Cyperus pilosus Vahl, Enum. Pl. 2: 354 1805. (Syn: Cyperus amuricus var. japonicus Kük.; Cyperus donianus A.Dietr.; Cyperus fimbriatus Nees; Cyperus hebes Steud.; Cyperus heyneanus Boeckeler; Cyperus honestus Kunth; Cyperus marginellus Nees; Cyperus obliquus Nees; Cyperus paniculatus D.Don [Illegitimate]; Cyperus pauciflorus Steud.; Cyperus pilosus f. badius Kuntze ………….; Cyperus piptolepis Steud.; Cyperus piptolepis var. contractus Miq.; Cyperus piptolepis var. pyrophytus Miq.; Cyperus pyrophilus Reinw. ex de Vriese; Cyperus quinqueflorus Hochst. ex Steud.; Cyperus subalatus Steud.; Duval-jouvea pilosa (Vahl) Palla);
Hooghly – Cyperus pilosus Vahl ? : Attachments (7). 4 posts by 2 authors. I have found this sedge today (25.9.13), in a flooded paddy field. About 3 ft tall and looks similar to what I have identified/suggested as C. digitatus Roxb. But this looks more closer to Satyendra Ji’s photographs. A closer look at the inflorescence of this one and the one i marked as C. digitatus Roxb. gives some differences. The inflorescence here is not exactly digitate (P1060510.jpg & P1060510b.jpg). In addition, the spikes are lax, shorter. One can even see purplish colour in some of the glumes (P1060510b.jpg). I am sorry i could not get closer to this sedge so that i could record macro of spikelets. Can it be Cyperus pilosus Vahl (should be found all over India)? Yes, this is Cyperus pilosus Vahl References: |
Cyperus pilosus
Updated on December 24, 2024