Corydalis moorcroftiana

Corydalis moorcroftiana Wall. ex Hook.f. & Thomson, Fl. Ind. 1: 266 1855. (Syn: Capnoides moorcroftiana KuntzeCorydalis onobrychoides Fedde);
SW-Tibet, Pakistan (Chitral, NE-Hindukush), Jammu & Kashmir NW-India (Himachal P.) as per Catalogue of Life;

Corydalis goveniana? ABJUL2017/09 : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (8)
This one is difficult to pin. The leaves were bluish and the flowers in a cluster. I think it is close to Corydalis goveniana but am not very certain. Please advise.
Corydalis goveniana?
Ilaqa, Dharamshala, HP
3300m approx.
10 July 2017

To me looks different from images at Corydalis govaniana

Corydalis govaniana is very different, not glaucous, with a large dense leaf rosette at base and flowering stems with only two very small opposite leaves in lower part. The flowers are similar, but the bracts are oblong-acute, pectinate dentate.
This one belongs in the C. moorcroftiana complex, which still awaits a proper revision.


VoF Week:Corydalis moorcroftiana from way to Hemkund Sahib pls validate:
Corydalis moorcroftiana from way to Hemkund Sahib
pls validate

Flora of Uttarakhand- Corydalis thyrsiflora:
Wild Herb captured on 13/8/10 during the trek from Ghangaria (around 11,000 ft.) to Hemkunt Sahib (around 14000 ft.).

I have posted it for confirmation. (?) is missing from the subject line.

Appears to be close to images at Corydalis moorcroftiana ?

Pl. see Corydalis goveniana? ABJUL2017/09


VoF Week :: DV :: 03 AUG 12 – 0119 :: ¿ Corydalis species ? along Hemakund – Ghangaria trail:   3 AUG 12
Hemakund – Ghangaria trail … about 13300 ft
Habitat: mountain slope
Habit: much branched herb, about 1 – 1.5 m high, rising along the slope; flower about 10 – 12 mm long

C meifolia may be

Corydalis filiformis I would say.

Perhaps my ID at must be incorrect.

Yes … Only one of them has to be C. filiformis, and the earlier one (your link) seems more probable because of longer spur, larger sepals and broader leaflets. The plant in this thread has much narrower leaflets, shorter spur and smaller sepals.

Appears to be close to images at Corydalis moorcroftiana ? 

Thanks … I am not familiar with this genus. Will wait for comments.

Pl. see 1st thread at Corydalis moorcroftiana ? for Magnus Linden’s views.

Pl. see Corydalis goveniana? ABJUL2017/09

Thanks … for pointing to the page in eFI site.

Earlier I got confused with the question mark at end of Corydalis moorcroftiana in your comment.
Many thanks for pointing to the ID.
Will revise my notes soon.


VOF Week: Corydalis sp-2 at Hemkund Sahib:
Seen this Corydalis sp. (Family: Fumariaceae) at Hemkund Sahib.

Appears to be close to images at Corydalis moorcroftiana ? 

Pl. see Corydalis goveniana? ABJUL2017/09


VOF Week: Third set of Corydalis sp.— En-route Hemkund Sahib:
This the third set of Corydalis sp. I had not yet critically examined this. Could turn out to be similar to other corydalis sp. posted b me.
Family: Fumariaceae

Appears to be close to images at Corydalis moorcroftiana ? 

Ladakh Plant ID 2 – (SJ:4Aug09) – indiantreepix | Google Groups : 2 images.
here is another one from Ladakh for ID help – seen growing at a distance on a river bed just short of Loma. Sorry about the quality – the best my amateurish camera could capture.  

Could be Corydalis govaniana

Is it possible to send the original image.
It may turn out to be Corydalis moorcroftiana as per FOI     


Corydalis moorcroftiana from Ladakh : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
Moorcroft’s CorydalisCorydalis moorcroftiana  

Found near Pangong Lake, Ladakh.
Flowering in July


Updated on December 24, 2024

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