Crotalaria verrucosa

— Greek krotalos; refers to sound, dried pods make when shaken … Dave’s Botanary
ver-oo-KO-suh — wart-like … Dave’s Botanary
commonly known as: blue-flowered crotalaria, blue-flower rattlepod, purple popbush, shack-shack, tooth-leaf rattlepodBengali: বনশণ bansanGujarati: ઘૂઘરો ghugharoHindi: बनशण banshan, झुनझुनिया jhunjhuniaKannada: ಗಿಜಿಗಿಜಿ ಗಿಡ gijigiji gidaKonkani: भाट घागरी bhat ghagariMalayalam: കിലുകിലുക്കി kilukilukki, കിലുകിലുപ്പ kilukiluppaMarathi: भाट घागरी bhat ghagari, खुळखुळा khulkhula, सागर ताग sagar tagOdia: ଶଣପୁଷ୍ପୀ shanapushpiSanskrit: बृहत्पुष्पी brihatpuspi, शणपुष्पी shanapuspiTamil: சங்குநிதி cankuniti, கிலுகிலுப்பை kilu-kiluppaiTelugu: గిలిగింత giligintaTulu: ಗಿಜಿಗಿಜಿ ದೈ gijigiji dai
Native to: s & s-e tropical Asia; naturalized / cultivated elsewhere in tropics
Racemes terminal many flowered. Pods hairy Corolla bluish – purple.

Shrubs, to 1.5 m high; stems stout, minutely hispid. Leaves to 16 x 2 cm, obovate, obtuse at apex, acute at base, pubescent below; nerves to 10 pairs; petiole 1.5 cm long; stipule 1.5 x 1 cm, lunate. Raceme to 25 cm long; bracts lanceolate, 1 cm long. Flowers many; calyx 2 cm long, lobes lanceolate, hispid; standard 3 x 2 cm, glabrous, yellow; wings 2 x 1 cm, verrucose; keel glabrous. Pods 6 x 2.5 cm, obovate, clawed.  

Flowering and fruiting: December-February
Along shola forest margins
Peninsular India; widely distributed in Malesia


efloraindia: 041111 BRS121:
Pl. find the attached file contain photo of Crotalaria verrucosa for sp. id. confirmation.
Location: NBNP Garden, Anaikatti (640 MSL) Coimbatore Dist.,  July, 2011
Habitat: Wild
Habit: Shrub

Yes, Crotalaria verrucosa (please confirm the stem is 4-angular)


kroh-tuh-LAR-ee-uh — Greek krotalos; refers to sound, dried pods make when shaken
ver-oo-KO-suh — wart-like

Jul 10, 2011 … Kochare, Sindhudurg, Maharashtra
commonly known as: blue-flowered crotalaria, blue-flower rattlepod, purple popbush, shack-shack, tooth-leaf rattlepod • Bengali: বনশণ bansan • Gujarati: ઘૂઘરો ghugharo • Hindi: बनशण banshan, झुनझुनिया jhunjhunia • Kannada: ಗಿಜಿಗಿಜಿ ಗಿಡ gijigiji gida • Konkani: भाट घागरी bhat ghagari • Malayalam: കിലുകിലുക്കി kilukilukki, കിലുകിലുപ്പ kilukiluppa • Marathi: भाट घागरी bhat ghagari, खुळखुळा khulkhula, सागर ताग sagar tag • Sanskrit: बृहत्पुष्पी brihatpuspi, शणपुष्पी shanapuspi • Tamil: சங்குநிதி cankuniti, கிலுகிலுப்பை kilu-kiluppai • Telugu: గిలిగింత giliginta
Native to: s & s-e tropical Asia; naturalized / cultivated elsewhere in tropics
some views: Jul 10, 2011 … Kochare, Sindhudurg, Maharashtra

Racemes terminal many flowered. Pods hairy Corolla bluish – purple.
I think the only species of Crotalaria with blue violet flowers.

Fabaceae week… Crotalaria verrucosa:
here is picture of Crotalaria verrucosa it is chracterised by beautiful blue flowers unlike others in genus which are yellow

thanks for showing the unusual colored flowers…
seedpods… are they similar to the yellow varieties and what do the seeds look like?


Fabaceae-Faboideae (Papilionaceae) Week : Shrubs/Herbs : Crotalaria verrucosa:
Crotalaria verrucosa
A small herb seen on the edge of a seashore Ambolgad Rajapur.
Appears to be from Fabaceae.
Leaves 3cm rhomboid with undulate margin. Flower size 2cm.


Name of the species: Crotolaria verucosa
Family: Papilionaceae
Place of collection: Ranpur, Nayagarh, Orissa
Habit: Herb
Habitat: Wild, grasslands, roadsides
Altitude: 100 to 300 m above msl

You are really setting new standards for the group.

efloraindia: 071111 BRS139 Fabaceae-week:
Pl. find the attached file conatin photos of Crotalaria verrucosa.

Location- NBNP Garden, Anaikatti (640 MSL) Coimbatore Dist.,
Habitat: Garden
Habit: Shrub

Another set of photos of Crotalaria verrucosa from Coimbatore, Near Tidal Park
Date: 13.11.2011.
Habitat: Urban (road side)
Habit: Herb



Flora of Kaiga_ID_Please_17112011 PJ3:

Time – 16:00
Location- Place, Altitude – Karwar Sea shore, Uttar Kannada ,Karnataka,
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type- Urban/ wild
Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- Shrub

Nice picture! showing ear-like stipules. Crotalaria verrucosa.


Shrub 14 for ID plz. :
This image was taken in a shrub jungle in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. There were only two plants – one about two feet high and the other about 1 foot high. Hope the image is good enough for identification….maybe I should include some leaves too?


Crotalaria verrucosa | Akshi beach (Alibaug):
Crotalaria verrucosa (Local name Sagar-tag) of Fabaceae

Akshi Beach (Alibaug), Maharashtra

Plant for ID: Crotalaria sp. Hyderabad 20032013CS2  :
Please Id this weed, growing wild in Hyderabad

Crotalaria verrucosa

180713 ASP 120 :  Attachments (1). 4 posts by 4 authors.
Please ID this legume (Crotalaria?) with blue flowers. Photo was taken in Sri Lanka in Dec 2012.

This was identified earlier BY … as Crotalaria verrucosa

Yes it is C. verrucosa

Crotalaria verrucose

Vengurla visit on 28 july 2013 : Attachments (2). 1 post by 1 author.

Flower and habit close up
Crotalaria verrucosa

Sagartag in marathi
common on sandy shores in Konkan
28 July 2013
Vengurla, Maharashtra


SL 32 191113 : Attachments (1). 5 posts by 4 authors.
Can you please ID this leguminous climber with pale violet flowers. Photo was taken in Sri Lanka in Oct 2012.

Crotalaria verrucosa L.

Agree with …

I found this plant, i.e. Crotalaria verrucosa both in Maharashtra and Goa.
In my opinion it a typical coastal plant.

Thanks … for additional information. Yes I also saw this on the coast near Rajapur Maharashtra

SL 219 121213:  Attachments (2). 3 posts by 3 authors.
Please ID this small prostrate Fabaceae with blue/violet flowers and short pods. Photo was taken in Sri Lanka in Sep 2012.

Crotalaria verrucosa of Fabaceae.

Yes, it is Crotolaria verrucosa, a typical coastal plant. The colour of the flowers is characteristic.


Fabaceae (Faboideae) Fortnight :: Crotalaria verrucosa :: Sindhudurg :: DVOCT43 : 1 post by 1 author. 2 images.
Crotalaria verrucosa L.
at Sindhudurg on July 10, 2011

Fabaceae (Faboideae) Fortnight: Crotalaria verrucosa from Sindhudurg : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)
Undershrubs at Vengurla beach, Sindhudurg, Maharashtra – probably the commonest coastal Crotalaria in the State on sandy loam.

Fabaceae (Faboideae)Fortnight:: Crotalaria verrucosa ::Malvan::PKA-OCT-106 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (3)
Crotalaria verrucosa from Malvan.

Fwd: [efloraofindia:234145] For identification BS 2- 211015  : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
Attaching pics of these flowers in the southern western ghats along the Thamiraparani river on the KK district side below lower kodayar dam one week ago.

Crotalaria species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available on net) 

Crotalaria verrucosa, perhaps.

It looks like Crotalaria verrucosa L.


Flower for Id- ID28012016SH1  : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)

Flower for Id pl. Fabaceae ?
Location – Dabhol, Konkan
Date- 06.10.2015
Habitat –Wild

Crotalaria verrucosa

Thanks … Is it known as ’सागरताग’ in Marathi ?

ID KANNUR 23 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
Please identify this herb.. possibly a species of Crotalaria from Kannur District of Kerala

Pl. Check comparative images at efi site at Crotalaria page.

This is Crotalaria verrucose

Wild herb Id from Bangladesh_SM_1422 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)
Habitat: River bed
Location:  Upper Sangu 
Flowering: February
Picture taken: February, 2019

Very seems to be Crotalaria verrucosa.



Plant for ID SMP1 20/1/2011:
A small herb seen on the edge of a seashore Ambolgad Rajapur. Appears to be from Fabaceae. Leaves 3cm rhomboid with undulate margin. Flower size 2cm.

Crotalaria verrucosa. There exists an another form with white flowers.

[image: Crotalaria verrucosa L.]<…>

One of the names for Crotalaria verrucosa L. is bhat ghagari … ENVIS – FRLHT <envis.frlht>
Not sure how is bhat spelt in this context … would it be भाट घागरी OR भातघागरी OR yet any other word ?

… did you mean to say भट घागरी ? … any meaning for this भट as a prefix to घागरी

Meaning of घागरी
1 … A bell or jingling ball (as of a child’s girdle, or as worn on the toes by dancing girls &c.)
2 … The fruit of घागरा.
3 … The plant commonly घागरा

Have attached a javascrpted-HTML for generating Devanagari script … you may try your hand at it.

isn’t Ghagri means the pot called ghagar? plural of it? So pot like appearence? 

But what does भट in भट घागरी mean ? any idea ?

Other than घागरी being plural of घागर meaning a vessel or pot (made of copper, brass, or earth) to hold water, … the other meanings of घागरी are: a bell or jingling ball (as of a child’s girdle, or as worn on the toes by dancing girls &c.); the fruit of a plant commonly known as घागरा.

Had read your other meanings , but could not make anything out of it unless

1, how or what is the shape of the fruit?
2. Does it make any noise when dry?//
3, because all meanings given by you indicate noise. So it has to be related to either noise or shape.
Ghagar is the word generally used by Bhats/ dont know but think so, because others use kalashi?
This is all scrathing brain not knowlege. but trying to get it.

… yes, the seedpods make rattle-like noise.

Here are seed-pods of Crotalaria speciosa which look similar to that of C. verrucosa
[image: Khulkhula (Marathi: खुळखुळा)]<…>
Some of the meanings of भाट [ bhata ] are:
1 … A place in the sea or a river which appears at low water; a shoal, shallow, sand- bank.
2 … An elevated and level spot occurring in arable land; dry therefore and fit only for the inferior grains.
3 … Ground prepared for sugarcane: also a plantation of sugarcanes.
4 … A class of people or an individual of it. They are minstrels or bards.
5 … … An empty chatterer.

Yes it is called as Khulkhula in Marathi? Then not surname but that aa pronunciation will be correct. Because it means the people who praise God!!! They are the stutipathak of God, Rajas etc. So they will be making some ringing noise isn’t it of bell or ghungaru!

Many thanks … for working on the bhat ghagari … it has helped thrash the ambiguity.

Most of *Crotalaria* species have some of their names related to sound; more related to child’s rattle toy … thus, in various languages:
English: cat’s bell, rattlepod, rattlebox, shack-shack
Gujarati: ઘૂઘરો ghugharo
Hindi: घुंगरी ghungri, झुनझुनिया jhunjhunia
Marathi: डिंगळा dingala, खुळखुळा khulkhula, फटफटी phatphati
Kannada: ಗಿಜಿಗಿಜಿ ಗಿಡ gijigiji gida
… and so on.
.., … not knowing the reason why you are not able to see the picture put in my message … link to that picture in my flickr photostream is
Many thanks for showing pictures of Crotalaria verrucosa at your blog.

Interesting. If the name suggests the noise the pods make, can’t imagine खुळखुळा khulkhula, is any near to फटफटी phatphati.

… those are names of various species of Crotalaria.
While खुळखुळा khulkhula is a name for large seed-pod plants like *C. spectabilis* and *C. verrucosa*, the फटफटी phatphati is for tiny seed pod plant C. filipes

Kilukilukki in Malayalam.

… is this കിലുകിലുക്കി correct spelling of kilukilukki ?

Yes it is correct! Most of the common Crotalaria are called either Kilukki or Kilukilukki the later might produce more rattle sound. 


Names of Plants in India :: Crotalaria verrucosa:
via Species‎ > ‎C‎ > ‎ Crotalaria verrucosa L.
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 Flowers of India Discussions at efloraofindia more views in flickr more views on Google Earth
kroh-tuh-LAR-ee-uh — Greek krotalos; refers to sound, dried pods make when shaken
ver-oo-KO-suh — wart-like

commonly known as: blue-flowered crotalaria, blue-flower rattlepod, purple popbush, shack-shack, tooth-leaf rattlepodBengali: বনশণ bansanGujarati: ઘૂઘરો ghugharoHindi: बनशण banshan, झुनझुनिया jhunjhuniaKannada: ಗಿಜಿಗಿಜಿ ಗಿಡ gijigiji gidaKonkani: भाट घागरी bhat ghagariMalayalam: കിലുകിലുപ്പ kilukiluppaMarathi: भाट घागरी bhat ghagari, खुळखुळा khulkhula, सागर ताग sagar tagSanskrit: बृहत्पुष्पी brihatpuspi, शणपुष्पी shanapuspiTamil: சங்குநிதி cankuniti, கிலுகிலுப்பை kilu-kiluppaiTelugu: గిలిగింత giliginta
botanical names: Crotalaria verrucosa L. … synonyms: Anisanthera hastata Raf. • Anisanthera versicolor Raf. • Crotalaria acuminata (DC.) G.Don • Crotalaria angulosa Lam. • Crotalaria arnottiana Benth. • Crotalaria caerulea Jacq. • Crotalaria coerulea Jacq. • Crotalaria flexuosa Moench • Crotalaria hastata Steud. • Crotalaria mollis Weinm. • Crotalaria paramariboensis Miq. • Crotalaria semperflorens Vent. • Crotalaria wallichiana Wight & Arn. • Phaseolus bulai BlancoQuirosia anceps Blanco

I have never seen Crotalaria with so beautiful blue flowers


Gujaratiઘૂઘરો ghugharo would literally mean a baby rattling toy. do its seed pods rattle?

Yes …, dried pods of this one and most of other Crotalaria species have earned the generic name of rattlepod (with some descriptor to differentiate among species) – alludes to rattle toy; rattle when shaken.
The vernacular names too, aptly, are rattle toys in each language … झुनझुनिया jhunjhunia (HINDI) • ಗಿಜಿಗಿಜಿ ಗಿಡ gijigiji gida (KANNADA) • भाट घागरी bhat ghagari (KONKANI) • കിലുകിലുക്കി kilukilukki, കിലുകിലുപ്പ kilukiluppa (MALAYALAM) • भाट घागरी bhat ghagari, खुळखुळा khulkhula (MARATHI) • கிலுகிலுப்பை kilu-kiluppai (TAMIL) • గిలిగింత giliginta (TELUGU) • ಗಿಜಿಗಿಜಿ ದೈ gijigiji dai (TULU)

Thanks … I now will have to look for some in the urban cement jungle i now live in.
no more fallow land where the wonderful spontaneous plant life sprouted.

kroh-tuh-LAR-ee-uh — Greek krotalos; refers to sound, dried pods make when shaken … Dave’s Botanary
ver-oo-KO-suh — wart-like … Dave’s Botanary

commonly known as: blue-flowered crotalaria, blue-flower rattlepod, purple popbush, shack-shack, tooth-leaf rattlepod • Bengali: বনশণ bansan, কুদুক ঝুনঝুনি kuduk jhunjhuni • Gujarati: ખુળખુળા khulakhula, શણપુષ્પી shanapushpi • Hindi: बनशण banshan, झुनझुनिया jhunjhunia • Kannada: ಗಿಜಿಗಿಜಿ ಗಿಡ gijigiji gida • Konkani: भाट घागरी bhat ghagari • Malayalam: കിലുകിലുക്കി kilukilukki, കിലുകിലുപ്പ kilukiluppa • Marathi: भाट घागरी bhat ghagari, खुळखुळा khulkhula, सागर ताग sagar tag, तिरत tirat • Odia: ବାଳୀଝୁମୁକା balijhumuka • Sanskrit: बृहत्पुष्पी brihatpuspi, शणपुष्पी shanapuspi • Tamil: சங்குநிதி cankuniti, கிலுகிலுப்பை kilu-kiluppai • Telugu: గజ్జెలాకు gejjilaaku, గిలక చెట్టు gilaka chettu, గిలిగిచ్చ giligichcha, గిలిగింత giliginta • Tulu: ಗಿಜಿಗಿಜಿ ದೈ gijigiji dai

botanical namesCrotalaria verrucosa L. … synonymsAnisanthera versicolor Raf. • Crotalaria caerulea Jacq. • Crotalaria coerulea Bedd. • Crotalaria flexuosa Moench • Crotalaria hastata Steud. • Crotalaria mollis Weinm. • Phaseolus bulae Blanco • Quirosia anceps Blanco … and more synonyms listed at POWO

Bibliography / etymology

~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
blue-flowered crotalaria
blue-flower rattlepod, purple popbush, shack-shack, tooth-leaf rattlepod
~~~~~ BENGALI ~~~~~
বনশণ bansan, কুদুক ঝুনঝুনি kuduk jhunjhuni
~~~~~ GUJARATI ~~~~~
ખુળખુળા khulakhula, શણપુષ્પી shanapushpi
~~~~~ HINDI ~~~~~
बनशण banshan, झुनझुनिया jhunjhunia
  • ENVIS – FRLHT … another variant: झनझनियां jhanjhania
  • बन ban = of forest, wilderness; शण shan = jute, hemp, flax or fibre
  • झुनझुनिया jhunjhunia — a rattle toy; alludes to the sound, dried seed-pods of this plant make when shaken
~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~
ಗಿಜಿಗಿಜಿ ಗಿಡ gijigiji gida
  • ENVIS – FRLHT … ಗಿಜಿಗಿಜಿ gijigiji = a child’s rattle toy, alludes to the sound, dried seed-pods of this plant make when shaken; ಗಿಡ gida = plant
  • also ಗಿಲಗಂಚಿ ಗಿಡ gilaganchi gida … Mandayam Digital Library – Latin and Kannada names of indigenous and medicinal plants of Mysore by S G Narsimhachar
  • also ಗಿಜಿಗಿಜಿ ಕಾಯಿ gijigiji kaayi / ಗಿಜಿಗಿಜಿ ಸೊಪ್ಪು gijigiji soppu … Shodhganga – Medicinal plants of Tulunadu … ಕಾಯಿ kaayi = greens; ಸೊಪ್ಪು soppu = greens
~~~~~ KONKANI ~~~~~
भाट घागरी bhat ghagari
  • Enumeration of plants from Gomantak India with a note on botanical excursions to the Castlerock area by V D Vartak
  • भाट bhat … 1 — a place in the sea or a river which appears at low water; a shoal, shallow, sand-bank; 2 — the level along the banks of creeks and rivers. Being generally rich with alluvial soil, it is used for gardens and plantations; 3 — an elevated and level spot occurring in arable land; dry therefore and fit only for the inferior grains; 4 — ground prepared for sugarcane: also a plantation of sugarcane
    घागरी ghagari (घर्घरी, in Sanskrit) — a bell or jingling ball (as of a child’s girdle, or as worn on the toes by dancing girls &c.) … alludes to the sound, dried pods make when shaken.
    Reference: A dictionary, Marathi and English by Molesworth, J. T. (James Thomas)
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~
കിലുകിലുക്കി kilukilukki
  • Many thanks to Dr Giby Kuriakose for help with the name … efloraofindia
  • കിലുകിലുക്കി kilukilukki = a child’s rattle toy, alludes to the sound, dried seed-pods of this plant make when shaken
കിലുകിലുപ്പ kilukiluppa
  • കിലുകിലുപ്പ kilukiluppa = a child’s rattle toy, alludes to the sound, dried seed-pods of this plant make when shaken
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~
भाट घागरी bhat ghagari
  • भाट bhat … 1 — a place in the sea or a river which appears at low water; a shoal, shallow, sand-bank; 2 — the level along the banks of creeks and rivers. Being generally rich with alluvial soil, it is used for gardens and plantations; 3 — an elevated and level spot occurring in arable land; dry therefore and fit only for the inferior grains; 4 — ground prepared for sugarcane: also a plantation of sugarcane
    घागरी ghagari (घर्घरी, in Sanskrit) — a bell or jingling ball (as of a child’s girdle, or as worn on the toes by dancing girls &c.) … alludes to the sound, dried pods make when shaken.
    Reference: A dictionary, Marathi and English by Molesworth, J. T. (James Thomas)
खुळखुळा khulkhula
सागर ताग sagar tag
  • Further Flowers of Sahyadri, a field guide to identify flowers of northern Western Ghats of India by Shrikant Ingalhalikar
  • सागर sagar = sea, ocean; ताग tag = plant from which a kind of hemp or cordage is obtained … suggestive of this plant’s habitat by sea-side, and being capable of yielding fibre
तिरत tirat
~~~~~ ODIA ~~~~~
ବାଳୀଝୁମୁକା balijhumuka
~~~~~ SANSKRIT ~~~~~
बृहत्पुष्पी brihatpuspi, शणपुष्पी shanapuspi
  • बृहत् brihat = large, great, big; शण shana = hemp. jute, fibre; पुष्पी puspi – flower
~~~~~ TAMIL ~~~~~
சங்குநிதி cankuniti, கிலுகிலுப்பை kilu-kiluppai
  • Tamil lexicon [Madras], University of Madras … also சங்கநிதி cankaniti
  • கிலுகிலுப்பை kilu-kiluppai = a rattle toy … alludes to the sound, dried pods make when shaken
~~~~~ TELUGU ~~~~~
గజ్జెలాకు gejjilaaku, గిలక చెట్టు gilaka chettu, గిలిగిచ్చ giligichcha
గిలిగింత giliginta
~~~~~ TULU ~~~~~
ಗಿಜಿಗಿಜಿ ದೈ gijigiji dai
~~~~~ x ~~~~~
Names compiled / updated at

Kannada name is correct.


Devgad, Kokan, MH :: Crotalaria verrucosa :: ARK2021-069: 3 images.
This was seen growing right next to the beach at Devgad, coastal Kokan, MH in Aug 2021.

This appears to be Crotalaria verrucosa.
Requesting to please validate.

Yes, it’s ma’am, you’re right,


Need ID help for purplish-flowered legume: 3 images.
Goa, Laterite

Crotalaria verrucosa

Yes, I agree with … as per images at Crotalaria verrucosa L.

Flower for Id -ID02012022SH3: 1 high res. image.

Flower for Id pl.
Location – Vasai (Maharashtra)
Date – November 2021

Please check Fabaceae !

This appears to be Crotalaria verrucosa L. [Fabaceae].
The occurrence of entirely white flowers in this plant is rare.

Yes  from me also. It is white flowered species:
… is correct.


Flower for Id -ID09112022SH3: 1 high res. images.

Flower for Id pl.
Location – Kudal, Maharashtra
Date – October.2022

Please check Fabaceae in efi.

Crotalaria verrucosa.

Crotalaria verrucosa L.

Yes, as per images at


Regarding confirmation of the species collected from Puri dist. ODISHA Crotalaria verrucosa?: 6 images.

Yes !

For me the ID looks correct,

its Crotalaria verrucosa sir


Updated on March 10, 2025

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