Cyperus esculentus L., Sp. Pl. 45 1753. (syn: Chlorocyperus aureus (K.Richt.) Palla ex Kneuck.; Chlorocyperus phymatodes (Muhl.) Palla; Cyperus aureus Ten. [Illegitimate]; Cyperus aureus (L.) Nyman; Cyperus bahiensis Steud.; Cyperus buchananii Boeckeler; Cyperus callistus Ridl.; Cyperus chrysostachys Boeckeler; Cyperus chrysostachyus Boeck.; Cyperus cubensis Steud.; Cyperus damiettensis A.Dietr.; Cyperus esculentus var. angustispicatus Britton ……………………; Cyperus fresenii Steud.; Cyperus fulvescens Liebm.; Cyperus gracilescens Schult.; Cyperus gracilis Link [Illegitimate]; Cyperus heermannii Buckley; Cyperus helodes Schrad. ex Nees; Cyperus hydra Kunth [Illegitimate]; Cyperus lutescens Torr. & Hook.; Cyperus melanorhizus Delile; Cyperus nervosus Bertol.; Cyperus officinalis T.Nees; Cyperus pallidus Savi [Illegitimate]; Cyperus phymatodes Muhl. .; Cyperus repens Elliott; Cyperus ruficomus Buckley; Cyperus scirpoides R.Br. [Illegitimate]; Cyperus sieberianus Link; Cyperus tenoreanus Schult.; Cyperus tenorei C.Presl; Cyperus tenorianus Roem. & Schult.; Cyperus tuberosus Pursh [Illegitimate]; Cyperus variabilis Salzm. ex Steud.; Pterocyperus esculentus (L.) Opiz; Pycreus esculentus (L.) Hayek); . Cyperus esculentus (or chufa sedge, nut grass, yellow nutsedge, tigernut sedge, or earth almond) is a crop of the family sedge native to warm temperate to subtropical regions of the Northern Hemisphere. It can be found wild, as a weed or as a crop. It has been cultivated since the fourth millennium BC in Egypt, and for several centuries in Southern Europe. Nowadays it is often cultivated for its edible tubers (tigernuts), mainly in Spain for the preparation of the milky beverage Horchata de chufa. But in many countries C. esculentus is considered a weed and it is underutilized.[1] It is an annual or perennial plant, growing to 90 cm tall, with solitary stems growing from a tuber. The plant is reproduced by seeds, creeping rhizomes and tubers. The stems are triangular in section and bear slender leaves 3–10 mm wide. The spikelets of the plant are distinctive, with a cluster of flat, oval seeds surrounded by four hanging, leaf-like bracts positioned 90 degrees from each other. They are 5 to 30 mm long and linear to narrowly elliptic with pointed tips and 8 to 35 florets. The colour varies between straw – colored to gold – brown. They can produce up to 2420 seeds per plant. The plant foliage is very tough and fibrous and is often mistaken for a grass. The roots are an extensive and complex system of fine, fibrous roots and scaly rhizomes with small hard, spherical tubers and basal bulbs attached. The tubers are between 0.3 – 1.9 cm in diameter and the colours varies between yellow, brown and black.[5] One plant can produce several hundred to several thousand tubers during a single growing season. With cool temperatures foliage, roots, rhizomes and basal bulbs die. But the tubers survive and resprout the following spring when soil temperatures remain above 6°C. They can resprout up to several years later. When the tubers germinate, many rhizomes are initiated and end in a basal bulb near the soil surface. These basal bulbs initiate the stems and leaves above ground, and fibrous roots underground. C. esculentus is wind pollinated and requires cross pollination as it is self–incompatible. Hooghly yesterday : Cyperus esculentus L. ? : Attachments (9 + 6 + 9). 6 posts by 2 authors. This 1 to 1.5 ft. sedge is also growing in the same sandy patch, in front of our school, recorded yesterday, 02-Aug-2013. efi page on Cyperus esculentus I am very confused with the two posts at eFI – /species/a—l/cl/cyperaceae/cyperus/cyperus-esculentus. The one at efi thread looks different to the one at efi thread. I may be very wrong. but the first one looks similar to the ones labelled as C. digitatus Roxb. at – The 2nd one looks different to the plants in – floridagrasses and in discoverlife. I think my plant doesn’t belong to any of the eFI linked species. Thanks, … I have resurfaced both the posts.
I do not know if this “new set” is same species (in mature stage) as in the original in this thread or entirely a different species. If the “filiform” bract like structure in the highlighted area is anything to do with the ID of C. esculentus then this species may be the same; as in – 1) (source – 2) http://newfs.s3.amazonaws.jpg (source – 3) another link – 6 images,
Cyperus Species seen at the edge of a lake in Atlanta. May be Cyperus esculentus. Once check Thanks for the prompt reply. Looks similar. |
Cyperus esculentus
Updated on December 24, 2024