Conyza stricta var. pinnatifida

Conyza stricta var. pinnatifida (D. Don) Kitam., Fl. E. Himalaya 337. 1966 337 1966. (syn: Conyza absinthifolia DC.; Conyza adenocarpa Dalz. & Gibs.; Conyza mairei H. Lév.; Erigeron pinnatifidus D. Don; Erigeron trisulcus D. Don);
Eritrea to S. Tropical Africa, Afghanistan to China (Sichuan, Yunnan): Afghanistan, China South-Central, East Himalaya, Eritrea, Ethiopia, India, Malawi, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Sudan, Thailand, Tibet, West Himalaya, Zaïre, Zimbabwe as per POWO;

29092011GS1 from Nandni (J & K) and Mussoorie Chakrata road for ID:
This plant I had photographed from near Nandini (closer to Udhampur) in J&K on 22 August this year and again on 16 September from Mussoorie Chakrata road near Kalsi. In Nandini I found only plants with divided leaves, where as in Chakrata route both with divided and almost entire leaves. The plant grows to height of about 50 cm or more, erect or slightly ascending, leaves up to 5 cm long, divided into lanceolate-oblong segments or barely toothed; heads are yellow about 3-4 mm across, with few very small ligules.
I had initially identified it provisionally as Conyza stricta from Flora simlensis, but the plant does not match one on Flowers of India and Flora of Zimbabwe, which coincidentally also do not match each other.
Please provide your inputs

The one we have here in Kalatope is like the observation from Nandini, J&K..

Conyza stricta

Plant from Nandini, J&K belongs to Conyza stricta var. pinnatifida as per keys in Flora of China.

Conyza stricta Willd.
Easily differentiated from other species by its low habit, hairy stems, often toothed to divided leaves and smaller barely 3 mm across yellowish heads, on delicate peduncles and reddish pappus.
Photographed from Chakrata and Nandini in J & K

Thanks sir for this upload.. a common plant of rocky slopes..

Plant from Nandini, J&K belongs to Conyza stricta var. pinnatifida as per keys in Flora of China.


Asteraceae : Wild Herb For ID : Patni Top : 180613 : AK-1 : Attachments (1).  3 posts by 2 authors.
A wild herb seen at Patni Top, on way to Pahalgam on 5/9/2011.
Tiny yellow flowers.
Sorry for the bad picture due to low light.

Conyza stricta

This may be Conyza stricta var. pinnatifida as per keys in Flora of China.

Conyza stricta ABJUL01/13 : 5 posts by 3 authors. 5 images.
Please confirm.
Conyza stricta—Erect Horseweed
Above Mcleodganj, Dharamshala, HP
31 August and 07 September, 2014.

Yes … Nice photographs.

Thank you once again … These are old photographs from the times when I didn’t know which features to photograph. I hope to find these again this year and do a proper series.

Still you did a good job. Thanks

It should be Conyza stricta var. pinnatifida as per keys in Flora of China.



SK861 16 NOV-2017:ID : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4)

Location: Phedi, Nagarkot, Nepal  
Date: 12 November 2017
Altitude: 5600 ft.

Something like ConyzaBlumea etc.

Erigeron trilobus (Decne.) Boiss.  ???
Syn: Conyza stricta Willd.
But Google images do not look like matching !

I also think this should be Conyza stricta..

It should be Conyza stricta var. pinnatifida as per keys in Flora of China.


SK 3029 09 October 2021: 6 very high res. images.

Location:Jumla, West Nepal
Altitude:  2365m.
Date: 17 August 2021
Habit : Wild 
Conyza stricta var. pinnatifida (D. Don) Kitam. ??

Yes, appears close as per images at Conyza stricta

According to Book on Karnali Province (Referred earlier also):
Conyza stricta Willd. elevation 600-2000m.
Conyza stricta var. pinnatifida (D. Don) Kitam. elevation 1000-2700m.
Shall we take this as Conyza stricta var. pinnatifida (D. Don) Kitam. ??

Is it not a syn. as per POWO and CoL?

Then we have to also follow this treatment on our site.
Take it as Conyza stricta var. pinnatifida (D. Don) Kitam. as per CoL and POWO (Accepted by Roskov Y. & al. (eds.) (2018). Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life Naturalis, Leiden, the Netherlands).

On further checking, I found a specimen of Conyza stricta var. stricta from Nepal at POWO to be similar looking.

As both Conyza stricta var. pinnatifida and Conyza stricta var. stricta are reported from Nepal, we have to find out the difference between the two, before taking any decision.
Finally, I could find the difference between the two from Flora of China as below:
1a. Lower leaf margin coarsely serrate, rarely entire; upper leaves gradually reduced …… var. stricta
1b. Lower leaf margin deeply repand-pinnatilobate, lobes 2-paired, oblong-oblanceolate or cuneate, margin entire, terminal lobe larger; upper leaves and those on branches 3-fid …… var. pinnatifida
So we can take it as Conyza stricta var. pinnatifida

By the way only C. stricta and C. stricta var. pinnatifida are listed in the Book of Karnali Province !


Conyza stricta var. pinnatifida (D. Don) Kitam.: 6 very high res. images.

Location: Kalikot, West Nepal
Altitude: 1696m.
Date: 15 August 2021 
Habit : Wild



References: POWO (Erigeron trisulcus D. Don) Catalogue of Life  The Plant List Ver.1.1  Flora of China (Keys)  Annotated checklist of Flowering plants of Nepal

Updated on December 23, 2024

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