Corydalis violacea (Prain) Pusalkar & D.K.Singh, J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, Pt. 2, Nat. Hist. 65(1): 36 1896. (Syn: Corydalis meifolia var. violacea Prain); N-India as per Catalogue of Life;
Corydalis violacea from Uttarakhand_DSR : 5 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (2) In our last month visit to Kedarnath area in Uttarakhand I managed to photograph this species Corydalis violacea (Prain) Pusalkar & D.K.Singh at about 4200m elevation in a valley above Kedarnath. Image of the small valley is also provided here. Earlier, this plant was considered as Corydalis meifolia var. violacea but later separated as a distinct species by Pusalkar and D.K. Singh. This species is not represented in eFI, or at least not under this name. the valley view looks desolate at first, except for the red/brown short plats at 8 o’clock. yet what a beauty is hiding in a crevice Thanks a lot … for sharing this beautiful taxon.. the flower colour is also very attractive.. References: |
Corydalis violacea
Updated on December 24, 2024