Corchorus trilocularis L., Mant. Pl. 1: 77 1767. (syn. Corchorus aestuans Forssk. [Illegitimate]; Corchorus asplenifolius E.Mey. ex Harv. & Sond.; Corchorus fruticulosus Vis.; Corchorus rigidiusculus Domin; Corchorus serrifolius DC.; Corchorus somalicus Gand.; Corchorus triflorus Bojer); India: Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, Delhi, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu; Paleotropics as per BSI Flora of India; KOR-koh-rus — from the Greek kore (eye pupil) and koreo (purge) commonly known as: African jute, bush okra, Jew’s mallow, three locule corchorus, wild jute • *Hindi*: कड़वा पात kadvapat • *Kannada*: ಎಣ್ಣೆಪುಂಡಿ ಗಿಡ ennepundi gida, ಕಟುಚುಂಚುಳಿ ಗಿಡ katuchunchuli gida • *Konkani*: कोडुचोंची koduchonchi • *Marathi*: कडुचुंचू kaduchunchu • *Oriya*: jangali jiraa • * Sanskrit*: दीर्घचञ्चु dirghachanchu, राज जीर raj-jira • *Telugu*: bankitutturu Native of: Africa, Arabian Peninsula, w Asia, Indian Subcontinent; naturalized elsewhere As per efi thread : Tall herb (Corchorus trilocularis) somewhat similar to C. olitorius but differing in three chambered capsules, slightly trigonous, occurring 1-3 together and with undivided beak. Long fruits (nearly 8-10 cm long) with ponted tip, three sided (and evidently 3-angled); As per efi thread : If the capsule is glabrous …….it can be C.depressus if less than 3.5 cm long… or C.trilocularis…....if 5-7 cm long. The plant is used as medicinal. The mucilage, obtained from the plant by macerating it in water, is used as a demulcent. The bitter seeds called Isband (Sind) and Raja Jira (Bombay) have been used by natives in fever Malvaceae week :: Corchorus trilocularis: Corchorus trilocularis L. KOR-koh-rus — from the Greek kore (eye pupil) and koreo (purge) try-lok-yoo-LAIR-is — having three compartments, referring to the three-celled fruit [image: Corchorus trilocularis]<…> Dec 7, 2009 at Rajguru Nagar near Pune commonly known as: African jute, bush okra, Jew’s mallow, three locule corchorus, wild jute • *Hindi*: कड़वा पात kadvapat • *Kannada*: ಎಣ್ಣೆಪುಂಡಿ ಗಿಡ ennepundi gida, ಕಟುಚುಂಚುಳಿ ಗಿಡ katuchunchuli gida • *Konkani*: कोडुचोंची koduchonchi • *Marathi*: कडुचुंचू kaduchunchu • *Oriya*: jangali jiraa • * Sanskrit*: दीर्घचञ्चु dirghachanchu, राज जीर raj-jira • *Telugu*: bankitutturu Native of: Africa, Arabian Peninsula, w Asia, Indian Subcontinent; naturalized elsewhere – [image: Kadvapat (Hindi: कड़वा पात)]<…>… Dec 7, 2009 at Rajguru Nagar near Pune – [image: Koduchonchi (Konkani: कोडुचोंची)] <…>… Dec 7, 2009 at Rajguru Nagar near Pune – … more views:… What an interesting leaf margin, the edge pattern reminds me of a gujarati sweet called GHUGHARA… has to be made by expert hands… DV – 07DEC09 – 0328 :: Corchorus ¿ trilocularis / else ? – efloraofindia | Google Groups : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3) Diffuse herb growing on scrub land, near Rajgurunagar, Pune (about 587m), 07DEC09 afternoon. Please validate whether Corchorus trilocularis. Yes it is Corchorus trilocularis. Herb for id 010110MK02: 6 posts by 6 authors. Attachments (3) Please identify this Tiliaceae herb. Is this Triumfetta sp.? Place: Erode Dist.; plains Date: 04 Dec 2009 May be a Corchorus… Corchorus olitorius of Tiliaceae. Note filiform appendages on the lower serratures of leaves. Young capsules can be seen which would grow as 10 ribbed 5 cm long. Family Tiliaceae is correct. … my familiarity with Corchorus sp. is limited to sightings of C. olitorius, C. aestuans, and C. capsularis … their fruits are distinguishable from each other. … at my photostream: C. olitorius: C. aestuans: C. capsularis: … posted plant looks to me as C. olitorius .. … has already pointed out. This looks to be Corchorus trilocularis as the capsules are 3-4 angled. Corchorus trilocularis L., prostrate herb in the rainfed agriculture land from Uddanapalli area of Krishnagiri Dt.Tamilnadu Tall herb somewhat similar to C. olitorius but differing in three chambered capsules, slightly trigonous, occurring 1-3 together and with undivided beak. The plant is used as medicinal. The mucilage, obtained from the plant by macerating it in water, is used as a demulcent. The bitter seeds called Isband (Sind) and Raja Jira (Bombay) have been used by natives in fever and abdominal obstructions. The coarse fibre is employed in manufacturing cordage. Photographed from Khalsa College, Delhi This plant I had identified as C. trilocularis because of long fruits (nearly 8-10 cm long) with ponted tip, three sided (and evidently 3-angled). It was cultivated in Botanical garden of our College. Its being cultivated (not a big issue though as seeds can be just be brought from wild and sown in the garden) plant, and absence of cabrous ridges however create doubt. Help in ID is requested. Sir, most of the morphological traits visible in these photos match with Corchorus trilocularis in databases. Links: also in PROTA (Plant Resources of Tropical Africa) On the doubt of roughness (presence/absence) on the ridges, it seems like the surface of a young fruit is rougher than a mature one. (Also, in the photos these are slightly scabrid (?)) Thanks dear … for confirmation. Malvaceae Fortnight: Corchorus trilocularis from Delhi-GSJULY18/18 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (4) Corchorus trilocularis L., Mant. 77. 1767. Corchorus trilocularis from Delhi, growing as weed in fields, similar to but differentiated from C. olitorius in 3-4 angled fruit and short beak. I am uploading photographs of C.olitorius from Delhi. Please note three terminal projections of C. tridens are lacking in this case, also the fruit is cylindrical, longer and narrower. … I am posting what I am considering as C. olitorious … it differs from what is shown in … photos. I am not sure whether the fruits in … photos have got smoothened OR softened due to JPG compression … that is, there is very slight hint of ribs. In my case, the ribs are prominent … my ID requires validation. This is developing into another interesting thread. I find my fruits are lacking ridges. May be they are young, or something more. The plant is growing in our botanical garden, and would be in fruit when I reach back to Delhi on 13th October. I will now concentrate on this plant keeping C. pseudo-olitorius in mind. Let us see what comes out. Or more likely C. trilocularis Since the capsule is glabrous …….it can be C.depressus if less than 3.5 cm long…………….also the leaves are 3 nerved as in your picture. or C.trilocularis…....if 5-7 cm long. I have checked the fruits after returning back to Del hi. My plant is not C. olitorius. It is clearly C. trilocularis. Malvaceae member for ID- 240112-NS1- frm Pune: Plz Id this Malvaceae flower bush. It was photographed in wild at Pune on 15.09.11. (Apology for poor pics fr id) … species of Corchorus (family: Malvaceae; also placed in Tiliaceae) … am not able to see the fruit due to long shot (fruits make it easy for getting to the Corchorous species) …perhaps C. trilocularis. Thank you all. Malvaceae week : Corchorus for ID SMP archive: Found this photo from my collection of possibly Corchorus species. I think the plant is Corchorus tridens I also think C tridens Appears more closer to images at Corchorus trilocularis L. Pl. find the attached file contain photo for id. confirmation. Location: IFGTB, Coimbatore. Date: 06.09.2013 Habitat: Garden Habit: Herb Corchorus sp. Not sure whether Corchorus olitarius I think close to images at Corchorus trilocularis L. . MS,Nov.,2024/01 Corchorus sp. for id.: 2 images. Altitude : ca.1,100 m Date : 27-10-2024 Habit : Annual herb Habitat : Wild Photo : T.Laikhu Pl. post high res. image to see the fruit (whether having beak or not). May be from either of the two (depending on the beak of the fruit or not): 2 high res. images. I think it should be . References: |
Corchorus trilocularis
Updated on December 28, 2024