Conyza leucantha (D.Don) Ludlow & P.H.Raven, Kew Bull. 17: 71 (1963) 71 1963. (syn: Blumea conyzoides H.Lév. & Vaniot; Blumea lecomtei Vaniot & H.Lév.; Blumea leucantha (D.Don) DC.; Blumeopsis falcata (D.Don) Merr.; Cacalia disticha DC.; Cacalia subsimplex Kuntze; Conyza oligandra Turcz.; Conyza oligandra Turcz.; Conyza viscidula Wall. ex DC.; Conyza wallichii DC.; Erigeron falcatus D.Don; Erigeron leucanthus D.Don; Erigeron obovatus Spreng. ex DC.; Eschenbachia viscidula (DC.) J.Kost.; Pluchea doniana Kurz); . China (Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan, Yunnan), Taiwan, Cambodia, Laos, peninsular Malaysia, Vietnam, Queensland, New South Wales, Java, Sri Lanka, Philippines (Luzon, Panay), New Caledonia, Ryukyu Isl., Burma (Chin, Magway, Mandalay), India (Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Mizoram, Assam, West Bengal, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Darjeeling, Tamil Nadu, Kerala), Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar [Burma], Thailand as per Catalogue of Life; . Location: Soureni, Mirik, India Date: 21 April 2017 Altitude: 4200 ft. Conyza? Pl. Check the spelling also. Looks like Eclipta species. Check at the species level Altitude is not matching with the Eclipta prostrata and did not find any match to Conyza and Blumea. Any idea about the genus pl.? I could be completely wrong but my guess is Conyza Could it be Conyza leucantha (D.Don) Ludlow & P.H.Raven ??? May be as per images at FOI Looks like matching but the elevation is not matching ! Still not convinced abut the ID as flower color looks As per Flora of China: … Ray florets white, reduced to tube, filiform, 0.3-0.65 mm, 1/5 or less as long as pinkish style, lacerate at apex, glabrous; disk florets 6-9, yellow becoming reddish … Thus I think it is the same species. Conyza leucantha (D. Don) Ludlow & Raven Nepali Name : सलह झार Salah Jhaar SK1135 23 MAY 2018 : 17 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6)- around 700 kb each. Location: Gopaldhara, Darjeeling, India Date: 6 May 2018 Altitude: 6000 ft Habit : Wild Conyza ??? Pl. check as per suggestions of …: Pl. check Pl. check with images at Conyza leucantha (D.Don) Ludlow & P.H.Raven as per comparative images at Conyza To me appears close. I guess the images are matching with the earlier post but still not convinced abut the ID as flower color looks different compared to the image given in the FoI. Pl. also check references in efi site and other resources on net. I did check all possible options but could not get a match. I shall try again. As per Flora of China: … Ray florets white, reduced to tube, filiform, 0.3-0.65 mm, 1/5 or less as long as pinkish style, lacerate at apex, glabrous; disk florets 6-9, yellow becoming reddish … Thus I think it is the same species. . Attached images are Asteraceae sp. Please Id the plant. Date : 29.04.2020 Location: Assam Family : Asteraceae Genus & species : Blumaea (??) Habitat: Grows wild on open shuny places of hilly area. Habit : Herb I think Blumea lacera (Burm.f.) DC. as per comparative images at Blumea Is this Blumea aromatica Thanks, … I think a little different from Blumea aromatica as per images and details herein. I think Blumea lacera (Burm.f.) DC. as per comparative images at Blumea I think this species is Conyza leucantha (D.Don) Ludlow & P.H.Raven. Thanks, … Yes, you are right as per images, details and references at Conyza leucantha . Asteraceae Fortnight Part 2-Discoid heads- Blumea sp. for id from Chakrata-GS19 : Attachments (3). 5 posts by 3 authors. This plant, probably a species of Blumea was photographed along Budher caves road in Chakrata. Please help in ID. Can this be any Erigeron? Not very sure Conyza japonica as per another thread. To me a looks a little different from other images at Conyza japonica I think matches with Conyza japonica as suggested by … Looks different from images at Conyza japonica To me appears close to images and details at Conyza leucantha (D.Don) Ludlow & P.H.Raven .
Blumea sp.? looks like Conyza bonariensis I hope conyza japonica I agree with you …, for Conyza japonica I guess Eschenbachia japonica (Thunb.) J. Kost. Syn : Conyza japonica (Thunb.) DC. is the correct ID as suggested by … I think looks different from images at Conyza japonica Rather appears close to images and details at Conyza leucantha (D.Don) Ludlow & P.H.Raven SK542 05 JUN-2017:ID : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (8) Location: Relli River,Kalimpong, India Date: 24 May 2017 Altitude: 2000 ft. Blumea? Guess so. Pl. check with images at Blumea lacera (Burm.f.) DC. I guess leaf pattern and altitude is not matching. I think does not match with images, details and references at Blumea lacera (Burm.f.) DC. Eschenbachia japonica (Thunb.) J.Kost. ?? Syn : Conyza japonica (Thunb.) DC.May be. I am not sure. Pl. check Conyza japonica I guess Eschenbachia japonica (Thunb.) J. Kost. Syn : Conyza japonica (Thunb.) DC. is the correct ID as suggested by … I think looks different from images at Conyza japonica Rather appears close to images and details at Conyza leucantha (D.Don) Ludlow & P.H.Raven . DV :: 30MAR11 – 1257 :: aster herb near Abbi Falls: A small wild herb standing about 2 ft tall in evergreen forest. Date/Time : March 30, 2011 at 12.57pm IST Not really Conyza bonariensis, the ray florets too large for that. I think Conyza leucantha (D.Don) Ludlow & P.H.Raven as per images and details herein. Blumea sp (??) from Kamrup district (Metro), Assam : Attachments (13). 4 posts by 3 authors. Attaching images of what looks like Blumea sp. (???). Please help in ID. Date :23.07.2013 Location: Kamrup district (Metro), Assam Family : Asteraceae Genus & species : Blumea sp. (???) Habitat: Grows wild on side of a drain Habit : Herbs ( 27cm in height), height less than 1 ft. Yes Blumea only Specify the species please, … That’s too difficult to me sir exclusively in this asters, without observing complete profile, Same degree of difficulties, if not greater, here too, Sir ji. I hope the specimen is identified as Conyza leucantha (D.Don) Ludlow & P.H.Raven. May be but I feel different ! Thanks Sir, for correcting me. May I humbly ask to check POWO also, since basal leaves here elliptic to ovate to spatulate and capitula are very similar. I feel more closer to images at Conyza leucantha (D.Don) Ludlow & P.H.Raven Sending photos of some Blumea sp. Plant about 70 cm tall, aromatic, flowers as seen in photos, annual in waste places. Collected from Pantnagar, Uttarakhand (msl 250 mt) I have seen similar plant in Delhi, which I have identified as Blumea laciniata. Thanks sir for the id Looks different from other images at Blumea sinuata (Lour.) Merr. Appears close to images at Blumea balsamifera (L.) DC. May I ask what are the differences in the capitula here and those in FoI specimen ? May I ask what are the differences in the capitula here and those in FoI specimen ?-> To me it appears different from Conyza leucantha as per images herein. Can not say about FOI. It appears to me (I may be wrong) there is same capitulum in> yes, phyllaries appear close. But lateral branches are creating doubt as per I did not find such at Conyza japonica (Thunb.) Less. ex DC. and GBIF What I don’t understand is how it can be the same as in efi thread!!!-> This appears to be Conyza leucantha (D.Don) Ludlow & P.H.Raven The posted plant appears to be Conyza and one possibility I feel is Conyza sumatrensis (Retz.) E. Walker Sir ji, listed below are posted threads presently placed under the eFI head – Conyza leucantha :-
During identification of all the above threads several names of various taxa appeared, like Blumea spp …, another one is.Conyza japonica. If FoC is referred to, as an identification tool, as it has been referred at least in the some of the above threads; the identifying points, between C. leucantha and C. japonica, should be as follows :-
As you know, I am not a professional like most of the members here, it is quite possible that I may have many wrong notion, so please correct me if I am wrong in any of the following observations (of the threads above) :-
I think examining specimens from India of Conyza leucantha (D.Don) Ludlow & P.H.Raven as per GBIF vis a vis those of Conyza japonica (Thunb.) Less. ex DC. as per GBIF, may give some more clarity. Sorry, Sir, on the contrary, seeing GBIF specimens of C. leucantha, I am more convinced on leaf-base character. Glands cannot be seen in herbarium, so I would not comment on that. In herbarium specimen, where most of the flowers are already producing achenes, I couldn’t make out phyllaries characters. In ray florets of C. leucantha, style(s) are pinkish (FoC) that can be seen in FoI specimen, and in Australian specimen … which I couldn’t see in eFI specimens, except one, which may have those, but I could not find any gland there. I have more points, but I would overlook those, because I cannot make measurements by looking at the pictures. I didn’t study C. sumatrensis, so I would skip commenting on it. Please, do continue with the already established ids of all threads (of C. leucantha) because this is something beyond my brain capacity. Sir ji, did you notice that in Flora of China, flowering season of –
Would it be very different in India? Yes, in many cases elevation and flowering phenology in described in FoC and Fon in eflora are different ! My fault, I addressed the question wrong way. The context was Himalayan region. I will move to relevant threads when it comes to rest of India. I am not convinced of this being a Conyza species. I think it is closer to Blumea only. But unable to find match. Can anybody help with its id? try Blumea axillaris (Lam.) DC. To me it looks like Blumea axillaris only To me it looks like Blumea axillaris only Thanks, Sir, the id has been resolved finally. I differ on following accounts :-
Attached here KEW specimen of Blumea axillaris. At the same time I admit that there can be regional variation. Excellent analysis. Finally what is the valid ID ? Sir ji, I don’t know yet what could be the id of this species. As per Flora of British India (also FoC) :- (1) Conyza belongs to ASTERAE tribe : where disc florets are yellow (rarely white) (2) Blumea belongs to INULEAE tribe : where disc florets can be yellow, purplish, or reddish. I am just beginning to learn asteraceae. The leaves, here, are clearly lanceolate, the stem is woody, leaves have prominent whitish midribs, inflorescence subtended by cauline leaves. Phyllaries, mostly, are rather lanceolate than linear. I am inclined to Eschenbachia leucantha, based on observations at –
But, as I said I am only beginning to learn, I am open to any suggestion. I guess … is correct ! yes, i agree with, it is Eschenbachia leucantha syn. Blumea leucantha My main worry remains that the spread of plant and denseness of the inflorescence looks different in comparison to images at Conyza leucantha and those from specimens at GBIF. Though I get one specimen which seems quite spread out. . Conyza leucantha: Mandalpatti, Coorg, Karnataka: 11 images- 6 high res. / References: |
Conyza leucantha
Updated on December 24, 2024