Dimorphotheca ecklonis (Cultivated)

Dimorphotheca ecklonis DC., Prodr. 6:71. 1838 (“1837”) (Syn: (≡) Osteospermum ecklonis (DC.) Norl.);

by D S Rawat, Ankush Prakash & Gurcharan Singh (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more images & complete details,
click on the links)


African Daisy, Cape Daisy, Osteospermum;
Low perennial herb or almost a subshrub usually less than 60 cm tall with alternate 5-8 cm long obovate to oblanceolate leaves, somewhat remotely toothed, pubescent; heads solitary on long peduncles, 5-7 cm n diam.; ray florets pale purple to almost white above, purple beneath with white margin; disc small in size with sterile florets, azure-blue; achenes straight, hard without pappus. 
Osteospermum ecklonis from Delhi: Osteospermum ecklonis (DC.) Norl., Studies in the Calenduleae I. 244. 1943

Syn: Dimorphotheca ecklonis DC.
Common names:: Vanstaden’s river daisy, Cape Marguerite
There seems to be lot of confusion about the accepted name. GRIN considers Dimorphotheca ecklonis DC. as accepted. To confuse things further The Plant List considers both as accepted names. Wikipedia mentions that perennial species of Dimophotheca are placed in Osteospermum, and finally the ITIS, considered to be the most reliable database considers Osteospermum ecklonis as accepted name.
The species is differentiated from species of Dimorphotheca in perennial habit, smaller azure-blue disc and overlapping ray florets.
Low perennial herb or almost a subshrub usually less than 60 cm tall with alternate 5-8 cm long obovate to oblanceolate leaves, somewhat remotely toothed, pubescent; heads solitary on long peduncles, 5-7 cm n diam.; ray florets pale purple to almost white above, purple beneath with white margin; disc small in size with sterile florets, azure-blue; achenes straight, hard without pappus. 
Photographed from Delhi University Flower Show

ASTERACEAE Fortnight Part-I Radiate Heads May 1-14: Osteospermum ecklonis from Uttarakhand_DSR_30 : Attachments (1). 1 post by 1 author.

Popularly known as ‘Dimorphotheca’ or ‘Cape Marigold’, Osteospermum ecklonis (DC.) Norl. is a popular ornamental herb. It produces prolific daisy like white flower heads up to 8cm with bluish-black centre.




[26052013] AP1-Plant for id from Ambala Cantt Haryana : Attachments (2).  1 post by 1 author.
Osteospermum ecklonis



Requesting to please ID this plant with pink flowers (Asteraceae) captured in Chicago, Illinois, USA in May 2013.

I hope Osteospermus ecklonis



Attached are pictures of Osteospermum ecklonis captured at California, USA in May 2013

Yes … Nice photographs

This is the Osteospermum Serenity Peach Magic cultivar…..




Flora of Madhya Pradesh : Dimorphotheca pluvialis (L.) Moench from Khajuraho Temples area:  

Dimorphotheca pluvialis (L.) Moench from Khajuraho Temples area
cultivated in Lawns there
Pls validate

Yes. Nice Garden plant

This one was shot from Kurukshetra University… id please, tentatively I have placed this under Arctotis  

I hope Dimorphotheca pluvialis

Yes Sir, you are absolutely right, thanks a lot..

I think it may be Dimorphotheca ecklonis as per http://www.plantzafrica.com/plantcd/dimorphecklon.htm & http://www.plantzafrica.com/plantcd/dimorthothecapluvialis.htm



Sharing pictures of Dimorphotheca pluvialis from Delhi.
Pictures taken on 16/3/2012.
A cultivated, ornamental, garden plant with white flowers

I think it may be Dimorphotheca ecklonis as per http://www.plantzafrica.com/plantcd/dimorphecklon.htm & http://www.plantzafrica.com/plantcd/dimorthothecapluvialis.htm


Osteospermum ecklonis from California GSMAY2016/04 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
Osteospermum ecklonis (DC.) Norf.
In my previous post, there was some mix up of O jucundum and O. ecklonis, and both in Delhi photograph. I am now uploading them separately.
Osteospermum (some times merged with Dimorphotheca) is distinct in having pernennial plants often shrubby, disc florets sterile and style branches very short Dimorphotheca with usually tall annual herbs, disc florets fertile and style branches long.
O. ecklonis is a subshrub, 5-7 cm across heads with rays white purple beneath with often white margin, disc florets azure blue,
O. jucundum, perennial herbs, heads 5 cm across, ray florets pale red (cerise) paler beneath, disc florets dark purple.
Uploading O. ecklonis from California



Dimorphotheca pluvialis:  I never missing the blooming of this flower. Bought this plant at Yercaud and its growing beautifully in Bangalore!
Taken in Bangalore
Jan 31, 2013

very beautiful photos 

blue centered white daisy… i thought it was from africa… did not know it grew in India 

I think it may be Dimorphotheca ecklonis as per http://www.plantzafrica.com/plantcd/dimorphecklon.htm & http://www.plantzafrica.com/plantcd/dimorthothecapluvialis.htm

yes. d. eckloni. white floret, deep blue disk.



GRIN  The Plant List 1 (Dimorphotheca ecklonis DC.) The Plant List 2 (Osteospermum ecklonis (DC.) Norl.)  Flora of North America  Flowers of India  India Biodiversity Portal  Dave’s Garden

Updated on December 24, 2024

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