Corydalis latiflora

Corydalis latiflora Hook. fil. & Thomson, Fl. Ind. 1: 270 (1855) (syn: Capnoides latiflora Kuntze; Corydalis alburyi Ludlow & Stearn; Corydalis gerdae Fedde; Corydalis gerdae var. physodes D.G.Long; Corydalis latiflora subsp. gerdae (Fedde) Lidén ex C.Y.Wu, H.Chuang & Z.Y.Su; Corydalis mitae Kitam.);
Nepal to Sikkim and S. Tibet: East Himalaya, Nepal, Tibet as per POWO;

Suberect or somewhat decumbent, cushioned like herbs, about 5-15 cm tall. Stem slender, diffusely branched, covered with withered persistent petiole bases, base robust with scales, branches slender, striate and glabrous. Root stocks elongated, scaly, crowned by petiole bases and many stems. Radical leaves, ternate, biternate to bipinnate, about 2-5 x 1.5-2 cm across, glabrous above, glaucous beneath, petiole slender, very long, flexuous, about 4-8 cm long, with 3-5, ovate, lateral and terminal pinnae, 2-4 lobulate, flabellate, margin entire, petiolules about 3-6 mm long, ultimate segments obovate to linear-oblong, base cuneate and apex obtuse, leaves near the shoots smaller. Inflorescence raceme corymbs or subumbellate, terminal, about 3-6 horizontally flowered, dense, about 2-4 cm long, bracts lanceolate, margin entire to flabellately divided, about 10-30 mm long. Flowers bisexual, zygomorphic, grayish blue or pale purple, tipped with yellow, sweet scented, pedicels 5-20 mm long, Sepals 2, minute, margin slightly laciniate, petals 4, upper petal spurred notched hooded near apex, broadly crested, about 13-19 mm long, spur crest decurrent, making flower broad, spur downwardly curved, about 1.5-6 x 2-4 mm across, lower petal somewhat similar to the upper petals, almost straight and deflexed at the tip, inner series tipped blackish or dark-green, about 9-10 mm long. Stamens 6, in 2 bundles, anthers dimorphous. Ovary unilocular, hypogynous, style filiform, stigmas rounded, broad marginal papillae. Fruits capsules, ellipsoid-obovoid, rarely dimorphic, about 6-10 x 2-4 mm across, dehiscing when mature by tumid or inflated valves, with persistent style. Seeds 3-5, minutely papillose, about 1.5 mm across, dull black.
Along streams and moist rocky slopes or Eastern Alpine Himalayas, altitude 4200-5500 m.
(Attributions: Ganeshaiah, K. N., UAS, Bangalore, India.; Kailash, B. R., ATREE, Bangalore, India.; Royal Norwegian Embassy grants. Indian Bioresource Information Network (IBIN), Department of Biotechnology, New Delhi, India as per India Biodiversity Portal)

Requesting Identification of Corydalis sp (Fumariaceae).: 1 very high res. image.
kindly assist in the identification of a pink flowered corydalis clicked last year from east Sikkim.
Elevation – 4900m

Sorry but flowers do not look to be pink.?
In fact it almost looks as if the flowers are translucent  blue….after a cold spell maybe.
Any chance of pics showing the dry flowers?

Pl. check

I also tried all options but could not get a match. Slightly looks matching with Corydalis melanochlora Maxim. having no distribution but looks different after all.

Corydalis latiflora



POWO  Catalogue of Life  BSI Flora of India  Flora of China  FOC illustration  Annotated checklist of Flowering plants of Nepal  India Biodiversity Portal  Bhutan Biodiversity Portal  iNaturalist

Updated on December 23, 2024

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