Cissus quadrangularis L., Syst. Nat. ed. 12 2: 124 1767. (Cissus bifida Schumach. & Thonn.; Cissus edulis Dalzell; Cissus quadrangula L.; Cissus quadrangula Salisb.; Cissus succulenta (Galpin) Burtt-Davy; Cissus tetragona Harv.; Cissus tetraptera Hook.f.; Cissus triandra Schumach. & Thonn.; Vitis quadrangularis (L.) Wall. ex Wight & Arn.; Vitis quadrangularis (L.) Morales; Vitis quadrangularis (L.) Wall. ex Wight; Vitis succulenta Galpin); Rambling, succulent, glabrous, deciduous shrubs; stem 4-angular, winged or ridged at angles, constricted at nodes; tendril simple. Leaves simple, entire or 3-lobed, 2-5 x 2-5 cm, ovate-suborbicular or subreniform, base truncate, margin distantly spinulose-crenate, apex obtuse, thick-coriaceous; petiole to 1 cm long. Flowers in leaf-opposed, peduncled, umbellate cymes. Calyx-tube obscurely 4-lobed, c. 2 mm long, reddish. Petals c. 2.5 mm long, ovate, acute, greenish-yellow, recurved. Stamens 4; filaments to 2 cm long; anthers yellow. Disk 4-lobed, yellow. Ovary c. 1mm long, 2-celled; ovules 2 per cell. Berry c. 7 mm across, subglobose. Seeds black, smooth. Flowering and fruiting: June-January
Dry deciduous forests, also in the plains
Widespread in the drier parts of Africa, Arabia and Indo-Malesia
(Attributions- Dr. N Sasidharan (Dr. B P Pal Fellow), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi from India Biodiversity Portal)
TSPNOV2015-74-118-Cissus quadrangularis (Vitaceae) : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6) It is my pleasure to share few images of Cissus quadrangularis (Vitaceae ) Habit: Climbing, succulent shrub Habitat: Wild, Scrub forest Sighting: Tumkur, Karnataka, about 800 msl Date: 16-07-2014, 02-03-2015 and 16-11-2015 I know this plant. i had it growing in my back yard in kolkata for several seasons.
it grew gregariously but never bloomed as much as in the wild. wonder why I believe, just like animals, plants do need a fair no. of their own kind, above critical levels, to show up their true characters say blooming. Not sure…! How nice! The succulent branches are enough to identify this plant. Cissus species for ID : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6) Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh.
980m (Aprox),
Cultivated in Botanical Garden,
Stem cylindrical to quadrangular.
Is it not cissus quadrangularis?
to me also it appears close to images at efi page on Cissus quadrangularis Fruits and vegetables week- MS010511 – 3:
Photo taken during 2006. Location : My residence in Adyar, Chennai. Cissus quadrangularis.
Family vitaceae.
The stem used for the preparation of chutneys/ other culinaries in Southern India .
Tamil name : Perandae. – This plant have immense medicinal use called harjora in Bengali link for medicinal uses – – Here are mine from Delhi grown at Herbal Garden in Punjabi Bagh . help about this flora Cissus quadrangularis THREE DHAR (TRIDHARI): VERY GOOD & HELPFUL YOUR WEBSITE LINK THANK YOU,
Cissus quadrangularis Linn. is known as Nalleru and Vajra valli in Telugu districts of Cormandel where both Dr Koenig and Roxburg worked -Father of Indian Science and Botany respectively. Coromandel Plants is first book in India. I mentioned it in Ex Flora Simhachalam. Best book on Aurveda in Sanscrit sloka with telugu meaning from Rajahmandry by great pharmacist of india Sripad Subrahmanya Sastry 1947 gives all compositions of Ayurvedic med known in India =A copy is now with Sri G S Raju, former y Dir Genl Telecom Res govt India asociated with medicinal pls. Dr Satyavati former Dir, ICMR is also now in Bangalore All other books like wallich-wight etc are after 1820 only as printing press is at Serampore. FIRST THING is Dr Paramjit Singh present Director Botnical Survey is authority on VITACEAE . There two wild grapes CIssus pallida Wt and another Imentioned in Nehru Zool Park 20 yrs ago. Indian plants were studied by Europeans 500 yrs ago. An English Index to Plants off India by H.PIDIDINGTON must be consulted by all interested in originals. Indians should know that Sir Charles Wilkins who studied Sancrit in India and Prof at Oxford was advisor to East indan Company 1670 or so.-… FLS(London) Rtd Director, National Herbarium-Dr Roxburgh took one Sharma from Rajahmandry to make drawings and give uses of plants in 2nd ad 3rd vols. Very recently some one came from Edinburgh to Samlkota .. One excellent book USEFUL PLANTS OF PHILIPPINES by W,Brown1953 with all asian names and illustrations (3 vols) one copy at Calcutta Gdn 2nd? is very helpful. Spice Islands are Java, Sumatra, Borneo etc with Hinduism, Ramayana -Bharata etc. These islands keep old traditions even today but we white collared Angrez! prone tocopying only.. cissus quadrangularis other forms flat stemmed and round stemmed : Attachments (4). 2 posts by 2 authors.
In Siddha system of medicine 7 forms or variants of Cissus quadrangularis is mentioned. I got two forms. These photos are from my PhD thesis along with TS of the stem to show the number of sides. . Cissus quadrangularis other two forms : Attachments (4). 2 posts by 2 authors.
Siddha system of medicine described 7 forms or variants of Cissus quadrangularis. I know two forms. Plant Identification : 4 posts by 4 authors.
Date/Time- 15/04/2014, 2:15:28 PM
Location- Baramati, Dist- Pune. Maharashtra Habitat– Garden. Currently it is in my home garden. I dont know its true habitat, It might have come along with other plants. I found it growing so I planted it in pot in black cotton soil. Plant Habit– not sure. it has a tendril growing from internode, the stem is rectangular, green, smooth and herbaceous. Height– it hailed here on 9 march, 2014 so the plant was badly injured, you can see it is bruised. currently the plant height is 1 foot, I don’t know its growing potential. old branching pattern is visible at first node. Leaves Type- Please find in attached image Inflorescence Type/ Size- Never saw since i planted. I was curious to find the root pattern and with intention to multiply it; I dug and found rhizome image no. 6. If i m wrong in description part please understand that i’m a pseudo botanist and refer the images. Apologies! Cissus quadrangularis! This is Cissus quadrangularis (Vitaceae). Chutney made out of its stem is very tasty. I had three forms of this plant, still might be available with Tamil University Herbal Garden. One is normal with exerted corners. Second is blunted corners, somewhat cylindrical. Third form is two sided flat stemmed. In this third form few inter nodes are three sided. If needed to anyone, I can upload the images Succulent for ID Tiruvannamalei, Tamil Nadu NAW-OCT-09 : 9 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (5).
Kindly identify this succulent climber photographed on the Aruanachala hill reserve forest, Tiruvannamalei, Tamil Nadu in September 2014.
Fleshy stems about 1.5-2 cm thick. The 3rd picture possibly shows a curled new leaf.
Nice photos … Looks like Cissus quadrangularis ( பிரண்டை). Yes Cissus quadrangularis, I get the leaves but my specimen has never developed the flowers or fruits. In Bengal and Bihar known as Had-joda, has bio-available reagents in the stem.
nice to see them here, thanks It’s called Pirandai in Tamil and the tender shoots can make for some interesting chutney if properly treated. If the plant is near you, you might want to give it a shot. (simply google Pirandai chutney recipe). Thank you, will definitely try the chutney. i did and found a nic Utube video, I did not understand her speaking, but enjoyed the process, she had this to write at the bottom of her video: I quote : ‘” Published on Dec 20, 2012
Pirandai Thuvaiyal / Pirandai Thugayal / ADAMANT CREEPER CHUTNEY( ADAMANT CREEPER also called Asthisonhara, vajravalli , hadjod, hadjora, harsankari, hasjora, harbhanga, haudhari, kandavela, chadhuri; vedhari, nalleru, pirandai, mangaroli ) which is tasty and also healthy recipe/ good for bones, gastric problems, appetizer. One of best siddha and ayurvedic medicated natural recipe. This is an alternate medicine for gastric problem. This is very old traditional recipe and marunthu ( medicine ) made in indian homes, this is one of best variety of chutney. ” end quote… url is
i found one of the synonyms very interesting and I think quite apt… ADAMANT CREEPR…. unless one forgets to water it in high summer heat it lives happily in the pot for me.. and often over grows…
secondly if you understand her language can you tell me what did she add at 1:26 to 1:32 into the video, small amount of whitish beige type powder???
It really is an apt name! I love that quality of the plant, independent and strong. Thanks …: Our recipe is a little loose on account of all of us being quite the experimenters in the kitchen! Here is my estimate of the quantities. Feel free to change it to suit your tastes. The only key point is to make sure you cook the Pirandai well.
To pick your Pirandai, take only the top few, bright green pieces of the stem, the tender ones. Remove the 4 edges of the stem and chop into 1cm cubes. I’m going to assume you are using about 12 pieces of it like you said. It sometimes starts to irritate your fingers when you cut it; try not to let too much raw juice coat your fingers.
In a tawa, add a little oil, and fry two spoons each of urad dal and Bengal Gram Dal. Add Red chilli and tamarind to taste. Add Hing to taste. Once they are done, remove from tawa to cool. Heat a little more oil and saute the Pirandai pieces until pale green. (keep it till it’s slightly paler than what was shown in the video). Cool and grind it all together with about half a coconut. Add salt to taste and season with just mustard fried in a little oil, and it’s done. Hope you enjoy the chutney you make. Feel free to add things or remove them as you choose. Like I said, the only requirement for the dish to be edible is the cooking of the vegetable. Otherwise, the tastes are all changeable. Amma has put together an interesting little ebook on traditional recipes that she likes giving out to anyone interested. If you would like to read it, do download it from this link: (You would need to fill in the form on the right side bar.) Thanks … I wonder if the cooked chutney will retain its bone healing properties… regardless I will certainly try it. Names of Plants in India :: Cissus quadrangularis L. : 4 posts by 3 authors. 1 image.
via Species > C > Cissus quadrangularis L. … family: Vitaceae
The Gujarati name of this plant would be spelt as હાડસાંકળ (not હડસાંકળ). The Sanskrit name અસ્થિશૃંખલા is also used in Gujarati. Thank you very much … for pointing to the correct spelling, and for another name derived from Sanskrit. Will add them to my notes soon. Update: Names update:
• Kachchhi: સાંધાવલ sandhaval
KISS-us or SISS-us — Latin name for ivy … Dave’s Botanary commonly known as: adamant creeper, bone setter, devil’s backbone, edible stemmed vine, square-stalked vine, veldt grape, winged treebine • Assamese: হাড়-ঘুনুচা hara-ghunuca, হাড়জোৰা লতা harajoraa-lata • Bengali: হাড়জোড়া harajora • Dogri: हड्ड-जोड haddjod • Gujarati: અસ્થિશૃંખલા asthisrnkhala, ચોધારી chodhari, હાડસાંકળ hadasankal,કાંડવેલ kandavel • Hindi: अस्थिभंग asthibhanga, हड़जोड़ा harajora • Kachchhi: સાંધાવલ sandhaval • Kannada: ಅಸ್ಥಿಸಂಹಾರ asthisanhara, ಬಕ್ಕುಡಿ bakkudi, ಮಂಗರವಲ್ಲಿ mangaravalli, ಸಂದುಬಳ್ಳಿ sanduballi, ವಜ್ರವಲ್ಲಿ vajravalli • Konkani: कांडवेल kandavel, म्हसवेल mhasvel, ಸಂದ್ ಬಳ್ಳಿ sandu balli • Malayalam: ചങ്ങലംപരണ്ട changalamparanda • Marathi: घणसवेल ghanasvel, घोणसकांडें ghonuskande, कांडवेल kandavel, म्हसवेल mhasvel • Odia: ଅସ୍ଥିଭଙ୍ଗ asthibhanga, ହାଡ଼ଭଙ୍ଗା harabhanga • Sanskrit: अस्थिभङ्ग asthibhanga, अस्थिसंहार asthisamhara, अस्थियुज् asthiyuj, चतुर्धारिन् chaturdharin, चित्रकाण्डाली chitrakandali, काण्डलता kandalata, सिरालक siralaka, वज्रवल्लि vajravalli • Santali: ᱠᱟᱢᱨᱟᱡᱽ kamraj • Tamil: அருகணி arukani, கிருட்டி kirutti, பிரண்டை pirantai, வச்சிரவல்லி vaccira-valli • Telugu: గుడమతీగ gudametige, నల్లేరు nalleru, వజ్రవల్లి vajravalli • Tulu: ಸಂದ್ ಬೂರು sandu booru • Urdu: هڙجوڙا harjora botanical names: Cissus quadrangularis L. … synonyms: Saelanthus quadragonus (L.) Forssk. ex J.F.Gmel. • Vitis quadrangularis (L.) Wall. ex Wight … and some accepted infraspecifics at POWO Bibliography / etymology ~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
adamant creeper, devil’s backbone, veld grape
bone setter
edible stemmed vine
veldt grape, winged treebine
square-stalked vine
~~~~~ ASSAMESE ~~~~~
হাড়-ঘুনুচা hara-ghunuca, হাড়জোৰা লতা harajoraa-lata
~~~~~ BENGALI ~~~~~
হাড়জোড়া harajora
~~~~~ DOGRI ~~~~~
हड्ड-जोड haddjod
~~~~~ GUJARATI ~~~~~
અસ્થિશૃંખલા asthisrnkhala, હાડસાંકળ hadasankal
ચોધારી chodhari,કાંડવેલ kandavel
~~~~~ HINDI ~~~~~
अस्थिभंग asthibhanga, हड़जोड़ा harajora
~~~~~ KACHCHHI ~~~~~
સાંધાવલ sandhaval (or સાંધીયાવલ sandhiyaval)
~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~
ಅಸ್ಥಿಸಂಹಾರ asthisanhara
ಬಕ್ಕುಡಿ bakkudi
ಮಂಗರವಲ್ಲಿ mangaravalli
ಸಂದುಬಳ್ಳಿ sanduballi
ವಜ್ರವಲ್ಲಿ vajravalli
~~~~~ KONKANI ~~~~~
कांडवेल kandavel, म्हसवेल mhasvel
ಸಂದ್ ಬಳ್ಳಿ sandu balli
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~
ചങ്ങലംപരണ്ട changalamparanda
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~
घणसवेल ghanasvel
घोणसकांडें ghonuskande
कांडवेल kandavel
म्हसवेल mhasvel
~~~~~ ODIA ~~~~~
ଅସ୍ଥିଭଙ୍ଗ asthibhanga, ହାଡ଼ ଭଙ୍ଗା harda bhanga
~~~~~ SANSKRIT ~~~~~
अस्थिभङ्ग asthibhanga, चतुर्धारिन् chaturdharin, चित्रकाण्डाली chitrakandali
अस्थिसंहार asthisamhara
अस्थियुज् asthiyuj, सिरालक siralaka
काण्डलता kandalata, वज्रवल्लि vajravalli
~~~~~ SANTALI ~~~~~
ᱠᱟᱢᱨᱟᱡᱽ kamraj
~~~~~ TAMIL ~~~~~
அருகணி arukani, கிருட்டி kirutti, பிரண்டை pirantai, வச்சிரவல்லி vaccira-valli
~~~~~ TELUGU ~~~~~
గుడమతీగ gudametige, నల్లేరు nalleru, వజ్రవల్లి vajravalli
~~~~~ TULU ~~~~~
ಸಂದ್ ಬೂರು sandu booru
~~~~~ URDU ~~~~~
هڙجوڙا harjora
~~~~~ x ~~~~~
Names compiled / updated at There is no Nepali name so far ! Cissus quadrangularis at Khajuraho :: 14 SEP 13 :: DV : 9 images. 9 posts by 7 authors Date / Time: 14 SEP 13 at 05:55 PM … Altitude: about 750 ft asl
Cissus quadrangularis L. … (family: Vitaceae)
posting some of the plants sighted last week during my holidays in MP. This plant was found growing profusely at one end of eastern group of Khajuraho monuments’ premises. I know it is difficult to digest the words Cissus quadrangularis and Khajuraho together !! Please bear. Adding a few pictures of the magnificent temples that I saw.
Good pictures. Many thanks all for the appreciation; … eager to see the other forms of this plant. . Nepali name for Cissus quadrangularis : 6 posts by 4 authors.
Please help with local name for Cissus quadrangularis, if any.
No luck this time too …!
Hadjod… called commonly …as it’s an excellent Bone fixer ..
Cissus quadrangularis, : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
Cissus quadrangularis,
Chinnar WLS, Idukki district in Kerala
this falls in the rain shadow area of the Nilgiris
Cissus quadrangularis
Family : Vitaceae
Place : Jhargram , West Bengal , India
Date : 21 January 2019
Cissus quadrangularis (Veldt Grape or Devil’s Backbone) – indiantreepix | Google Groups
an unusual exhibit – efloraofindia | Google Groups Fwd: Cissus Quadriangularis – efloraofindia | Google Groups Cissus Quadriangularis: 090310-AK-2 : Attachments (1). 11 posts by 6 authors.
Again this creeper was discussed earlier…. adding my picture showing the leaves.
Taken at Jijamata Udyan, Mumbai on the 11th of July, 2008. In tamil it is called “Perandai” and it is not only used to make chutney but is also used as a ingredient in Ayurveda to bind the fractures. This plant is Cissus quadrangularis Linn [Syn: Vitis quadrangularis Wall. ex Wt & arn.] from the family Vitaceae. In Bengal it is locally known as Harjora or harbhanja [the plant that cures fractured bones]. The plant in your photo is not C quadrangularis but its name is Cissus subtetragona Planchon in A. Candolle & C. Candolle.
Description of the plant in provided below please match with the plant photo or profile.
Branchlets nearly terete, upper part nearly square in cross-section, longitudinal ridges inconspicuous, glabrous; tendrils unbranched. Leaves simple; stipules caducous; petiole 0.8-3.5 cm, glabrous; leaf blade oblong or triangular-oblong, 6-19 × 2-7 cm, glabrous, basal veins 3, lateral veins 4-6 pairs, veinlets inconspicuous, base nearly truncate, margin with 5-11 fine teeth on each side, apex acuminate or mucronate. Compound dichasium terminal or leaf-opposed; peduncle 1-3 cm, glabrous or with sparse papillary hairs. Pedicel 3-10 cm, nearly glabrous. Buds conical-elliptic, 3-4 mm, apex obtuse. Calyx entire. Petals triangular-oblong, 2-3 mm, glabrous. Anthers ovoid-elliptic. Lower part of ovary adnate to disk; style conical; stigma slightly expanded. Berry 0.8-1.2 cm in diam., 1-seeded. Seed surface smooth, raphe raised, ventral holes very short at base. Thanks …, for pointing out the discrepancy in Chitrakoot plant, and … for resolving its identity. …y, I am becoming a fan of you. Keep it up. Thank you … for you humble compliment and the truth is that I am your fan. Yes it feels really nice to spend time here in this group not only identification of plants are important out here but also rejuvenation of mind with new information about plant life in most interesting part of the group. At every moment I always get to see new plants from India and around , it’s not always possible for me identify all of them disclosing the fact that I am too young and lack experience to remember the complete flora of India which has one of the largest biodiversity among the plant kingdom in the world with nearly 10 hot spot zones. I try my best to contribute from my side and learn from more mature, experienced and hardcore taxonomist and plant lovers out here. This is all what I wanted, I am happy and feel good at the end of the day when I get hold of some IDs correct. I will always thank Dinesh Ji who introduced me to this group without his introduction it would have been impossible for me to gather so much new knowledge about plant under a single roof better to say in a single click of a button. Cissus subtetragona is added as adulterant to Cissus quadrangularis and considered inferior in terms of medicinal properties by traders. But for the Healers both species are important. This is Cissus quadrangularis only as per cissus quadrangularis other forms flat stemmed and round stemmed
Does not match with Cissus subtetragona Planchon as per FOC illustration FPCN GBIF I think you’re right … Old stems become obese, regularly observed !
I suppose Cissus repens I would like to correct Cissus repanda. The following key should help in settling issue
Not sure what the plant in question here is, but am sending a few photographs of a young plant of Cissus repanda for comparison. The photographs were taken at my farm at Shahapur. As you may be aware, Cissus quadrangularis also has cylindrical and flattened stems (perhaps under cultivation?) in addition to the normal 4-angled stems. On closer inspection, I find that the cross-section is cylindrical and almost square in parts with one section having a fluted side. I find no resmblance to … pics of C. repanda. leaf here does look like Cissus quadrangularis L.
and google search does say that flat stem, round stem and quadrangular stem variants area available, though I have seen just the quadrangular one which we have in our garden. This also never flowers and supposed to be highly medicinal. Cissus quadriangularis is supposed to have succulent stems, constricted nodes and simple tendrils, which I don’t see in above plant. Perhaps this paper should help
Cissus quadrangularis Better Photo will help. This seems like Pirendai common name in Tamil. . MS/ID/OCTOBER/2020/2 – ID of the plant Cissus quadrangularis : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
Please ID the plant photographed. There are two different types of leaves. Are they same or sub species. Photographed in Chennai One more photo is sent herewith. Cissus quadrangularis . Nepali name(s) of Cissus quadrangularis L.: No nepali name for this sp. .
I need this plant:
Pl see the mage below for 4 stripped one Its a veldt grape
As i need 3 stripped one
Can anyone give details pl
What do you mean by “As I need 3 stripped one. Can anyone give details pl”?
. References:
Cissus quadrangularis
Updated on December 24, 2024