Cucumis melo L. subsp. melo, Sp. Pl. 1011 1753. (Syn: (=) Bryonia collosa Rottler; (=) Cucumis collosus (Rottler) Cogn. ; Cucumis flexuosus L. [≡ Cucumis melo subsp. melo var. flexuosus]; Cucumis melo var. cantalupensis Naudin [= Cucumis melo subsp. melo var. cantalupo]; Cucumis melo var. reticulatus Naudin [= Cucumis melo subsp. melo var. cantalupo]; (=) Cucumis trigonus Roxb.);
Melon, Muskmelon, Cantaloupe, Honeydew, Sugar melon • Hindi: खरबूज़ा Kharbooza • Marathi: चिबुंडा Chibunda, Tarkaddi • Tamil: Thumattikai • Kannada: Budame Kayi • Bengali: Kharmuj • Urdu: Kharbooza • Gujarati: તરબૂચા Tarbucha • Sanskrit: मधुफल Madhuphala, व्रट्टकर्कटी Vrittakarkatii; As per efi thread: Cultivated melons come in a large range of forms, but are grouped into three main groups: 1. Group Cantapaulensis: Cantaloupes having variety of skin forms but with non-netted thick skin and yellowish-orange flesh with distinct aroma. 2. Group inodorous: Smooth thin skinned melons with white or greenish flesh without strong aroma. 3. Group reticulatus: distinctly netted skin and lighter coloured flesh
Cucumis melo subsp. melo; Cucumis trigonus Roxb.; Wild Cucumber; Davderi / Karit; “Gomate” [Kannada]; Fruits & Vegetables Week: Cucumis melo subsp. melo cultivated melon: Cucumis melo subsp. melo, the cultivated melon from Delhi Cucumis melo var. cantalupensis or commonly Cantaloupe is common in North america as fruit Wow, .., congratulations, how did you do it? Balcony me Kharbooja!!! Great, astonishing, … If I remember what all I have seen “from your balcony”, I feel your balcony must be 10 times bigger than my garden. How do you do it? Just tell me the secret. Send us please a foto of your green fingers too! Not necessarily .. We have a balcony just 6′ x 6′ and my mother who was very fond of vegetables would grow cucumber in one pot and melon in another, and soon the whole balcony would be full of these two climbers, and we would have good number of fruits to eat. The plants need your love and care to grow. She was so well versed with vegetables that she could tell different types of Brassica just when plant had only one or two small leaves or even just from cotyledonary leaves. We have tried several times after her but never got that success with production of fruits and vegetables. I agree with you, … … I just threw the seeds after eating the musk melon. around 20 seeds. All germinated. After ten 15 days I selected 4 seedlings rest all I removed and composted. The pot is only 12″. I do not care much regarding fertilizer. Just put water in the morning and put some Cow dung around the plants every three four months. …, my balcony is not very big. I have two balconies 15′ long. I grew all the plants in small pots especially plastic one as they are light weight and require less water. I also talk to my plants in the morning especially to those which are not flowering/fruiting. My Aerides orchids was not flowering. One morning I just asked it why you are Is this Cucumis sativus ?: attached Cucurbitaceae member i photographed recently, in Pune. Is this Cucumis sativus ? Plant Habit- Vine Habitat- Wild Location-Pune Date- 15 th sep 2011. Leaf outline suggests Cucumis melo Or even Cucumis trigonus?? I searched net I found that Cucumis trigonus and Cucumis melo are synonymous. (Link below) Cucurbitaceae sp for id from a village near Nilokheri (Karnal) Looks like any Cucumis sp Fruit almost round about 2.5 -3.0 cm. Plant spiny
This one is also sold as a vegetable, can be found along rice field borders, in sorghum and maize fields in our area, thanks for sharing… This is definitely Cucumis. Cucumis trigonus, Cucumis pubescens all now considered as synonym of Cucumis melo subsp. agrestris var. agrestris, commonly sold here as Kachri. Cucurbitaceae Week: Cucumis melo subsp. melo from Delhi and Kashmir: These are some photographs of cultivated melons in Delhi and Kashmir not seen in fruiting stage. Cucurbitaceae Week: Revisiting Cucumis melo susbp. agrestris var. agrestris: Cucumis trigonous: It seems merging all native species under Cucumis melo adds to the confusion we often get into and let us as I requested earlier initially identify our plants by their original names. I am separating the two distinct forms, often going under same names. This one should be C. trigonous Roxb. I suppose. This one is more common plant sold in markets of Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan under the name Kachri or Chibbar. The fruits are oval, looking like egg, with streaks of dark green on lighter background. It is supposed to be bitter, and mainly used as medicine, sometimes also made into chutni or cooked as vegetable. Yes Sir, This is the one we commonly encounter, in fields as well as with vegetable vendors here, this will be seen in a few days from now. Many thanks for taking pains to review this confusing situation….
cucumis melo: cucumis melo of cucurbitaceae family flowering commonly and porfusely my place in alibaug efloraofindia:”For Id 03102012MR1’’ wild creeper at Pune: 17/09/2012 Pune Request to Id this creeper growing wild in a private society . No fruits were seen I hope Cucumis melo Cucumis for ID : Oman : 201112 : AK-1: I found this Cucumis species growing in the sand near Muscat on 12/3/2010. Bright yellow flowers, but no fruit formation when picture was taken. Id please. Cucumis melo
Sweet Melon For ID : 250614 : AK-51: 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1). This is for you. Seen at a stall in the Corbett area, near Jim Corbett’s house. Was told by the vendor they are from Bareilly. I remembered our Sir and his book then. French Cantaloupe or Ha’ogen Melon? Ha’ogen melon Thanks for validation. I have photographed some more Cucurbitaceae in the Bangalore & Mumbai market. Will post them for correct id.
Melon For ID : Mumbai Market : 260614 : AK-53 : Attachments (1). Seen in the market on 19/4/14. Similar to the earlier one but colors are lighter. Ha’Ogen Melon or Charentais Melon? Sir Ji, I am sitting with your ‘Know Your Vegetables’ book in front of me. Ha’Ogen only
Melon For ID : Mumbai Market : 260614 : AK-52 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1). Seen on 17/4/14 at the fruit & vegetable market in Mumbai. This can also be Ha’Ogen Melon? …, for validation please. Ha’Ogen only Unknown Cucurbitaceae sp. from Assam KD 06 Sept. : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (7). Attached images are sp. of Cucurbitaceae. Please ID the plant. Date :31.08.2014 Location: Assam Family : Cucurbitaceae Genus & species : ?? Habitat: Grows wild on open space Habit : Climber Cucumis melo I hope. Jan2015sk23 Hooghly – Cucumis sp. : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4) Please identify this wild trailing Cucumis found in village roadside, also in thickets, not much climbing, climbs only on small undershrub. Photographs were taken on 06-Jan-2013, in Hooghly. Can it be Cucumis trigonus Roxb.? efi page on Cucumis melo subsp. melo (Syn: Cucumis trigonus Roxb.) If Cucumis melo subsp. melo is current accepted name of Cucumis trigonus Roxb. then it is Cucumis melo subsp. melo. 2015april_sk11/11 : Cucumis melo L. (possibly var. cantalupensis) : 8 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5) Yes … is there a bangla name … and Hindi name …? Charentais or French Cantaloupe One local seller called it Madhu or Madhuras well this is what is called sakkar teti (teti as in small fruit) in gujarati. thanksfor the french name. is it same as musk melon USA has ?? I wonder Thank you very much Sir, besides your book I have taken help of the article “Musk Melon is Eat-Must Melon“. It is now selling as FOOTI (FUTI) here, at Rs.40/- a kilo. I would like to add that I ate it this morning, very sweetly scented but tasted bland, some are sweetly tasted, one simply cannot tell which one will taste sweet when one pick up one from basket.
Hooghly-skMAY18/19 Cucumis melo L. subsp. agrestis (Naudin) Pangalo var. momordica : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (5)
Cucurbitaceae for ID : Flower Show : Lalbagh Botanical Garden, Bangalore : 10SEP20 : AK-16 : 12 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2) Pumpkin seen in the vegetable section of the Flower Show in Jan,20 Sakkaregumbala in Kannada. Sweet pumpkin. Leaves seem too small for pumpkin (Cucurbita). Korean Star melon, also known as Golden Star melon, Cucumis melo subsp. agrestis var conomon is possible This was Pumpkin only, not a melon. Something close to a Disco Pumpkin. I will check for more pictures. Adding more pictures. Hope these help. Attachments (2) Korean Star melon looks a bit different as per May I request you to pl. post high resolution image of ‘Flower Show,Lalbagh Botanical Garden,Bangalore-P1360823.JPG’, for … to examine. Here is the original image. Attachments (1)- 6 mb. Cucumis melo without any doubt.
Cucumis melo subsp. melo
Updated on December 24, 2024