Celtis philippensis ?

494 ID wild tree: 18 high res. images.
Please ID wild tree,
Location: bloomed near Vannappuram Thodupuzha Idukki Kerala INDIA
Altitude: 1500fsl
Flower date: 31MAR2023, 10.45am
Habitat: wild moisture rocky outcrop evergreen misty sloppy canopied windy alpine
Plant habit: small tree deciduous, erect, branches, hard cylindrical stem 04 inches base circumference, rough brownish bark
Height: 04 meters
Leaves: opposite elliptic acute simple glossy wavy margins, size upto: 08×4cm
Flower: axillary spike male inflorescence, 05 petals, diameter:05mm, greenish, fragrant axillary panicle female inflorescence, 05 sepals
Fruit: drupe green sub ovoid size: 08x4mm
Camera: CANON EOS1500D +FL10x

If you have photos of leaves please post.

I have seen this tree & some idea about ID . However, without seeing the  leaves I do not want to suggest the ID.

Thank you very much for helping to ID my plant.  I am always seeing the tree with affected leaves, so try to get it next time.

seems to celtis sp.

It is identified as Celtis australis by …

ID in mind which  I wanted to suggest after checking the leaf structure etc was Celtis timorenisis. I have seen this tree in Southern India (some where in Ooty range) and also reported in Kerala plants (Flora of Kerala plants).

All the best in your exploration of  flora.

Yes, it is very close to Celtis timorenisis, thank you very much.

Unlikely to be Celtis australis as the young pinkish leaves in some of your pictures have entire margins. I think it is more in line with Celtis philippensis.

Yes, it is very close to Celtis philippensis dear …, thank you very much for ID my tree.

Sharing more images.

Leaves are elongated (size upto:14x05cm) having more than 30 alternative nerves in one side and didn’t find a match of leaves when compared with other species’ leaves.
10 high res. images.

These don’t look like the leaves of any Celtis spp. after all.

Within Cannabaceae (ex-Ulmaceae), could it belong to the genus Gironniera? It doesn’t seem to square with Aphananthe.

Thank you for your suggestions, but I am wondered of your observations. I think the sprouting images in my 4th post (from 1st image, ie. enlarged of 5th post image, it is clearly visible that the nerves are horizontally arranged) and 2nd image of 12th post are matching.  Please check collage, left is 1st image of 4th post (enlarged) and right is 2nd of 12th post, am I right?  Sharing these images again for your reference.

I presume the leaves shared by you today belong to the same tree that bore flowers/fruits in your initial posts.

In your earlier photo of the young pinkish leaf, I could notice an arching, basal vein alongside the midrib (marked in the attached images); I assumed this to be suggestive of Celtis that has leaves with 3 basal veins. There are no such basal veins in your photographs of the leaves posted today, which raises the doubt of this being any Celtis sp.

Thank you for your great response.  No need to confusing, it is a side part of another leaf just behind of the first leaf, not third mid rib. I am sure they are two leaves sticky because of sprouting.  Both male and female flowers, fruits, all are matching except leaves.

Thanks, everybody for the id.

I will go for https://efloraofindia.com/2013/09/08/celtis-philippensis/, as per keys in FoPI

I’m concerned about the leaf images posted by … on 25 October 2023, they do not match with any Celtis spp. What do you think, …?

The leaves are not matching with any Celtis sp.

I think leaves and other images posted subsequently are of some other tree.

No chance, please check the sprout leaves’ horizontal nerves are resembles to leaves in the images of posts from 25th October.  

Celtis sp. ID request #494:
Yes, it is Celtis sp. Sharing leaf images.  Hence all images posted on 25.10.2023 are of another plant.
3 images.

Updated on December 23, 2024

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