Celtis philippensis Blanco, Fl. Filip. 197 1837. (syn: Bosea trinervia Roxb.; Celtis brevinervis (Blume) Planch.; Celtis brownii Rendle; Celtis collinsae Craib; Celtis djungiel (Blume) Planch.; Celtis hasseltii (Blume) Planch.; Celtis insularis Rendle; Celtis laurifolia (Blume) Planch.; Celtis mauritiana Planch.; Celtis mindanaensis Elmer; Celtis multifolia Elmer ex Merr. [Invalid]; Celtis philippensis var. consimilis J.-F. Leroy; Celtis philippensis var. wightii (Planch.) Soepadmo; Celtis strychnoides Planch.; Celtis trinervia (Roxb.) Koord. [Illegitimate]; Celtis wightii Planch.; Solenostigma brevinerve Blume; Solenostigma consimile Blume; Solenostigma djungiel Blume (Unresolved); Solenostigma hasseltii Blume (Unresolved); Solenostigma laurifolium Blume (Unresolved); Solenostigma mauritianum Blume (Unresolved); Solenostigma wightii Blume (Unresolved)); . Vernacular names : Tamil: Vellai thovarai, Kalluviri, Pinari, kodalimuriki Malayalam: Bhoothakkali, Kalluveera, Peenari, Vellakkuyyan, Bhutha, Manalli . Trees, to 25 m high, bark pale green or grey with black streaks inside, covered with lenticels; blaze speckled with black and yellow; branchlets pubescent. Young foliage pink. Leaves simple, alternate; stipules lateral, elliptic-ovate; petiole 4-15 mm, slender, pubescent; lamina 6-12 x 2-6 cm, ovate, elliptic or elliptic-oblong, base round or acute, apex acuminate, margin entire, glabrous, coriaceous; 3-nerved from the base, prominent, intercostae scalariform, prominent. Flowers polygamous, yellow, in axillary puberulous cymes, usually on new shoots; male flowers usually at the basal part and female flowers on the upper side; tepals 5, 2 x 1 mm, ovate, concave, ciliate, membranous; stamens 5, free, inserted round a woolly torus; ovary superior, sessile, ovoid, 1 mm, 1-celled; style 8 mm long, pubescent. Fruit a drupe 7 x 5 mm, ovoid, smooth. Flowering and fruiting: March-June Dry deciduous and shola forests Indo-Malesia to Australia and Tropical Africa (From India Biodiversity Portal (Celtis philippensis Bl. var. wightii (Planch.) Soep.) Alagarkoil 300713 TBN for id : Attachments (1 + 3 + 1 + 5). 16 posts by 4 authors. Please identify this plant details of which are as follows: Date : 25.07.13 Location :alagarkoil forest 20 km n of madurai Altitude :700 to 1000 ft Habitat :wild Habit :tree Height :20 to 30 ft Leaves :elliptic trinerved Flowers :pinkish orange Fruits : berry Can it be Celtis sp Sending a few more photographs. c and d are of a different but same type of tree. Wild guess, Dendropthoe falcata, but I may be wrong Thanks for the suggestion, … The entire tree was like this only. It did not look like an epiphyte. Resending this again for your valuable suggestions. Can it be related to Trema orientalis?. Attaching additional photo. I have also spotted the same plant in E.ghats at Velugonda hills. It is a moderate sized tree, looks like celtis. but the flowers are different. attaching 2 images. Thanks for taking this up again. Attaching further images of a different tree of the same type photographed today. No flowers today. Saw three or four specimens in Alagarkoil, Periaaruvi valley. Not uncommon in Alagarkoil. … specimen seems to be having stipules, whereas the specimen from Alagarkoil does not show them. Please clarify. I have received a private message that it could be Celtis cinnamomea. Your comments please. The photo matches with Celtis philippensis. There are different varieties also. Please convey my thanks to Kunhikannanji for the id. If it is C philippensis, which variety could it be? It doesn’t seem to match with var. wightii nor with philippensis. Have you closely observed the specimen, young foliage may be red; branchlets pubescent; leaves glabrous, coriaceous; 3-nerved from the base, intercostae scalariform, prominent.;flowers very minute; Fruit a Kindly help to identify this tree. I suspect this as Strychnos potatorum of Loganiaceae; common in river banks. Place: Scrub forests of Satyamangalam, Eastern Ghats. Date: 10 Dec 2009 Perhaps a species of Celtis! Please find plant ID for link below: Celtis philippensis Blanco Leaf symmetric or weakly asymmetric, and margins seem to be entire. In attached images leaves are strictly alternate in zig-zag branches, whereas in Strychnos potatorum leave are always opposite. Akala Gavi :: Celtis FOR VALIDATION :: DVFEB10/43 : 6 posts by 2 authors. 4 images. Akala Gavi … Yellapur, Karnataka Date: 25 MAY 2013 … Altitude: about 580 m asl ¿ Celtis ? Could this be some species of Celtis ? Celtis species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available) It looks like Celtis only I get a feeling this Celtis could be C. cinnamomea. Please find the plant ID for link below: Much closer to: Celtis philippensis Blanco Leaf symmetric or weakly asymmetric, margins entire. Many thanks … for resurfacing this post with … diagnosis. .
Celtis Appears close to images at Celtis philippensis Blanco
. References: The Plant List GRIN Flora of China India Biodiversity Portal (Celtis philippensis Bl. var. wightii (Planch.) Soep.) India Biodiversity Portal (Celtis philippensis Blanco) Biotik (Celtis philippensis Bl. var. wightii (Planch.) Soep.) |
Celtis philippensis
Updated on December 24, 2024