deciduous tree with her greenish bark turning greyish as it mature with conical prickles of young tree falling with age. Leaves are Palmately compound with whorled branches. It’s floss is an excellent stuffing for pillows, mattresses etc.

it is white silk cotton (kapok) and not white semal. this is in fact the actual kapok with smaller flowers. there are other varieties of semal (bombax) with larger flowers in variety of colours-red yellow pink orange etc

Thanks, …
I stand corrected for White Silk Cotton & not White Cotton Silk.
Safed Semal is a common name used by many. Pradip Krishan’s book lists it as one of the common names. Even Semal (Bombax ceiba) is called an India Kapok. Sometimes many species of trees have a same common name.


Malvaceae Fortnight: Ceiba pentandra from Delhi-GSJULY16/16  : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (3)
Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn., Fruct. sem. pl. 2:244. 1791
Syn: Bombax pentandrum L. ;Ceiba caribaea (DC.) A. Chev.; Ceiba casearia Medik.; Eriodendron anfractuosum DC.

Common names: kapok, kapoktree, silk-cottontree, white silk-cottontree
Large deciduous tree with spiny trunk; leaves palmate compound with 5-7 oblong-lanceolate leaflets; flowers usually opening before leaves, rose or white, tomentose outside; stamens 5, united at base into tube; capsules fusiform, 10-25 cm long; seeds many embedded in wool.
Photographed from Khalsa College, Delhi


Malvaceae Week: Ceiba pentandra from DelhiCeiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn., Fruct. sem. pl. 2:244. 1791
Syn: Bombax pentandrum L. ; Ceiba caribaea (DC.) A. Chev.; Ceiba casearia Medik.; Eriodendron anfractuosum DC.
Common names: kapok, kapoktree, silk-cottontree, white silk-cottontree
Large deciduous tree with spiny trunk; leaves palmate compound with 5-7 oblong-lanceolate leaflets; flowers usually opening before leaves, rose or white, tomentose outside; stamens 5, united at base into tube; capsules
fusiform, 10-25 cm long; seeds many embedded in wool.
Photographed from Khalsa College, Delhi

Malvaceae Fortnight
mallow family
Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn. … Also placed in: Bombacaceae
in Thane on various dates
at Sagar Upvan on December 8, 2007


Malvaceae Fortnight :: Ceiba pentandra & bats :: Mumbai:: PKAJUL26 ::  : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
Few photographs of Bats feeding on Ceiba pentandra.

Beautiful and timely captures …


Bats and Ceiba pentandra:
Yesterday Night i could manage to capture few photographs of Bats feeding on Ceiba pentandra. Thought of sharing these snaps with you all.

great catch … Last year every night a huge bat used to come and sit on my coconut tree. around 10 .00 pm a mongoose used to come as it drops the tender coconuts down and eats them. they would have a fight the mongoose used to drive away the bat. This went on for almost 2 months finally the mongoose succeeded and the bat changed its residence to a false Ashoka tree

Excellent shots, … Perfect timing!
I was thinking bats are only frugivors, thanks for showing that they are florivors, too.

same story with crows… they even crove some bats… from a near by coconut tree that I look at all day (if I am not typing etc) from from computer room window….crows and mongoose must be related!!!!! uh?

Thank you for sharing your observation. One thing that crows and mongoose share is intelligence. Crows are one of the most intelligent of all birds and mongoose are also very intelligent.

Beautiful photographs of the Indian Flying Fox / Indian Fruit Bat [Pteropus giganteus]. My photographs of this are avilable at this link


Malvaceae Fortnight::Ceiba pentandra – NSJ 19  : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2)
Flowers of Ceiba pentandra (Silk cotton) from Mumbai


Malvaceae fortnight :: Ceiba pentandra :: Pune: SMP42 : 2 posts by 2 authors. 4 images.
Ceiba pentandra

Superb shots …


Malvaceae Fortnight- Post 23:: Ceiba pentandra from Ujjain (M.P.): NS August 08/08 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (5)
This huge tree was shot from a community park in Ujjain (M.P.)..
Branch tips were laden with flowers, but they were high up, close up taken from dropped flowers..
Ceiba pentandra


Malvaceae Fortnight :: Ceiba pentandra :: Mumbai:: PKAJUL97 :: : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4)
Ceiba pentandra from Mumbai.

Excellent !!


Malvaceae week :: Ceiba pentandra:
Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn.

SAY-buh — Latinized form of the South American name for this tree
pen-TAN-druh — bearing five stamens
[image: Shweta Shalmali (Sanskrit: श्वेत शालमली)]<http://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.flickr.com%2Fphotos%2Fdi…>
Dec 17, 2006 at Vaghbil, Thane
*commonly known as*: true kapok tree, white silk cotton tree • *Bengali*: schwetsimul • *Gujarati*: સફેદ શીમળો safed shimlo • *Hindi*: सफेद सावरा safed savara, सफेद सेमुल safed semul, शाल्मलि shalmali • *Malayalam*: പഞ്ഞിമരം panjimaram, ശീമപ്പൂള siimappuula • *Marathi*: सफेत सावरा safeta savara • *Sanskrit*: श्वेत शालमली shweta shalmali • *Tamil*: பஞ்சித்தணக்கு panji tannaku, ல்மலி shalmali • *Telugu*: తెల్ల బూరుగ tella buruga • *Urdu*: سيمل semal, شالملي shalmali Native to: tropical America, cultivated elsewhere
   – [image: Thorn on
Ceiba] <http://www.google.com/flickr.com%2Fphotos%2Fdi…>…
Jan 6, 2007 at Vaghbil, Thane
– [image: The Kapok
Feb 17, 2007 near Sabarimalai, Kerala
– [image: Siimappuula (Malayalam:
Mar 21, 2008 at Vaghbil, Thane
– [image: White silk-cotton
Jan 7, 2007 along Kolshet Road, Thane
– … more views:

The bloom color ranges from pink, pale yellow, white, near white … Dave’s Garden <http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/53514/>,
Flowers of India <http://www.flowersofindia.Kapok%20Tree.html>…
have seen them red in some of the search results on internet.


Ceiba pentandra:
Sending kapok / Ceiba pentandra  pics from Pune.
It was photographed in April 2010. It is a wild tree on the NH-4 bypass , Pune.
I captured green trunk of Kapok but that time all flowers were gone and only open cotton pods were there.

yes Ceiba pentandra… but i dont think its wild tree..

… agreeing with … not growing naturally wild … but planted for certain.

This tree is blooming beside NH-4 Bypass,Pune.
If Kapok doesn’t grows naturally wild..then it must b a planted one.

Its planted in large numbers along the Eastern metopolitan bypass on the way to the airport from Garia..passing thru . gariahat…park circus… salt lake side to end up in Jessore road…  spectacular when the pods hang by the hundreds and at dusk the silhouettes look like turned off chandeliers…


Malvaceae week: Seedlings of Ceiba pentandra from Kerala:
A few pictures of seedlings of Ceiba pentandra. The seeds have sprouted in the pod itself. Taken on 20th June 2011 from Palakkad district, Kerala.

Awesome ..!! very unique photo.

This is the first time that I am seeing these seedlings. It was indeed amazing. There were so many pods under the tree all sprouting… we were at a loss as to what to do with them. We did plant some. But couldn’t manage the whole lot. I don’t know whether they would survive. The area was having quite heavy rains these days.

very nice Foto. It reminded me of the custom in Bavaria and Austria of planting small flowers in old Trecking shoes. Especially in the entrance of the huts in mountains, one finds old Schoes with beautiful flowers.I
must be having a couple of  fotos but as slides.
Found one Foto on net:

But I feel like telling you my experience in one hut, when we were trecking. The huts in the Alps are normally in the wilderness, many time no electricity and earth closet some 50 meters away.  One evening before going to sleep I thought I would go to WC. With my torch lit I went into the wc, kept the torch on a small wooden board, I wanted my both hands free. My torch, it was a round one, rolled down thru the hole. Well, I had light as long as I was in WC, but my way back was difficult. I stumbled a couple of times. Anyway got back with all my limbs intact, safely.
The Lesson I learnt: never take a round torch with you, when going trecking.


Malvaceae week : Ceiba pentandra:
Malvaceae week : Ceiba pentandra
Pandhara Sawar पांढरा सावर

Never seen the flower from such close as the tree is so huge.
Is it “Pandhari” sawar or “Pandhara” sawar.
Now Sir ji

I cant see pentalobed capitate stigma.
I cant see the typical Monadelphy with which I am familiar for years.
I can see the reniform anthers.
But I can also see the sinuvious condition.
Then r there subfamilies in Malvaceae?
Pl dont tell me to refer the big shots.
In your crysp manner just tell me in few lines in which i can understand.


Ceiba pentandra_01Mar2012_DS_02:
Attached are the flowers of Silk Cotton Tree and the trere itself. Locally called Swet Simulusually simul is red flowered Bombax Ceiba. But it’s flowers are white in colour and small compared to Simul. Both trees produce silk cotton,
Red Simul flowers attracts so many birds – but I have seen very few on this tree.
Flowers cover the tree when it was leafless. The flowering season is just over. The trunk is greenish.
Photo taken at Uluberia-Howrah in West Bengal, in early Feruary.

Species : Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn.
Habit & Habitat : Big tree, plantation
Date : 11-04-2012, 9.00 a.m.
Place : Kamarkundu (Hooghly), WB

You have shown here……
The typical green and fairly smooth stem and the pods are characteristic too





Attachments (5)


Flora picture of the year 2012 – Heritage tree of Mysore city – Bombax ceiba:
………………… Inspired by the members posting the flora picture of the year I venture to post this picture of Bombax ceiba taken during the past year. This is one of the heritage trees of Mysore city, rather Karnataka state. The tree was planted by Lord Curzon just outside the fort wall of Mysore Palace. The areas has now been called the Curzon park where flower shows are held regularly during Dasara. It is one of the best maintained parks in the city. Of course there are plenty of parks in the city. I am providing the link for further reading on the tree and the heritage trees of Mysore city :

I think this is Ceiba pentandra, (L.) Gaertn.

pink version. not Bombax ceiba
Infact the 100year old white silk cotton tree in Lalbagh is actually pink not white
… can you confirm this
I am giving a link to my collection
Sorry for cluttering this thread.
I am curious, that somebody will confirm it.

Dropbox link Sorry I put the wrong link before

Thanks … for sharing a beautiful picture of the 112 year-old handsome tree.
As … said, it looks like Ceiba to me too. Please share pictures of whole tree, and close-up of flowers and leaves, if available.
In addition to other differences, Bombax will have more than 50 stamens; whereas, Ceiba has fewer stamens (3-15) as seen in this picture. Ref.: FoC.

kindly consider Chorisia speciosa also????

Definitely not Chorisia speciosa, …
Flowers are so different. Infact the Bombax Ceiba flower is also very different.

Thank you all for the comments and pointing out the mistake. All of you are right. I am extremely sorry for the wrong posting. In fact, … pointed out immediately, to me, in a separate post the mistake, I have committed. Though I realised the mistake then itself , I could not recheck the posting and post the proper one,rather helpless, as I was busy attending one of my relatives, who is seriously ill in the hospital. now only I have got time to check.
As far as the photograph of the tree I have posted, I will visit the spot and recheck the tree , as soon as possible and also during its flowering stage. I will report again. I donot know whether I have mixed up the photographs or the tree has been labelled wrongly as B.ceiba and posted the photograph in a hurry based on the label on the tree. Nevertheless, I am posting the photographs of the trunk portion of the so called Bombax ceiba with the label.
Lesson learnt : Do not do anything in a hurry! Always recheck, even if you (that’s me) are double sure! One should be careful while posting photographs from the archives !

Lalbagh has lots of beautiful specimens of this tree.
Tall and large ones, its really a sight to see, with so many flowers blooming right now.
The Twin towers (pair of trees) are a treat.

Thanks … I always admire the biodiversity of Lalbagh.

Your picture is Ceiba pentandra only and I am in the process of adding it to Flora picture 2012


efloraofindia:”For Id 14012013MR1’’ tree with only pods at Pune: Attachments (2)
road to Bharati vidyapeeth Pune
requesting identification of this tree with green pods hanging in groups. no flowers or leaves were seen. there were 3-4 such trees. Sorry for the poor quality of pics.

Ceiba pentandra.


Ceiba pentandra:
Sharing the images of Hura crepitans

I think you have posted pictures of Ceiba pentandra.


Hura crepitans or Ceiba pentandra ?:
I think you have posted pictures of Ceiba pentandra.


ID- IITM campus- tall tree with distinctive green pods and single white flowers :
Spotted at Taramani Guesthouse, IIT Madras Campus, Chennai.
Distinctive green pods and a delicate white flower spotted. Is this some kind of silk cotton tree? Have seen similar trees in Cubbon Park, Bangalore.

Ceiba pentandra of Malvaceae family.

Thanks- I am completely ignorant of botanical classifications- on getting your response, I checked descriptions of Ceiba Pentandra of flowers of India- they listed it under family bombacaceae– so checked wikipedia, which enlightened me a little on bombacaceae vs malvaceae.

Yes … It is Ceiba pentandra. I remember having seen this very big tree.
pandhara sawar in Marathi

Panju maram in Tamil. Very common tree in Chennai. See my comments on the other recent link.


Ceiba pentandra (Malvaceae) Hooghly, West Bengal: (7 images)

Attaching images of a tall tree that seems to me to be the “Ceiba pentandra“. But the images of its flower petals available in the internet differ slightly with the ones in these photos.
These trees are now common here which were planted through plantation programs and can be found on roadside as well as at unused area of railway stations.
I do not know if it has any Bengali name though we call it TULO-GACH (tulo = cotton, gach = tree/plant).
ID help – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ceiba_pentandra

Common name Silk cotton tree. Panju maram in tamil. Common in South India.

The negative aspects of the tree are:
1. Pollen are allergic.
2. The tree is a host for the wood worm which infect the wood of mango trees, resulting in the death of the trees. Therefore, the C.pentandra should not be cultivated near mango groves / trees.

Thank you … for very useful & impportant information. It will help us for we, mainly my neighbours, do have some mango (delicious HIMSAGAR variety) trees over here. But we are fortunate that the nearest Silk cotton tree is about 800 meter away from my place.


[EfloraofIndia_220212PD01_Ceiba pentandra-Flora of Odisha]:
sharing the images of Ceiba pentandra taken from roadside, ranpur
Ceiba pentandra anther.jpg & others

Very good images! Just after having a look at first one or two images one can determine that these must from … without looking at the sender’s details.

Thanks a lot for your appreciation and liking the image … I always try my best to document the common plants. My guide has influenced me a lot to document the common plants which most researchers overlooked due to its availability at the door steps.

Saw fallen flowers from a huge Silk Cotton Tree in Lalbagh, Bangalore on 18/03/13.
Name plate being damaged only Ceiba could be seen.
Kindly id the species.

Seems to be Ceiba pentandra

Thanks for confirming the id.
I thought so too but since the flowers were of a different color, wanted expert verification.

The typical anther structures indicate it to be Ceiba pentandra only.


Tree ID request-2 : Attachments (5). 4 posts by 4 authors.
Requesting id of this tree (picture taken at Mumbai). Is this Bombax ceiba?

This seems to be Ceiba pentandra.

… with … the true kapok OR the white silk cotton tree, Ceiba pentandra of Bombacaceae, Malvaceae.
This tree is planted all over Thane and Mumbai, and could be other urban area too.

Palmately compound leaves of Bombacaceae are seen here. The stem which is still green inspite of the largeness of the tree characteristic of Ceiba pentandra.




Bangalore-Ooty November 2013 :: Requesting ID of this tree at Lalbagh, Bangalore :: 04012014 :: ARK-04 :  Attachments (3). 3 posts by 2 authors.
Requesting to please ID this plant captured in Lalbagh, Bangalore in November 2013.

It looks like Ceiba pentandra

Thank you … for ID…


Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn. SN 15Jan 37 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)
Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn., cultivated tree from Bangalore area.

nice but do you have pictures of the buttresses/ base of the tree where it meets the mother earth?

I would love to see it

Nice, I have recently few huge individuals at Ujjain..


The true Kapok tree :: Lalbagh Botanical Gardens :: 19 FEB 2017 : 12 posts by 6 authors.

Lalbagh Botanical GardensBangalore

Date: 19 FEB 2017 … Altitude: ~ 906 m (2972 ft) asl

Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn. … (family: Malvaceae) … exotic

Wonderful pictures …

…, how do your posts appear continuous with photographs on black background ? While our posts show separate attachments.

Thanks … for appreciation.
I “make” my posts using HTML in Google Sites. 

Anyone (you) can create a personal (and private) site in Google Sites.
Please check out and play around for a while until you get hang of it.
I insert my pictures, rather embed them from my flickr photostream. In other words they are not “attached” but are sought from flickr site.
You may try inserting pictures from your computer system and check whether you can copy-paste the post content from your Google Site to your email body. If all the content (text + pictures) show up on pasting, it hopefully must work for you.

Thanks …, for telling us how you do it. Your way of presentation is very beautiful like looking at a photo album. And since there are not attachments, it saves space in our inboxes too. But how does the page look from your side? Do you have home page with entries for each item? And do you copy paste the whole page or just paste the link in your postings?

Thanks … for the appreciation.

Yes, besides making a post beautiful, it becomes easier on our inboxes as well as database.
At my end, the “page” resides as a template for specific location, like for example “Lalbagh Botanical Gardens”. The content of that page gets replaced by the newest post that I send to our group. Thus my private site is just set of pages that serve as template for all the locations I am posting.
I copy-paste only the content that is to be posted. The link to the page will not serve the purpose; it is private, reachable by me alone. It is just a kind of scrapboard.

Wonderful slides … The tree looks really beautiful.

I was just wondering why this Kapok tree doesn’t have a stem which is straight like all other Ceiba pentandra trees?

Thanks …
The buttress roots have “grown high” along the stem almost until the first tier of branches, making it look as if the tree has branched at base,
What we see now is lateral growth, I assume about 15 – 20 timesaxially“. The girth of main stem has grown many fold, making all the subsequent tiers of branches look like growing from base.
When this same tree was of 10 – 15 years of age, it would have started with a straight green stem, just about 1 m diameter girth, with the first tier of branches at approx 18 feet / 6 m high.
Here is a picture in Wikipedia, where we have two people standing near the tree. Absolutely enormous proportions.
Read more at Monumental trees.

Very interesting!

… did you read the links I have submitted from Times of India Evoke. You will like them

The same species with similar structure is also seen in Mysore Curzon park. I think I have posted the pictures earlier.

Thanks …
…, I am not sure of the Times of India Evoke context.
I searched through eFI group for any post with those words, but was not able to find any post.

I have seen the flowers of this tree.

I have photographed the flowers of the tree in Mysore. I will post  the photograph after I search out.


Little Confusion about tree!  : 5 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (1)
… sent me this photo of a tree adjoining the Puttenhalli lake (JP Nagar 7th phase). It seems to be a silk cotton but the yellow flowers are a little confusing. Please help me id this tree. I hope to get better images in a day and will post them soon. Till then, let me know if you can id the tree from this photo.

It is Ceiba pentendra– Yellow Silk Cotton tree.

Yes. Ceiba pentandra (Malvaceae)

Ceiba pentandra flowers bloom at night and like many Malvaceae they may change the colour on fading. These flowers may have been white at night. This is not Yellow Silk Cotton tree or Cochlospermum.

Pl. post better pictures for final Id.

Fwd: CEIBA PENTANDRA : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)
Here is a collage of Ceiba pentandra (WHITE SILK COTTON TREE/ KAPOK TREE)

Fwd: SYMBIOSIS : 1071 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)
Attaching a collage of Chestnut tailed starling visiting flowers of Ceiba pentandra (WHITE SILK COTTON/ KAPOK TREE).

Fwd: SYMBIOSIS : 1072 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)

Here is a collage of Black hooded oriole visiting flowers of Ceiba pentandra (WHITE SILK COTTON)

Fwd: SYMBIOSIS : 1073 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)

Here is a collage of Purple Sun bird visiting flowers of Ceiba pentandra.

Fwd: SYMBIOSIS : 1075 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)

Attached is a collage of male Purple sun bird visiting flowers of Ceiba pentandra.

Fwd: SYMBIOSIS : 1076 : 1 post by 1 author.


Fwd: SYMBIOSIS : 1078 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)

Attached collage is of male Scarlet Sun bird visiting flowers of Ceiba pentandra.

Fwd: SYMBIOSIS : 1079 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)

In the attached collage Asiatic pied starling is visiting flowers of Ceiba pentandra (WHITE SILK COTTON)

Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn. : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (7) – around 800 kb each.
Location: Kakarbhitta, Mechinagar,Nepal
Date: 3 May 2018
Altitude: 475 ft.
Habit : Cultivated, may be !

Please ID of Yellow Flowers Tree : 13 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (4)- around 500 kb each.
Please help identify yellow flower tree.
Flowers, buds, leaves and branches are attached.

Seems fruit, flowers, leaves matches. But tree i clicked does not have spines. It has plain trunk. So should it make difference in species?

Ceiba pentandra

Ceiba pentandra.
It is planted along roads in many places. I see the tree has less spines compared to its other cousins… as the tree matures, the trunk has almost no spines.

Yes, saw carefully today again at trunk. Age might be 14-15 years. No spines at human reachable height. But saw few very small spines at the height out of human reach.
Will it be same for Bombax Ceiba? Will Bombax Ceiba as well be having plain trunk at maturity? Wanted to plant in one premise, but because of spiny trunk avoided for long time.

At maturity perhaps trunk of Bombax insigne may achieve a flaky / corky bark (needs validation) almost devoid of spines.
Bombax ceiba
, I think has relatively, the maximum density of spines among matured trees. However, with aging over 100s of years, as the girth of trunk increases, the spines seem to loose their size … those on the branches at end of canopy continue to have good density of spines. Hopefully, someone has better explanations. Posting some pictures for comparison / illustration … also added pictures of Bombax insigne, a tough competitor of B. ceiba.

Lalbagh Botanical Gardens Bangalore

Date: 19 FEB 2017 … Altitude: ~ 906 m (2972 ft) asl
Bombax ceiba L. … (family: Malvaceae) … native
5 images.

… in vicinity of Thane

Date: various times … Altitude: 50 – 200 m
Bombax ceiba L. … (family: Malvaceae)

… in urban Thane

Date: various times … Altitude: 50m
3 images.

… in urban Thane

Date: various times … Altitude: 50m
Ceiba pentandra
(L.) Gaertn. … (family: Malvaceae)
3 images.

… in vicinity of Thane

Date: various times … Altitude: 50 – 200 m
Bombax insigne Wall. … (family: Malvaceae)
3 images.

Thank you very much … Great help!
Was thinking to remove spines in the human reachable area at young age of plant. Will it help? May be spines will not grow again.
I do this with Shatavari branches. When spines are young, they can be cut by fingers.
If worked, nurseries may adopt this technique to sell bombax ceiba, bridelia retusa.
Always wonder why so many spines on trunk? Is it to resist monkey from climbing up? Why they evolve so many spines

Let us wait for comments. I hope you get beautiful solutions that will save the spines from removal 🙂

Anyone who could help me identify some plant species from Andaman and Nicobar Islands? (mixed thread): 4 correct images as above. 26 posts by 3 authors.
I am a student from Cologne, Germany, who is currently working on a project on plant-animal interactions in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. As I am not an expert on Indian trees, I would be very grateful, if someone could help me identify some tree species from the Andaman and Nicobar Islands whose fruits are consumed by certain bird species (see attached pictures). I look forward to your comments. Thank you very much in advance.

Bombax ceiba

It seems Bombax ceiba L. (= B. insigne Wall.) i.e. pics 1, 2, 4, 5

Pl. also check Ceiba pentandra as it looks different from images at Bombax ceiba

Image in the body appears more closer to images at Ceiba pentandra

Photos 1, 2 and 4 looks like Ceiba pentandra.

The first and third photos looks like Ceiba pentandra


Please identify plants : 6 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)- around 500 kb each.
I obtained the saplings in the attached pictures from Telangana Forest Department in warangal district. I asked them for Bombax ceiba to plant in my garden and I got these. One of the forest officials tells me that these are Ceiba pentandra and not Bombax ceiba. Can you rightly identify these?
Picture names ending with _1 and _2 are of the same plant obtained at Nursery 1
Picture names ending with _3 and _4 are of the same plant obtained at Nursery 2
This is my first ever post on the group. 

Bombax ceiba is also called Salmalia malabarica (Simal) – it is a native tree, it is the tree of Jesta star. one cannot get commercial quantity of cotton used for bed making. (Your 3,4 will be Bombax ceiba). Ceiba pentandra is the commercial silk cotton tree introduced from Africa, even leaves of Sterculia foetida will be like this.

Thank you sir. I am planting native plant species of the region in my garden. Hence the effort to identify native species. No commercial purpose. Thank you once again.
Can any one tell me what are plants 1 and 2 ?

In continuation of what … stated, You may also check images and details at Ceiba pentandraand Bombax ceiba

To me also leaves appear more close to images at Ceiba pentandra rather than those at Bombax ceiba

started flowering in since Jan’08- some last flowers still coming up on 6/4/08- Kolkata; Seen flowering in Dec. and Jan. & over now (26/2/08) in Pune; Kolkata- March’09; Lingambudhi lake ( Mysore-Karnataka)- Nov’09; Delhi- Nov.’09?; Chandagal farm, Mysore;
Sh. Pradip Krishen in his Trees of Delhi says that it flowers in March & lasts till first half of April.

Ceiba pentandra from Delhi – indiantreepix | Google Groups
requesting for id – indiantreepix | Google Groups
Request for treeID-231109RA2 – indiantreepix | Google Groups
Dhoodi leaves and stalk as fodder for domestic animals – efloraofindia | Google Groups
Dhoodi tree – efloraofindia | Google Groups
Etymology- Bombax pentandra – efloraofindia | Google Groups
Indian Kapok Tree – efloraofindia | Google Groups
the other silk cotton – Kapok – indiantreepix | Google Groups
long fruit(Samir Takaochi) – indiantreepix | Google Groups
ID Request – from Kolkata – indiantreepix | Google Groups
Is this Swet Simul ? – indiantreepix | Google Groups
White Semal ??? – indiantreepix | Google Groups
Is this silk cotton – indiantreepix | Google Groups


[2022/Dec/27 ART 3] Is this Ceiba pentandra?: 8 images.
Date: 2022/Dec/26
Location: Varathamanathi Dam, Palani, Dindigul District, Tamil Nadu
May I know the species name?  Is it Ceiba pentandra?

Yes !

Yes from me too.

Very nice images. I concur with …


Ceiba pentandra with red flowers: 3 images.
Kindly confirm the identification.

Ceiba pentandra (red flowers)
Date/Time- 19 MAR 2023
Location-Place, Altitude, GPS- Lalbagh, Bengaluru 12°56’49.4″N 77°35’16.0″E. Altitude 852.9
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type- Botanical Garden
Plant Habit-Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- Tree
Height/Length- Approx. 10 meters
Flower – Five red petals, Flower diameter 3.5 cm. Five sinuous anthers
Normally Ceiba pentandra has white flowers hence it is called as पांढरी सावरश्वेत शाल्मली in Marathi. But there exists a red variety also. 

Yes, this colour sometimes comes after pollination (?) or before falling.


Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn. :: Waghbil, Thane :: Mar 21, 2008 · JUN23 DV261: 1 image.
Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn.
Waghbil, Thane :: Mar 21, 2008 · 3:36 PM IST :: about 3 m (10 ft) asl


Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn. :: Waghbil, Thane :: Dec 17, 2006 · JUN23 DV373: 3 images.
Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn.
Waghbil, Thane :: Dec 17, 2006 · 9:34 AM IST :: about 3 m (10 ft) asl


Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn. :: Waghbil, Thane :: Jan 6, 2007 · JUN23 DV374: 6 images.
Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn.
Waghbil, Thane :: Jan 6, 2007 · 10:15 AM IST :: about 3 m (10 ft) asl


Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn. :: Thane, Maharashtra :: Jan 7, 2007 · JUN23 DV476: 2 images.

Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn.
Thane, Maharashtra :: Jan 7, 2007 · 10:03 AM IST :: about 11 m (36 ft) asl
Many thanks to Bharat Godambe for validating the ID at iNaturalist


Malvaceae: Bombax ceiba: 2 high res. images.
Bombax ceiba from Andhra University campus, Visakhapatnam

Or Ceiba pentandra?

Yes! …,

It is Ceiba pentandra (L).

Updated on December 24, 2024

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