Celastrus paniculatus subsp. aggregatus ?

Celastrus paniculatus subsp. aggregatus ?;


04012013GS2: Tree from Kashmir for ID:
Small tree photographed from Kashmir University Botanical Garden, on 19-5-2012, alt. 1600 m. Please help in ID.

Any chances of Celastrus paniculatus?, I will check habit in next visit.

Certainly not Celastrus paniculata!

I thought c. paniculatus was a vine?

Yes …, it is. I will have to recheck its habit of this plant in next visit.
May be I estimated it wrongly, or this is some other plant.

This is actually Celastrus only.

Attaching a close-up of C.paniculata flower and habit. It is distinctly a shrubby climber in Uttarakhand.

Celastrus paniculatus looks close.

Celastrus paniculatus subsp. aggregatus may be possible due to short inflorescence. Not Celastrus paniculatus Willd.

OK …!


Help with ID of tree from Kashmir-GS10102021-3: 4 images.
Please help with the ID of this tree planted in Kashmir University Botanical Garden, Srinagar, 1600 m, clicked on 19-5-2012.

Any idea about the family?


Already placed at Celastrus paniculatus subsp. aggregatus ?, as per earlier posting.



Updated on December 23, 2024

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