Dimorphotheca pluvialis (Cultivated)


by Radha Krishna Reddy (Id by J.M.Garg & validation by Gurcharan Singh), Gurcharan Singh & Ranjini Kamath (Id by Gurcharan Singh) (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more images & complete details,
click on the links) 





African Daisy – 210711 – RK2: Would appreciate Bot ID. Pics taken in April 2011 towards end of peak
flowering season at Los Altos, California. 

Yes I also think this is Dimorphotheca pluvialis commonly known as Rain Daisy 

I think Id by … seems correct as per http://www.plantzafrica.com/plantcd/dimorthothecapluvialis.htm




For ID 260612 NS2:  

Here is one more for identification.
Are these a variety of daisy?
Location: delhi
Habitat: Cultivated in a garden
Time of year: winter

I hope Dimorphotheca pluvialis

Req- Plant for ID-6 :  4 images. 6 posts by 4 authors.
Plant from: Botanical Garden, Yercaud
Date: 18.2.2013

Osteospermum ecklonis

Common name: African Daisy
Family: Asteraceae
Habit: Shrub
Nativity: South America and West Indies
Propagation: Through seeds and stem cuttings

To me it appears like I think it may be Dimorphotheca pluvialis as per http://www.plantzafrica.com/plantcd/dimorphecklon.htm & http://www.plantzafrica.com/plantcd/dimorthothecapluvialis.htm

Yes …

yes. i think it originated in south africa  eastern parts. very popular in india garden shows and some nurseries

This plant grown as ornamental in Delhi, a tall erect herb up to 50 cm tall with white ray florets purple beneath, I had thought to be Osteospermum ecklonis, till I found real O. ecklonis in California with low shrubby habit, smaller and broader leaves and azure-blue disc.
Typical Dimorphotheca pluvialis has broader yellow disc, whereas the above plant has narrower blue disc.
Please give your opinion about its identity.  

To me it fairly matches with O.ecklomis.
Bailey (1949) in Manual of Cultivated Plants has mentioned it as shrub and subshrub but Graf (1992) in Hortica has mentioned it as subshrub perennial with blackish blue disc, broad ray florets white on surface, purplish beneath. Other varieties may have yellow ray florets or white spatulate ray florets.
Since it is a cultivated taxon it may have variations which are desirable and selected as new cultivars. Many a time cultivated plants may defy the limits we assign to them. That is what I can say here Sir!

I think it may be Dimorphotheca ecklonis as per http://www.plantzafrica.com/plantcd/dimorphecklon.htm & http://www.plantzafrica.com/plantcd/dimorthothecapluvialis.htm

Dimorphotheca pluvialis only. The annual erect habit, sinuate-dentate leaves are  distinctive enough. It is commonly grown as potted annual plant. Disc florets often get tipped with purple.

agree with … not osteospermum


Updated on December 24, 2024

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