If someone sends distress message (asking or money) from your account : 11 posts by 6 authors.
This happened with me on 3rd and to Aarti ji today. I wasted two hours because I did not know that hacker had changed the reply path to fake account @mail.com (instead of gmail.com. same happened with Aarti ji today. Should this happen to any other person don’t waste any time, If you are able to login to your account, change your password immediately, logout and login with new password. Go immediately to settings–> account and edit the reply path the hacker has set. simply delete it through edit. You may change your password again, logout and login with new password to make it doubly sure.
Before you reply any mail from such affected person, click reply, check his/her email Id (most probable it will be very similar to his/her id but mostly @mail.com instead of @gmail.com. Delete this and replace by his/her true email ID before replying.
I am recirculating it again
Dear friends This happened with me on 3rd and to Aarti ji, yesterday, our former Principal and Sarkar ji today. I wasted two hours because I did not know that hacker had changed the reply path to fake account @mail.com (instead of gmail.com. same happened with Aarti ji today. Should this happen to any other person don’t waste any time, If you are able to login to your account, change your password immediately, logout and login with new password. Go immediately to settings–> account and edit the reply path the hacker has set. simply delete it through edit. You may change your password again, logout and login with new password to make it doubly sure.
The hacker is likely to do three things
1. Send distress mail from your account…..(You can’t do anything about it except warn your contacts, change your password, logout and login with new password)
2. Change reply path to some fake email ID very similar to yours, but @mail.com or yahoo.com, so that all replies (who volunteer to help the person) go to that hacker. (Immediately go to settings—–>account, see edit inf on right of your email id and delete that fake reply path. Save changes.
3. He may delete your addressbook so that you can’t warn your contacts. (always keep a csv file of your computer ready on your computer (you may export it from your contacts in gmail), and import it immediately should the situation arise.
Please keep in mind the vague mails you receive on behalf of gmail as circulated by Satish ji.
Thank you Singh ji for the information. I had received the fake mail from your id and realised that your mail has been hacked.
But didn’t know how to let you know because I was afraid that my warning mail will go to the hacker rather than to you
On such occasions (I learnt only after my relative in Google pointed out) it is always advisable to see your To email IDs before sending reply. The fake ID can be deleted before sending.
If someone sends distress message (asking or money) from your account
Updated on December 24, 2024