Chamaecrista absus

Tropical Sensitive Pea • Bengali: Chaksi, Benar • Hindi: Banar, Bankultthi, Chaksi • Kannada: Adavihuli, Kaadu huliga, Kannu kutukana beeja • Malayalam: Karin-kolla • Marathi: Chamada, Kankuti, ‘Chimar’ ‘चिमार’  • Sanskrit: Arangakulitthika, aranyakulattha, Aranyakulatthika, Chaksusya, Chakshushya • Tamil: Edikkol, Karunganam, Kattukkol • Telugu: Chanupala-vittulu • Urdu: Chaksu;

images by J. M. Garg


Cassia species? : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (5)
On 31/10/09 on the outskirts of Hyderabad, A.P.

looks like Cassia absus

Thanks a lot, …
Your presence has bolstered Indiantreepix like anything.
It certainly is Cassia absus L. (current name is Chamaecrista absus (L.) H. S. Irwin & Barneby) as per links:

‘Cassia absus’  is called ‘Chimar’ ‘चिमार’ in Marathi.

Yes, the fruits looks like Cassia absus.


herb from Shahpur, Thane
18 Sep.2011

ya Cassia absus, genus now divided into 3, and this one is placed under genus Senna..

The photographs were taken at my farm at Shahpur but both … & I failed to identify it. Sending a photograph from a previous year to showcase the difference. This one was identified as such by Dr. Almeida.


ANSEPT79 Could this be Chamecrista absus? : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6).

26th September 2014
Bangalore outskirts

Looks like C. absus but in our area (Uttarakhand) flowers are yellow. This may be a natural variation.

Id151209phk1 : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)

Id please
Small herb, 6-9 inch height
at Kanakeshwar, Alibag

Cassia absus

Does not match with images at Chamaecrista absus (L.) H.S.Irwin & Barneby

Seems interesting as I did not find any match at comparative images at Senna also.

With leaflets 2 pairs it does match C absus.

Thanks, …, Does not match with images at Chamaecrista absus (L.) H.S.Irwin & Barneby

May be.. but do all images on this page match each other?

Thanks, … I will check up & let you know, if there is any deviation.

This plant is quite familiar to me. Mismatch may be only due to incomplete details seen in other pictures. Images on this post are very clear to suggest the id.

Agree. This is C. absus.
This plant (especially at Kankeshwar) is seen at the end of the monsoons (September end, October onwards) in the company of Fabaceae flowering / fruiting all around and misleads you with regard to the family itself. Often the flowers are absent or not in bloom and only fruit and leaf are available for examination, both of which can be passed off as belonging to Fabaceae (especially by amateurs / non-botanists).
One practical (observational) pointer to C. absus is that the fruit pods are facing in [four] different directions (and almost at the same level) giving a distinct impression of a ‘road signpost’.


Chamaecrista absus from Morni hills… : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5)
Here am attaching some images of Chamaecrista absus Syn.- Cassia absus taken on september2018. Id credit …!!

wonderful close ups. any size indicators?

Senna insularis : Nasik : 06OCT18 : AK – 8 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
Had seen this Senna Species on the 25th August,18 in Nasik.
Senna insularis id given by … Thanks …
Missed seeing the open flowers.

Senna insularis (Britton & Rose)H.S.Irwin & Barneby has distribution only in the Caribean as per ILDIS
To me this appears close to images at Chamaecrista absus

Thanks for the correction. I think you may be right.

Peth Kothaligad, September 2021 :: Fabaceae 4 for ID :: ARK2022-005: 4 images.

This was clicked at Peth Kothaligad hill fort near Karjat, MH in September 2021.
Requested to please ID.

Chamaecrista absus (L.) H.S.Irwin & Barneby [Fabaceae].

I too agree with …



Fabaceae: Chamaecrista absus (L.) H.S.Irwin & Barneby: 1 high res. image.

synonym: Cassia absus L.
location/date:Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, October 1994


Updated on December 24, 2024

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