Cichorium intybus L., Sp. Pl. 813 1753. (Syn: Cichorium balearicum Porta; Cichorium byzantinum Clem.; Cichorium caeruleum Gilib.; Cichorium cicorea Dumort.; Cichorium commune Pall.; Cichorium cosnia Buch.-Ham.; Cichorium divaricatum Heldr. ex Nyman; Cichorium glabratum C.Presl; Cichorium glaucum Hoffmanns. & Link; Cichorium hirsutum Gren.; Cichorium officinale Gueldenst. ex Ledeb.; Cichorium perenne Stokes; Cichorium rigidum Salisb.; Cichorium sylvestre Garsault; Cichorium sylvestre (Tourn.) Lam. ..); . Chicory, Blue sailors, Succory, Coffeeweed • Hindi: कासनी Kasni, Hinduba • Marathi: kachani • Malayalam: chikkari • Telugu: kasini, kasini-vittulu • Kannada: chikory • Urdu: kasni, tukme-e-kasni, barg-e-kasni • Sanskrit: कासनी Kasni; . Leaves lanceolate, elliptic, or oblanceolate and either pinnatifid or dentate. The upper stems terminate in long inflorescences that are either spike-like, or they are open branching panicles. The petaloid rays of these florets are light blue, fading to white; there are 5 tiny teeth at the tip of each petaloid ray. Toward the center of each flowerhead, there are several light blue stamens with blue anthers. The pappus scales do occur in Cichorium but they are very minute. In C. intybus they are 1/8 to 1/10 as long as achene according to Bailey Manual….(that goes perfect with Flora of China achene 2-3 mm, pappus 0.2-0.3 mm). In C. endivia they are slightly longer 1/6 to 1/4 of achene length. In C. endivia, the plant is totally glabrous with much more softer leaves (having seen the plant in California stores.). The species C. endivia , inspite of variation in cultivars is supposed to be totally glabrous, whereas C. intybus bristly hairy . Cichorium intybus from My fields Lohari Panipat nice photo hopefully Cichorium intybus is an european weed Good catch, … We used to collect a lot (and even cook as vegetable) in Kashmir. Never found it in Delhi. It is a noxious weed here. if needed i may try to send some seeds of it I wish you had coffee plantation around. Coffee and chicory go together, even if latter as an adulterant. i have seen only 2 coffee plants here in haryana in Kurukshetra University botanical Garden. Kasni is a very Common unwanted weed in Barseem (T alexandrium) fields. we always try to remove all kasni plants before leaving barseem crops for seed maturation. All the commercial coffee brands sold in market has chicory mixed with it, I have seen in the ingredient list at the back of the packet. Anyways who you used to eat this plant in Kashmir Cooked?? In Gujarat, Specially in north gujarat this is one of the best fodder for livestick for increase milk production. (Gujarati name : Chikori) Locals in Kashmir used to pluck (rather cut with knife under the rosette of leaves: when plant is young with no aerial stem emerged) young plants of Chicory (batti), Taraxacum (hand), Capsella bursa-pastoris (don’t remember local name now), and a few more and cook them as delicious vegetable. This I remember 55-60 years back. Is there any medicinal value in Chicory? Please visit this link for my work, although Google has yet not completed indexing. Cichorium intybus from Kashmir, growing as weed along roadsides, gardens, cultivated fields. We used to cook young leaves as vegetable along with Capsella, Taraxacum, etc. little knowing then that in other areas the dried and roasted roots are used for blending coffee. Also used in homoeopathy for liver and gall ailments. Photographed from Pampore karewas on June 20, 2010. Common names: English: Chicory, Wild endive Hindi: Kasni, Kashni This the Chicory you were referring long ago when … posted its photo from Lohari, Panipat. You also referred your childhood memory regarding this plant. Thanks for nice pictures about Kasni, most frequently used in Unani system of medicine. In my state it reached through fodder crop seeds and now present as weed. Here is Google link for my work on this herb Beautiful shots and colour of this plant Sir. Thanks for sharing and also for the info. of all the uses. Thanks … for sharing this plant. This plant is found along roadsides especially in south of germany. It is a pioneer plant. German name Wegwarte = waiting along the roadside. In 2009 it was the flower of the year in Germany. This action was introduced in 1979 by Ms. Loki (Hannelore) Schmidt, a botanist and wife of the old chancellor Mr. Helmut Schmidt in order to make people aware of an endangered flower. In the meanwhile we have a Tree of the year, Butterfly of the year, Bird of the year etc. I find this action worth emulating. Yes, …, the young leaves are cooked as vegetable here too. Old people tell that the dried roots were roasted to make coffee, especially after the war, when food was in general difficult to get. It was called “Mukafuk” Even today small kids get “Mukafuk” to drink, as coffee is not good for them. There are many leagends aroung this plant. The Blaue Blume is a symbol of romanticism and there are many folksongs about this Blaue Blume. Wiki says: It stands for desire, love, and the metaphysical striving for the infinite and unreachable. It was also believed to be able to open locked doors, so to say sesame. Was very happy to see the fotos, as in north of germany, where i live, i don’t see it any more. Thanks Thanks … for all useful information. It is good to see this Group evolving into a forum of great information exchange and not mere place to get plants identified. The involvement of members, their dedication and and mutual respect is amazing. “HAIL EFLORAOFINDIA”. Thanks … for creating this forum for us. . Fruits & Vegetables Week: Cichorium intybus, the Radicchio: Cichorium intybus, generally comes in two forms, the chichory (Zichorie) with pale yellow heads: The second in California stores is Radicchio with red and white heads, used in salads and garnishing. Cichorium intybus from Kashmir: Cichorium intybus, the chicory plant often mixed with Coffee powder, growing wild in Kashmir Nice Sir. Very beautiful weed in the fields of Trifolium alexandrium, as cattles do not like it . Called as Kasni in our area
To mee it looks like Cichorium intybus Yes …, you are right
Nice Pics. This plant is a common weed in different fodder crops of winter in North India. Common Name is Kasani ASTERACEAE Fortnight Part-I Radiate Heads May 1-14: Cichorium entybus from Uttarakhand_DSR_17 : Attachments (1). 3 posts by 3 authors. Cichorium entybus L. is a weed here in Pantnagar. It produces beautiful axillary heads during May. minor correction, Cinchorium intybus Asteraceae Week (Part I – Radiate heads) :: Cichorium intybus from Kashmir:: PKA16::: : Attachments (6). 5 posts by 4 authors. Seen this herb on the way to Srinagar from Sonmarg. Family: Asteraceae Bot. name: Cichorium intybus Date/Time: 23-09-2011 / 10:00AM Habitat: Wild Plant habit: Herb. Flower size around 3 cm across. Yes … Very good photographs. Beautiful photographs. Is this the plant from which chicory is obtained? Yes … ASTERACEAE Fortnight Part 3-Ligulate Heads: Cichorium intybus from Uttarakhand_DSR_2 : Attachments (3). 1 post by 1 author. Cichorium L. genus is represented in India by two species (C. endivia and C.intybus). C.intybus L. occurs in Pantnagar as a weed in spring and early summer. Asteraceae Fortnight Part 3-Ligulate Heads (and Misc.): Cichorium intybus from Great Lakes, Illinois, SC 04 : Attachments (3). 1 post by 1 author. Cichorium intybus or common chicory. Asteraceae Fortnight Part 3-Ligulate heads (plus Misc.): Cichorium intybus from Kashmir’-GS7 : Attachments (3). 1 post by 1 author. Cichorium intybus from Kashmir, growing as weed along roadsides, gardens, cultivated fields. We used to cook young leaves as vegetable along with Capsella, Taraxacum, etc. little knowing then that in other areas the dried and roasted roots are used for blending coffee. Also used in homoeopathy for liver and gall ailments. Photographed from Pampore karewas on June 20, 2010. Common names: English: Chicory, Wild endive Hindi: Kasni, Kashni Asteraceae Fortnight Part 3-Ligulate heads (plus Misc.): Cichorium intybus ‘Radcchio’ from California-GS9 : Attachments (2). 1 post by 1 author. Cichorium intybus ‘Radicchio’ Sold in California markets with heads similar to red cabbage but less compact and with white regions along midrib and veins. Asteraceae Fortnight Part 3-Ligulate Heads: Cichorium intybus from Panipat and Kaithal-NS 4 : Attachments (8). 5 posts by 4 authors. This semi-erect herb is a weed in our area, often grows with forage crop.. the chicory, Cichorium intybus L. shot from Panipat and Kaithal in May and June.. Asteraceae Fortnight Part 3-Ligulate heads (plus Misc.): Cichorium endivia from Delhi Please Validate’-GS8 : Attachments (3). 4 posts by 2 authors. I knew Cichorium endivia only as cultivated leafy vegetable in California (uploaded by me separately) but after … identified a plant similar to C. intybus as C. endivia, compelled me to look up on the net. I suspected only! As per Flora of India Vol-12 the keys for differentiation is: Peduncle of terminal head conspicuously thickened; pappus scale 5-20 mm long……………..C.endivia Peduncle of terminal head not or slightly thickened at apex; pappus scale 4-5 mm long …….C.intybus The note in this account states- ‘A native of Mediterranean region. Rarely found as weed in cultivated fields. Often cultivated as an ornamenal in some parts of India. Supposed to be a cultivated form of C.intybus, with which it has got strong similarities.’ Contrary to the diagram given in above flora the achene (cypsela) does not have any pappus, rather a rim is present in the specimens I have studied here in Pantnagar. If this is really the key given in Flora of India, it is highly misleading. The pappus scales do occur in Cichorium but they are very minute. In C. intybus they are 1/8 to 1/10 as long as achene according to Bailey Manual….(that goes perfect with Flora of China achene 2-3 mm, pappus 0.2-0.3 mm). In C. endivia they are slightly longer 1/6 to 1/4 of achene length. MY Delhi plant, now I feel may also be C. intybus and not C. endivia in which plant is totally glabrous with much more softer leaves (having seen the plant in California stores.). The species C. endivia , inspite of variation in cultivars is supposed to be totally glabrous, whereas C. intybus bristly hairy as I find in both my Kashmir and Delhi plants. Not only the key but diagram is also misleading in showing pappus as long hairy rather than scale like. Attaching two imp sources. Asteraceae Fortnight Part 3-Ligulate heads (plus Misc.): Cichorium intybus at Kashmir :: PKA5:: : Attachments (6). 2 posts by 2 authors. Seen this herb on the way to Srinagar from Sonmarg. Yes … Very good photographs. Plant for ID-PC-04-13.08.2015 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6) please identify the plant in picture. The plant was growing wild near the car park at the Art Museum, Warsaw. chikory, a common weed Yes, I agree with … Cichorium intybus…!!
Or it could be Lactuca Species? Yes it is Thanks for validating Cichorium intybus. Hope you will go through my other posts when time permits. . Need help with tiny purple flower id from MP: 2 images. Bhopal 17/4/2021 Lactuca ? Habitat image? Check with Cichorium intybus I concur with … ID. More chances with C.intybus . . Srinagar, August 2022 :: Lactuca (?) for ID :: ARK2022-119: Basal leaf images ?? Pl. check I thought it to be Lactuca dolichophylla based on the some of the liner leaves seen in pic 3. But was not sure. If I click on the link provided by you, it takes me to a malicious site which is blocked by the Anti Virus system. However, if I select the text and put it in the address bar of the browser, it takes me to the trusted eFI page. Have you or anyone else encountered such behaviour? I think it is Cichorium intybus only. Notice stiff branches typical of this species. I agree with …, as per images at Cichorium intybus L. . Need purple flower ID: 4 images. Black soil 21/4/2023 Cichorium intybus L. ! Yes, appears close to images at . Cichorium intybus: 1 image. Location: Rajouri j and k The two beautiful curled styles are characteristic. . Please Help ID this plant with an unusual inflorescence: 8 images- 2 high res. Kindly help ID this herb with a peculiar inflorescence. Habitat: Edge of lawn in Rawathpora Srinagar Habit: Herb. There is a rosette of basal leaves 15-18 cm long, lanceolate with winged petioles. Inflorescences borne on 18-20 cm long erect branches at the end of 10cm long pedicels., Inflorescence has an involucre of two whorls of bracts. Outer whorl has six dark green bracts 1cm long and 4mm wide. Inner whorl has about 8 light green bracts 2mm wide. The striking thing about the inflorescence is that it has 7 pentagonal flowers 1 mm dia with a red spot in center, Anthers are not visible. The red spot could be the stigma. Flowers have transparent colorless tepals (?) about 0.2mm long (Seen more clearly in photos of LS (Longitudinal sections) of inflorescences. All photos taken on 25th or 26th of July All photos under CC-BY license (Only Attribution needed) Asteraceae?? The inflorescences looks like a capitula but I can make out neither ray florets nor disc florets. Just a red dot in the center. Maybe the tiny tepal looking structures are ray florets Would request opinion of experts for its ID There are not 7 but 15 flower like structures with red centers in photoCLOSEUP 2.If each of these is a capitulum then it should qualify in records as the smallest capitulum! One more photo: Photo of immature flower. Only 5 bracts of the outermost whorl are spread out. c.f photos of mature flowers posted earlier. Photo taken today 1August. Succisa?
I am at a loss to understand what caused the profound change in the development of earlier flowers, Could be some environmental pollutant? It would, I think, be of much interest to students of gene expression during flower development. Cichorium intybusis called Handi Posh in Kashmiri and Kasni in Urdu and is said to have anti inflammatory and diuretic properties. 4 images Yes, I agree as per images at
. References: |
Cichorium intybus
Updated on December 24, 2024