Coleus scaber

Coleus scaber (Benth.) A.J.Paton, PhytoKeys 129: 91 (2019) (syn: Anisochilus scaber Benth.);
S. India as per POWO;
Endemic to India: Kerala, Tamil Nadu as per BSI Flora of India Checklist;

Herbs, stem woody at base and rooting at lower nodes. Leaves oblong, obtuse, base truncate or obtuse, densely hoary tomentose, crenate-serrate, to 5 x 3 cm. Spikes solitary or 3, oblong, the middle one larger, to 4 x 1.2 cm. Calyx tubular, 4 mm long, puberulous. Corolla purple, throat very villous. Filaments glabrous. Seeds ovoid, dark brown, shining.
Flowering and fruiting: September-December
Rocky areas in moist deciduous forests
(Attributions: Dr. N Sasidharan (Dr. B P Pal Fellow), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi as per India Biodiversity Portal)

371 ID wild plant Coleus:
Please ID wild Coleus,
Location: near Vannappuram, Thodupuzha, Idukki Dist., Kerala PIN:685607
Altitude: 1500fsl
Flower date: 21SEP2022, 04.50pm
Habitat: wild moisture, rocky misty hill, sunlight, wind
Plant habit: creeping, branches, cylindrical weak silver stem 12mm base diameter, quadrangular purplish young stem, hairy, annual
Height: 01 feet
Leaves: opposite, ovate, serrated margins, purplish, hairy, simple fleshy, size:08×5cm, 02.5mm thickness
Flower: terminal cone shaped racemose, clustered, erected lengthy peduncle, size:08x04mm, violet, non fragrant
Camera: CANON EOS1500D +FL10x

Coleus strobilifer (Roxb.) A.J.Paton

Yes, it is Coleus strobilifer, thank you very much for ID my plant

Looks different as per images at
Pl. check (But FoPI and BSI FI, did not give distribution in Kerala).
So also check other species as per

Also check
1 attachment- Revision of Anisochilus

it is one of the species which used to be placed  in Anisochilus, but I’d need a specimen to determine it

So what is this sp. ?

Still to get an id.
Somewhat closer to

Yes, it is very close to Anisochilus plantagineusthank you very much dear … for the identification

Anisochilus sp, not a Coleus or Plectranthus

It is Coleus scaber

Can it be Coleus anthonyi as per the publication ?:
Coleus anthonyi (Lamiaceae): a new species from South Western Ghats, India: Jebin Joseph, Jose Mathew, Kadakasseril V. George (2020)

Yes, Coleus anthonyi is the closest plant with my plant, it’s habitat also same, thank you very much for ID my plant and providing link for identification

I think it is Coleus scaber itself

Another feedback from … from another post:

The plant shared by Sam ji looks different, particularly the pubescens in leaves is very less (it’s not tomentose) and I can see some of the spike-like heads are narrow, cylindrical and more than 3 times longer than broad. Additionally in his plants the inflorescence is pale colored and not dark purplish, so his plant may not be C. scaber though it’s tough to confirm without floral dissections.
As per the below mentioned key his plants are not even completely matching the other species C. wightii as the inflorescence is not 3-6 branched in his plants.
Spike-like head ovoid to ovoid-cylindric, less than 3 times as long as broad, purplish in appearance when dry; axis usually simple, rarely 2 – 3-branched; fruiting calyx tube purplish-brown villous – C. scaber
Spike-like head long and narrow cylindrical, more than 3 times as long as broad, black in appearance when dry; axis usually with 3-6 branches; fruiting calyx tube white villous – C. wightii


Coleus scaber (Benth.) A.J.Paton submission AS29 December 22: 7 high res. images.
Here’s a new addition to eFloraofIndia website.

Coleus scaber (Benth.) A.J.Paton
Synonym – Anisochilus scaber Benth.
Family – Lamiaceae
Endemic to Southern Western Ghats (Tamil Nadu and Kerala)
Photographed in Kanyakumari district, Tamil Nadu
In November 2022

It was already posted by … as per details at

The plant shared by … looks different, particularly the pubescens in leaves is very less (it’s not tomentose) and I can see some of the spike-like heads are narrow, cylindrical and more than 3 times longer than broad. Additionally in his plants the inflorescence is pale colored and not dark purplish, so his plant may not be C. scaber though it’s tough to confirm without floral dissections.
As per the below mentioned key his plants are not even completely matching the other species C. wightii as the inflorescence is not 3-6 branched in his plants.
Spike-like head ovoid to ovoid-cylindric, less than 3 times as long as broad, purplish in appearance when dry; axis usually simple, rarely 2 – 3-branched; fruiting calyx tube purplish-brown villous – C. scaber
Spike-like head long and narrow cylindrical, more than 3 times as long as broad, black in appearance when dry; axis usually with 3-6 branches; fruiting calyx tube white villous – C. wightii




POWO  Catalogue of Life  BSI Flora of India Checklist  GBIF  Flora of peninsular India  India Biodiversity Portal  Kerala plants  A revision of Anisochilus Wall. ex Benth.(Lamiaceae)– Alan Paton- 2009, Kew Bulletin

Updated on December 23, 2024

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