In Kankeshwar there is Combretum albidum and Combretum obvatum
My preference goes to C. albidum of Combretaceae family.
I need specimen to determine it correctly.
liana for id mm1 21102011: This liana is growing on a mango tree and is intertwined by tinosporia cordifloria or gulvel Locally the lianna is called Ghauser
I was told that 866 was the same as the liana and it was growing a few inches away Would very much appreciate an id This can be Hiptage madablota./H. benghalensis which has similar leaves Pl Photograph 866 is a species of Combretum.
ID No.07062011 RD01: Please help me to ID this climber Date/Time-04/05/2011– 09 AM Location- Place, Altitude, GPS- Assam, Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type- Wild Type Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- Climber Inflorescence Type/ Size- as seen in the photos Looks like Combretum species. Yes Combretum sp. of Combretaceae family. Climber on the fence: Could you ID the species and family of a plant climbing on the fence Yes this is Quis quallis… which means what where… beautiful flowers Very strange looking Quisqualis!! seems like a hybrid!!! or polyploid!! ..: you are right … Yes, thanks for pointing it out…
Combretum species
Updated on December 24, 2024