Ceropegia candelabrum var. biflora

Ceropegia candelabrum var. biflora (L.) Ansari, Fasc. Fl. India 16: 12 1984. (Syn: Ceropegia biflora L.);


TSP10OCT2015-1: Ceropegia candelabrium var biflora for validation. : 7 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (4)
Sighted this Ceropegia sp near Magadi, Bangalore rural, Karnataka, about 800 msl on 15-08-2015 in an enclosure in a scrub forest. I believe this is Ceropegia candelabrum var biflora. Kindly validate.
Habit: A twiner.

yes ceropegia candelabrum var biflora for sure

Here added some snapshots from fascicles of Flora of India 16 (1984), which will be helpful to all of you Attachments (3)

Here is Proper publication that clears that both species are distinct

1) The species is without corolla beak is ceropegia candlebrum Type – (Plate of Rheede, Hort malab, 9, 27 tab 16 (1678)
2) and the species with corolla beak is actually ceropegia biflora Type – (Plate of ceropegia 110, Hermann Herb (British Museum) Ceropegia biflora (BM000621069)
it was clear since beginning that both species are distinct. it is first publication on ceropegia in world by Carl Linnaeus. but people keep merging them and make confusions without investigating any data. Ansari in his fascicle gave varietal status to biflora without even collecting it. Roxburgh, William in his Plants of the Coast of Coromandel described the same ceropegia biflora as ceropegia tuberosa infact it is now synonym of ceropegia biflora also stevens in his (in saldhana et nicholson flora of hassan district 445 , 1976) maintains ceropegia tuberosa as distinct but actually it is ceropegia biflora which was published so many years before.
So attaching rare Photograph which produced from British Museum 
Of type of c.biflora – BM000621069 and Plate of of hortus malbalaricus C.candlebrum
Attachments (2)

Thanks …, for the interesting discussion and also for sharing the rare and beautiful illustrations

Fwd: ceropegia – indiantreepix | Google Groups : 6 posts by 1 author. Attachments (1)
This flower was found in Eastern Ghats Bakhrapet range off Tirupati in August. Is it a common Ceropegia sp. in the Eastern Ghats? What is the correct species name?

This is possibly Ceropegia candelabrum var. biflora reported from eastern India. Please provide sizes of corolla, lobes and apex along with vegetative characters for confirmation.

The whole length of the flower was 5-5.5 cm. The climber was  about 1 metre high. I didn’t get the leaves details since I was just attracted by the oddity of the flowers at that time!  … my colleague and who is in this group mentioned Ceropegia tuberosa as possible but he was also not sure. Thanks very much for the info.

Yes, the info provided by you tallies with C. candelabrum v. biflora. I will come back to you with confirmation.

I have confirmed that this is Ceropegia candelabrum v. biflora. Congrats for having located a rare one. What is the abundence of this plant?

Thanks very much. When I took this picture, if I remember correct, there were a couple of plants in that 50 sq. m. area but there should be many such suitable habitats around. This was when I was part of a BNHS bird ringing program some years ago. The Tirupathi hills and possibly much of the Eastern Ghats are comparatively less well  explored than the Western Ghats. I am aware that the Dept. of Environment has recognized the Eastern Ghats as a Biodiversity hotspot and projects submitted have a good chance of getting funded. I feel knowledgeable and committed Botanists should apply and undertake this exciting work

ARJUL59 Climber for ID- Ceropegia sp.? : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3).
Bangalore 27th July

Identified as Ceropegia candlebrum var biflora by …


TSPSEP2015-7: Ceropegia candelabrum for validation. : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)

Submitting few images of Ceropegia candelabrum (Apocynaceae) for validation. I am a bit confused reg the varieties that are treated as a distinct species.
Habit: A twining shrub.
Habitat: Dry deciduous forests.
Sighting: Shivasandra, and Devarayanadurga in Tumkur District, Karnataka about 800-900 msl
Dates: 19-10-2014 and 22-10-2014 

it is ceropegia biflora, Yes It is distinct species from Candelabrum. formerly it was treated to be variety of candelabrum but present it is distinct species. habitat of both species are different this given individual is found in dry habitat where as other candelabrum one is found in forest habitat. 

Thanks, …, What is the source (& year of its publication) which treats it as a distinct species as I didn’t find it on searching in net?
This is required for giving in references at efi site.


Presenting few images of Ceropegia candelabrum var biflora (Apocynaceae 

Habit:A twining shrub 

Habitat:Wild,dry deciduous forest 

Sighting:Near Arasikere,Karnataka,about 900 msl 


Pleasure to watch…!!

via Species‎ > ‎C‎ > Ceropegia candelabrum L. ssp. tuberosa (Roxb.) H.Huber … family: Asclepiadaceae ~ Apocynaceae
Flowers of India Discussions at efloraofindia more views in flickr more views on Google Earth
seer-oh-PEEJ-ee-uh — from the Greek keros (wax) and pege (fountain)Dave’s Botanary
kan-del-AH-brum — like a branched candlestickDave’s Botanary
too-ber-OH-suh or tew-ber-OH-suh — tuberousDave’s Botanary
commonly known as: beaked candlestick ceropegia, tuberous-rooted ceropegiaHindi: पातालतूंबी patalatumbiKannada: ಬಿತ್ತರಿಗೆ bittarige, ಜಾತಿಲಿ jathili, ಕಾಡು ಅಲಸಂದೆ kaadu alasandeMarathi: कानवेल kanvel, खापर कडु khapar kadu, पाताळ तुंबडी patala tumbdiSanskrit: भूतुम्बी bhutumbi, देवी devi, दिव्यतुम्बी divyatumbi, नागतुम्बी nagatumbi, शक्रचापसमुद्भवा shakrachapasamudbhava, वल्मीकसम्भवा valmikasambhavaTelugu: బక్కలిమండ bakkalimanda, బెల్లగడ్డ bellamgadda, లింగతాయి langatai, నిమ్మటాయ్ nimmatai, పుల్లమండ pullamanda
botanical names: Ceropegia candelabrum L. ssp. tuberosa (Roxb.) H. Huber … synonyms: Ceropegia tuberosa Roxb. • Ceropegia candelabrum L. var. biflora (L.) M.Y. Ansari … Kerala PlantsFlowers of India
Photo taken by Anurag Sharma … September 26, 2014 … Karnataka

I think correct name now should be Ceropegia candelabrum var. biflora as per the discussions herein.

seer-oh-PEEJ-ee-uh — from the Greek keros (wax) and pege (fountain) … Dave’s Botanary
kan-del-AH-brum — like a branched candlestick … Dave’s Botanary
by-FLOR-uh — with two flowers … Dave’s Botanary

commonly known as: beaked candlestick ceropegia, tuberous-rooted ceropegia • Hindi: खप्परकदू khapparkadu, पातालतूंबी patalatumbi • Kannada: ಬಚ್ಚಮಂದ bachcha manda, ಬಿತ್ತರಿಗೆ bittarige, ಜಾತಿಲಿ jathili, ಕಾಡು ಅಲಸಂದೆ kaadu alasande • Marathi: कानवेल kanvel, खापरकडु khaparkadu, परळतुंबडी paralatumbadi • Sanskrit: भूतुम्बी bhutumbi, देवी devi, दिव्यतुम्बी divyatumbi, गर्तालाबु gartalabu, नागतुम्बी nagatumbi, शक्रचापसमुद्भवा shakrachapasamudbhava, वल्मीकसम्भवा valmikasambhava • Telugu: బక్కలిమండ bakkalimanda, బెల్లగడ్డ bellamgadda, లింగతాయి langatai, నిమ్మటాయ్ nimmatai, పుల్లమండ pullamanda

botanical namesCeropegia candelabrum var. biflora (L.) Ansari … synonymsCeropegia biflora L. • Ceropegia candelabrum var. tuberosa (Roxb.) N.P.Singh • Ceropegia candelabrum subsp. tuberosa (Roxb.) H.Huber • Ceropegia tuberosa Roxb. … POWO

Bibliography / etymology

~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
beaked candlestick ceropegia
tuberous-rooted ceropegia
  • for synonym Ceropegia tuberosa Roxb. … name coined from the epithet tuberosa, meaning tuberous (normally referring to thickened root)
~~~~~ HINDI ~~~~~
खप्परकदू khapparkadu
पातालतूंबी patalatumbi
  • for synonym Ceropegia tuberosa Roxb. … ENVIS – FRLHT
  • for synonym Ceropegia tuberosa Roxb. … Indian Medicinal Plants Vol 3 by K R Kirtikar, B D Basu
  • पाताल = region under earth (underground), तूंबी = लौकी (gourd) … referring to the thickened root, in context of this species
~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~
ಬಚ್ಚಮಂದ bachcha manda
  • for synonym Ceropegia tuberosa Roxb. … ENVIS – FRLHT
  • for synonym Ceropegia tuberosa Roxb. … Mandayam Digital Library – Latin and Kannada names of indigenous and medicinal plants of Mysore by S G Narsimhachar
ಬಿತ್ತರಿಗೆ bittarige
  • for synonym Ceropegia tuberosa Roxb. … ENVIS – FRLHT
  • for synonym Ceropegia tuberosa Roxb. … Indian Medicinal Plants Vol 3 by K R Kirtikar, B D Basu
  • for synonym Ceropegia tuberosa Roxb. … Mandayam Digital Library – Latin and Kannada names of indigenous and medicinal plants of Mysore by S G Narsimhachar
ಜಾತಿಲಿ jathili
ಕಾಡು ಅಲಸಂದೆ kaadu alasande
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~
कानवेल kanvel
खापरकडु khaparkadu
परळतुंबडी paralatumbadi
~~~~~ SANSKRIT ~~~~~
भूतुम्बी bhutumbi, देवी devi, दिव्यतुम्बी divyatumbi, गर्तालाबु gartalabu, नागतुम्बी nagatumbi, शक्रचापसमुद्भवा shakrachapasamudbhava, वल्मीकसम्भवा valmikasambhava
~~~~~ TELUGU ~~~~~
బక్కలిమండ bakkalimanda, బెల్లగడ్డ bellamgadda, లింగతాయి langatai, నిమ్మటాయ్ nimmatai, పుల్లమండ pullamanda
  • for synonym Ceropegia tuberosa Roxb. … ENVIS – FRLHT
  • for synonym Ceropegia tuberosa Roxb. … Flora Andhrika – Plant Wealth of Andhra Pradesh, India
  • name variants of –
    • బక్కలిమండ bakkalimanda: బచ్చలిమండ baccalimanda, బచ్చలిమందు bachchalimandu, బచ్చలిమంగ bachhalimanga
    • పుల్లమండ pullamanda: పుల్లమండ pullamanda
~~~~~ x ~~~~~

Ceropegia tuberosa : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4)
Found near Chengleput over the hills in a Tropical dry evergreen scrub forest.

It is Ceropegia candelabrum L., not C. tuberosa

It’s the Synonym. I would like to know about it’s frequency of occurence. Is it rare? I got the seed pod of it. Do you know how to make the seeds germinate?

Thanks, … Yes, it is Ceropegia candelabrum var. biflora

Ceropegia biflora – Insects trapped : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
I found lot of insects get caught at bulb portion of flower and could not able to escape…Any reason…
Found in Chengleput. Kanchipuram district, Tamil Nadu this October.
Ceropegia candelabrum var. biflora



efi thread  Tropicos  EOL  GBIF  ITIS  The Plant List Ver.1.1  IPNI 1997 IUCN Red List of Threatened Plants By Kerry Scott Walter, Harriet J. Gillett,

Updated on December 24, 2024

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