The culprit for hacking of accounts seems to be a mail was from Google ++, subject line was ‘Restore your messages’ Please don’t click on read messages.
Aarti informed me about it and I found this message in my inbox dated 31-8-13. I must have clicked it to be trapped.
Please just mail in your inbox to spam folder or delete it.
And now Google ++ Delayed Messages : 4 posts by 4 authors.
Many of us were trapped who responded to Google ++ Restore your Messages. Now there seems to be another such mail in many inboxes Google ++ Delayed Messages. Please don’t click the message with 2 pending messages. It may be another trap.
Thanks for informing.
Will be guarded for this new trap.
Thanks Sir, this was in my mailbox too..
Don’t restore your messages from Google ++
Updated on December 24, 2024