Corydalis cornuta Royle, Ill. Bot. Himal. Mts. 69 1834. (Syn: Capnoides cornuta Kuntze; Corydalis casimiriana var. meeboldii Fedde; Corydalis cornuta var. meeboldii Fedde; Corydalis debilis Edgew.; Corydalis longipes var. chumbica Prain ex W.W. Sm.; Corydalis mildbraedii Fedde; Corydalis stewartii Fedde; Corydalis thalictrifolia Jameson ex Regel); Afghanistan (Paktia / Khost), N-Pakistan, Jammu & Kashmir, India (Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Kumaon), Nepal, Ethiopia, Rwanda, ?Burundi, Kenya, Tanzania, South Sudan, D.R. Congo (Zaire), S-Tibet as per Catalogue of Life; Erect or decumbent annual or biennial herbs, stout 15-55 cm tall. Stem simple, stout, grooved, angular, much branched at the base, glabrous or glaucous. Root stocks thick, fusiform, about 10 cm long. Leaves mostly cauline, triangular-oblong in outline, 6-17 x 3-8 cm across, subternate or glabrous above, glaucous beneath, petiole grooved above, winged at the base, about 5-10 cm long, with 3-7 bipinnate with opposite pinnae variously lobed, oblong, orbicular, about 1.2 cm long, ultimate segments oblong, obovate, base cuneate, apex obtuse with apiculate tip. Inflorescence simple or branched raceme, terminal, about 10-15 flowered, dense, about 7-20 cm long, bracts about 2-8 mm long, usually divided, larger than the flower buds, linear lanceolate, apex long acuminate, about 5-10 mm long. Flowers bisexual, zygomorphic, yellow, tipped with blackish purple, about 1-2 cm long, pedicels 2-6 mm long, deflexed in fruit, Sepals 2, scarious, margin serrate or erose, about 3-4 x 1 mm across, petals 4, outer series dissimilar, upper petal with straight or curved spurred and entire crests, apex obtuse, about 8 mm long, lower petal somewhat similar to the upper petals, with conspicuous basal pouch, inner petals clawed. Stamens 6, in 2 bundles, anthers dimorphous. Ovary unilocular, hypogynous, ovules many, style filiform, stigmas dilated, squarish, curved at the apex. Fruits capsules, linear-obovate, linear-ellipsoid, about 8-15 x 2-3 mm across, dehiscing when mature by tumid or inflated valves, with persistent style. Seeds 8-16, biseriate, punctate, about 1 mm across, dull black. Hill slopes and along stream sides of subtropical and temperate forests, altitude 2300-4000 m. (Attributions- Ganeshaiah, K. N., UAS, Bangalore, India.; Kailash, B. R., ATREE, Bangalore, India.; Royal Norwegian Embassy grants. Indian Bioresource Information Network (IBIN), Department of Biotechnology, New Delhi as per India Biodiversity Portal) Corydalis juncea from Budher caves road This small herb was seen occasionally there pls validate I think this is Corydalis cornuta Wall 1. Corydalis juncea is reported Nepal eastwards 2. In C. juncea the spur is much shorter than posterior petal 3. Posterior petal is distinctly winged in C. cornuta C. corunata from Kalatope.. blooming right now.. Corydalis from Kalatope… al241011: with one of my earlier Corydalis observations resurfacing.. I was Location Kalatope, Chamba Altitude 2100 mts Habit herb Habitat wild Height 16 inches… I had thought this one to be Corydalis cornuta….. but then the other one was id’d as C. Cornuta…. but this one resembles the C. Cornuta on FOI Anyway since I am not very well versed with the features… I leave it to you… Yes it is Corydalis cornuta. VoF Week :: Corydalis cornuta at Valley of Flowers: Corydalis cornuta Royle … (family: Papaveraceae) 2 AUG 12 Valley of Flowers … about 11000 – 12000 ft VoF Week : MN050912 Corydalis cornuta: Corydalis cornuta (Horned Corydalis) On the Ghangaria – Govindghat trail 16.08.2012
Corydalis cornuta ??… at Shilt – GHNP- PKA40 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5). Seen this climbing herb near Shilt at GHNP at an altitude of approx. 3000m. Bot. name: Corydalis cornuta ??. (Pl. validate) Family: Fumariaceae It looks me Corydalis cornuta Corydalis cornuta ABAUG2016/18 : 6 posts by 2 authors. 4 images. Please validate. Mcleodganj_Triund, HP 2600m and above. 31 July 2016. Superb images!!!
Thank you … On my walk yesterday I found the seedpods too. Here are two images. I think matches with images at Corydalis cornuta Corydalis cornuta :: Ghangaria-VOF, Uttarakhand :: Aug 2018 :: ARKSEP-30 : 9 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (9) Saw these along the Ghangaria-VOF trail and the Hemkund trails, Uttarakhand in Aug 2018. These have been identified based on the pics available in efi to be occuring in that area. Kindly validate. yes. nice pictures For me the ID is correct. Corydalis govaniana (Fumariaceae) from Rohtang.. : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6) Here am attaching some images of Corydalis govaniana taken from Rohtang in August 2018. I hope the identification is correct. nice pictures. for your confirmation, lets wait for … or if … has time Thanks, … But I find habit images missing. Corydalis cornuta Royle and not Corydalis govaniana as per images and details herein.
Corydalis filiformis from Shimla This appears to be same as Corydalis govaniana (Fumariaceae) from Rohtang.. Both of them are Corydalis cornuta Royle and not Corydalis govaniana as per images and details herein. Plant for ID from Paddar valley J&K: 221111 SRANA 01: Request for Identification: Date: 1st August 2011 Location: Paddar valley district Kishtwar J&K. Altitude: 2321 meters asl Plant habit/habitat: Wild herb Plant height: 30-60 cm Perhaps a few more photographs showing separate branch, close up of flower and mature fruit would help. Flower length?? as far as i think it should be some corydalis sp. Of course it is Corydalis, I am trying to figure out species. It is not clear whether ips of flower are coloured red/purplish or not. Can this plant be Corydalis cornuta Kindly check the below links That is why I was asking for close ups It is not clear from your photographs whether tips of corolla are purple or not. I had thought of C. cornuta but capsules should be obovate, but in your photograph they appear linear. Perhaps C. stewartii is better option Corydalis cornuta sensu lato (including C. debilis [=C. stewartii auct., non Fedde], C. mildbraedii). This complex may need some more study –
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Corydalis cornuta
Updated on December 24, 2024