Ehretia laevis (Rottler ex G. Don) Roxb. (syn: Ehretia canarensis Miq. ex C. B. Cl.; Ehretia floribunda Royle; Ehretia laevis var. canarensis C. B. Cl.; Ehretia laevis var. platyphylla Merr.) as per Catalogue of Life; . eh-RET-ee-uh — named for Georg Dionysius Ehret, botanical artist LEE-viss or LAY-viss — smooth … Dave’s Botanary . commonly known as: ovate-leaved ivory wood • Gujarati: વઢવારડી vadhavaradi • Hindi: भैरी bhairi, चामरोड़ chamror • Konkani: kalo gamdo • Malayalam: ചരണ്ടി caranti • Marathi: अजानवृक्ष ajaanvruksha, धतरंग dhatrang • Nepali: datingal • Oriya: mosonea • Sanskrit: चर्मवृक्ष charmavriksha • Tamil: குருவிச்சை kuruviccai, ஒருசாதிமரம் oruvakai-maram, பட்டைவிரசு pattaivirachu • Telugu: తెల్లజువ్వి tellajuvvi . Native to: China, Bhutan, India, Pakistan, Laos, Myanmar, Vietnam . A moderate-sized, deciduous tree with smooth, grey bark. Leaves 7-14 cm long, elliptic, obtuse or acuminate, entire, membraneous when young, hard when mature. Flowers white, small, in terminal or axillary, slender, usually one-sided cymes. Calyx 5-cleft. Corolla-tube 2.5 cm long, petals 5, spreading. Stamens 5. Fruit a 0.5 cm across drupe, globose, depressed, red. . from Karnal By Pass. shot near the boundary of DWR Karnal It may be Ehretia aspera if it is a shrub rather than a tree. If you have more closeup pictures of leaves it will be useful for differentiating…(Still it can be Ehretia laevis though) Ehretia laevis, I hope you have photographed it in April-May, when it flowers in Delhi Sir Pics were taken on 18 june 2011 as printed on pics itself. In those days i was on Flying Squad duty in Colleges of karnal. Although it was not so small we may say it woody shrub or small tree. attaching i more photo Yes it is Ehretia laevis,, lovely pic… There are a few things I find difficult to ignore. 1. Ehretia laevis is one of the few very early flowering trees in Delhi, starting its flowering towards end of February and flowering season ends around 10th of March. Even fruits are fully mature in June. You have photographs well flowering plant 18 June. 2. I have checked my photographs from Delhi, the corolla is clearly with acute tips. Yours has corolla lobes with rounded tips. 3. The leaves of E. laevis are acute to acuminate. Yours new photograph shows obtuse leaves. 4. E. laevis is a tree. You say it is perhaps a shrub. All these suggest your plant to be E. obtusifolia. You may please check. Sir Agree with your observations. As it is being identified as E leavis by us/our teachers and none of the flora of haryana by Jain etal as well as Kumar reported E obtusifolia from Haryana, so we have not even tried to think about other sp. Perhaps a great mistake. one more thing it is very common in Karnal Panipat distriact so a how a taxonomist can skip this while working on flora of such a small and easily approachable state. The key in BSI Flora of Mah. Kew Plant List treats E. aspera as synonym of E. laevis Sir Situation not clear till now will be going there again soon to see the fruits and other characters Few months back i had seen one Ehretia Shrub at the outskirts of Pune. After reffereing to “Flora of Bombay– T.Cooke” i concluded that the shrub i had seen is Ehretia aspera Roxb. This was also validated by ….. As per …, E. aspera Roxb. is a common shrub around Pune where as E. laevis Roxb. is a tree planted in Pune and has bigger and glabrous leaves. The syn. E. aspera might have a different author. I am sending the scanned copies of the relevant pages from “Flora of Bombay– T.Cooke”. It clearly indicates E. aspera as Ehretia aspera Roxb. Kindly have a look at these pages… Also sharing the photographs of E.aspera Roxb. After going through all the posts on Ehretia in efi & reorganising them in efi, I feel it may be Ehretia laevis only as per images herein. Any feedback is welcome. I too agree it is E.laevis only Fwd: [efloraofindia:222706] id please 040515BG1 : 1 post by 1 author. 2 images- 2 Mb each. can it is Ehretia laevis ? experts pls id Location : Kalyan, Maharashtra. 10.4.2015. Ehretia aspera SS_3_June_2017_Request_For_ID : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4) Please find attached photos of a small tree. Location: Kandivali West, Mumbai, Maharashtra Date: 3rd June 2017 Please let me know the ID of this tree. Ehretia laevis Roxb. [Boraginaceae]. PM 31-05-2018 id confirmation Is it Ehretia laevis : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (7) Habit- Medium sized tree, bark pale white, leaves obovate to ovate, apex acute to obtuse, lamina glabrous above slightly puberlous beneath Habitat- Wild found growing along a water body Location- Sukhna wildlife sancturay, chandigarh Date- 24-05-2018 Yes, very likely to be Ehretia laevis Boraginaceae (forget-me-not family) » Ehretia laevis Synonym: Ehretia floribunda eh-RET-ee-uh — named for Georg Dionysius Ehret, botanical artist LEE-viss or LAY-viss — smooth commonly known as: ovate-leaved ivory wood • Gujarati: વઢવારડી vadhavaradi • Hindi: भैरी bhairi, चामरोड़ chamror • Konkani: kalo gamdo • Malayalam: ചരണ്ടി caranti • Marathi: अजानवृक्ष ajaanvruksha, धतरंग dhatrang • Nepali: datingal • Oriya: mosonea • Sanskrit: चर्मवृक्ष charmavriksha • Tamil: குருவிச்சை kuruviccai, ஒருசாதிமரம் oruvakai-maram, பட்டைவிரசு pattaivirachu • Telugu: తెల్లజువ్వి tellajuvvi Native to: China, Bhutan, India, Pakistan, Laos, Myanmar, Vietnam Edible use: … fruit is tasteless but is eaten -Good to know about uses of this tree common in Delhi on Roadsides I somehow feel that leaves are not glabrous so it may be Ehretia aspera. Pl. validate or otherwise. Possible … Thanks for validating. I must say, this particular plant was found in a resident’s compound in Thane city. It could be a species of Ehretia that is planted as ornamental. Will revise my notes; I will go with what is decided in this post. Inflorescence also looks different for me. Pl. see images of both Ehretia aspera & Ehretia laevis at these links. Thanks … I hope the inflorescence helps those familiar with Ehretia to comment. The Ehretia pages have lot of discussion on aspera VS laevis. At this time, I am not able to go through all notes. I think it is Ehretia laevis. Would expect to see more obvious pubescence otherwise. ID request 14032011PC1: 3 images. Please identify this wild shrubby tree growing in JNU campus. It is flowering now and forms small orange-red berries later. – Yes Ehretia laevis, flowering profusely in Delhi these days. – It is surprising and good news too. In Pune the hills surrounding the city have many shrubs of Ehretia aspera. I hardly know 1or 2 trees of Ehretia laevis from Pune. The flowers of both appear almost same; will post them in a separate thread. Goa photo for identification – 9: 1 image. It may be Maesa indica I think it is Ehretia laevis, too. Kalatope Tree ID (Dam side) Al032412: 5 images. Another tree for id from the Chamera Dam side… Location Kalatope, Chamba Altitude 1200 mts Habit Tree Habitat wild Height 4 mts Season March It may be an Ehretia species. Ehretia laevis, very profusely flowering now in Delhi also. Yes it was a steep kind of slope …, where I had slid down to take the close-up of the flowers… but I was confident due to the fact that there were a lot of bushes on that slope and had I slipped… Common tree along roadsides in Delhi, and one of the earlier ones to flower. Please read Ehretis as Ehretia. trees are mostly 5-8 m tall in Delhi. Boraginaceae Week :: Ahretia species, confusion pending: 6 images. Common/Local Name: Ajaan, Chamrod Family: Boraginaceae Photographed on: 08th Jan., 2012 Photographed at: Barvi Dam Forest, Badlapur, Maharashtra. Habitat: Deciduous forest. Description: Small deciduous tree, with short stem and grey bark, occasionally common. Great find. Looking at the pictures the leaves appear glabrous and not rough to call it Ehretia aspera another close species. find attached the remaining pics of the captioned tree…… I can’t feel the leaves on looking at the pictures but I will stick to my earlier perception of this being Ehretia laevis. अजान I also think Ehretia laevis. nice, one more Sacred tree you mentioned it is Sacred Tree. Is there any geographical identity of it in any specific location or throughout the country it is recognised as sacred ? one saint … samadhi … makes it as sacred as the bodhi tree for Buddha… may be we can start a list right here simply that i dont care if the whole country has already recognized it as holy… Common/Local Name: Ajaan, Chamrod Family: Boraginaceae Photographed on: 08th Jan., 2012 Photographed at: Barvi Dam Forest, Badlapur, Maharashtra. Habitat: Deciduous forest. Description: Small deciduous tree, with short stem and grey bark, occasionally common. Great find. Looking at the pictures the leaves appear glabrous and not rough to call it Ehretia aspera another close species. find attached the remaining pics of the captioned tree…… Boraginaceae Week :: Ehretia laevis in Thane: 8 images. Ehretia laevis Roxb. eh-RET-ee-uh — named for Georg Dionysius Ehret, botanical artist LEE-viss or LAY-viss — smooth … Dave’s Botanary Feb 21, 2009 … along Ghodbunder Road, Thane, Maharashtra commonly known as: ovate-leaved ivory wood • Gujarati: વઢવારડી vadhavaradi • Hindi: भैरी bhairi, चामरोड़ chamror • Konkani: kalo gamdo • Malayalam: ചരണ്ടി caranti • Marathi: अजानवृक्ष ajaanvruksha, धतरंग dhatrang • Nepali: datingal • Oriya: mosonea • Sanskrit: चर्मवृक्ष charmavriksha • Tamil: குருவிச்சை kuruviccai, ஒருசாதிமரம் oruvakai-maram, பட்டைவிரசு pattaivirachu • Telugu: తెల్లజువ్వి tellajuvvi Native to: China, Bhutan, India, Pakistan, Laos, Myanmar, Vietnam References: Flowers of India • eFlora • ENVIS – FRLHT • Digital Dictionaries of South Asia more views: Feb 21, 2009 … along Ghodbunder Road, Thane, Maharashtra more views on flickr. Leaves glabrous. Cymes longer than leaf lamina……Ehretia laevis. The Gujarati name of this tree – વઢવારડી [Vadhwaardi] – is derived from વઢવાડ [Vadhwaad], meaning ‘quarrel’. In the province of myth and moonshine, the timber of this tree has been lumbered with a singular nuisance value, its utility being offset by the notion that the presence of this wood in one’s home would lead to implacable spats and quarrels in the household! SO just like a pure energy good/sacred tree mother nature designed bad energy quarrel promoting trees????? It looks like E.aspera/ syn. E.laevis Thanks, … But both are different. Pl. see Ehretia aspera & Ehretia laevis I think it is Ehretia laevis. Would expect to see more obvious pubescence otherwise. This medium size shrub is seen growing freely in semi-rural areas of bangalore; About 9 feet in height, glossy glabrous leaves with obvious pinnate venation, flowers about 10mm across. Flowering and few fruits in end February. Please help Id. This looks like Ehretia laevis.. I too think it as Ehretia laevis. Yes, Ehretia laevis Roxb …, Thanks for the ID on this plant, new to me. I was looking up the earlier threads , and confirmed that this plant is Ehretia leavis Roxb.,based on the descriptions in the links below….. Along the way i learned about the differences between E. leavis and E.aspera. : It seems to depend only on the texture and size of of the leaves. This plant had large leaves size (10 – 16 ) cm X (8-10 cm), mostly ovate elliptic , often with oblique base and obtuse acuminate apex. The leaves are chartaceous, of medium stiffness, glabrous to the touch, but close-ups show sparse minute hairs adaxially, hence glabrescent. Abaxially there “appear” to be concentrations of minute hairs in the leaf axils, but i need to reconfirm this In any case the leaves are not pubescent. The peduncle and calyx are yellowish brown pubescent, and the flowers are (sub) sessile. Attaching some more cloes-ups. LINKS: Ehretia laevis Roxb. : Attachments (2). 1 post by 1 author. 09/10/2011, Kutta , Coorg, around 881m altitude, N11.96894latitude, longitude E076.04707 Coffee, Ginger cultivation area wild tree, flowering Fwd: Identification of some tree species TK3 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments(1). Please help me to identify this shrub with following habit This is Ehretia laevis.. Tree for identification 260614MK :: June006 : 8 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (6). Please help me to identify this tree species found in a riparian habitat. Leaf: up to 12 cm long Habitat: dry forest Location: Talakona RF, Tirupathi hills, AP Date: 14 April 2014 It seems Ehretia laevis, is there any gall formation in the flower? No, I have not observed any gall formation in flowers … It may not be Ehretia, close up image of flower if available is required It is Ehretia laevis only, I have seen it in Talakona Agreeing with … id. Yes, they seem to be floral galls. Thanks a lot … ANOCT46 Please identify this Ehretia sp. : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (7). Ehretia – species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available) It looks Ehretia laevis Roxb. -reasons: leaves glabrous, or glabrascent, cymes unilateral. nice and clear photographs Ehretia Species For ID : Nasik : 19FEB15 : AK-20 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3) Ehretia tree seen in Nasik on 1/5/14. Is it Ehretia laevis? Experts kindly confirm id. I am not an expert … but it is E. laevis Yes, this should be Ehretia laevis.. I’d please : Attachments (1) Please identify this tree Need id assistance of JNU campus plant120415SP1-2 & 280415SP1-2: 10 posts by 7 authors. Attachments (4) I need id assistance of following 4 images belonging to a unidentified taxon Date:12/04/15 (flowering) & 28/04/15 (Fruiting) Locality: JNU New Campus Apology for poor quality images its Ehertia for sure check E aspera flowers are in lax It seems to be Ehretia only. Kindly refer delhi flora and confirm the identity. yes it looks like Ehretia levis many many thanks … for your effort to process correct identification It does look like Ehretia laevis
Id plz : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2) can anyone help me if this plant it is small tree picture taken at Amboli MH on 11th Jan. 2016 This is Ehretia sp. Thanks … I was thinking same but still confused Ehretia species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available on net) It is Ehretia laevis Roxb., a very common species of Eastern Ghats; a good photograph If this is Ehretia Species, kindly check for Ehretia laevis. this looks like Ehretia leavis, attaching one of my images
Picture of flower for Id pl. Location – Sasan Gir Date- 19.2.2016 Looks like Ehretia laevis to me. Oh, means is it “अजान वृक्ष” in marathi under which Sant Gyaneshwar took samadhi in Aalandi ? For ID : A medium size tree with Bunches of Tiny white flowers . Planted in Delhi : 6 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (7) This is a tree planted in Delhi and I am seeing it for the first time. There is only one tree I know so far. This is Ehretia laevis, and is quite common in wild… I believe the one you have seen must also be wild ..!! a first for me. though its sometimes talked about by local traditional healers of bengal. never seen it in urban areas. Thanks a lot. confirmed it form the Eflora site. Chamror in Hindi. Small sized tree for ID :: near Pune, Jan 2019 :: ARK2019-21 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3) See this near leafless tree on a hill near Pune, MH in Jan 2019. This area had an acute shortage of water. There was hardly a ‘green’ plant seen. Facebook group suggested Ehretia laevis. Requested to kindly validate. Ehretia laevis
whats my name ? – efloraofindia | Google Groups Fwd: need id assistance for JNU campus forest plant SP 1 : 1 post by 1 author. I need id assistance for following plants collected from JNU New Campus Forest, New Delhi. Date: 27.04.2015 I hope Ehretia laevis Roxb. as per images and details herein Yes Small tree for identification 261013MK02 : Attachments (6). 6 posts by 4 authors. Please help me in identifying this small tree found in dry scrub forests. Fruits are less than one cm across. Could this be any Boraginaceae member? Place: Theni dist., TN Date: 10 Oct 2013 Alt.: 450 m asl The scorpioid cyme suggests it to be Boraginaceae as you have already mentioned. Any Ehretia species?? A distant looking guess from my side….. as this doesn’t look like Ehretia sp. to me.. can this be a Salvadora sp.??? It looks like Cordia sp, Boraginacece A species of Ehretia Yes it’s Ehretia sp. similar to acuminata, Ehretia aspera Willd. ?? I think it is close to the images at Ehretia laevis Roxb. . tree FOR ID :: Iruppu Falls, Coorg :: 12 NOV 19 : 4 posts by 3 authors. 5 images. Iruppu Falls Coorg Date: November 12, 2019 … Altitude range: about 850 – 1,000 m (2,800 – 3,300 ft) asl ID please Dear friends, The tiny flowers could be just about 5 – 6 mm across. The undercover tree, or perhaps large shrub, is growing on slope. Ehretia canarensis Thank you very very much, …, for the ID !! Thanks, … The Plant List Ver. 1.1, Catalogue of life, GBIF and India Biodiversity Postal, all treat Ehretia canarensis Miq. ex C. B. Cl. as a syn. of Ehretia laevis (Rottler ex G. Don) Roxb., although Flora of peninsular India treat it as separately. Do we need to treat it as separately ? Is there any key between the two ? None of the links of Ehretia species in the Flora of Peninsular India gives keys between the two. . Plant For identification: 1 image. I want gujrati hindi and english name of plant aa attached on this mail. …..aa well aa other detail about plant…. Pl. send a high resolution image to see the details. Boraginaceae member, Ehretia sp, When and where was it clicked? @Kamrej surat gujrat on 19/02/2021 02:12pm I think close to Ehretia laevis Roxb. as per comparative images at Ehretia . Cordia species?- captured Shivpuri Uttarakhand: 2 high esolution images. please check the attached images of the tree, appears as Cordia species. captured Shivpuri Uttarakhand Alt. 490m Pl. check comparative images at Ehretia Thanks a lot sir, it matches with Ehretia laevis . Tree for Id Confirmation_Pune: 4 + 3 images. Height -12-14 feet Flowers- while, fragrant I think it is Ehretia laevis Kindly confirm. (apologies for not good pics, I had only mobile with me then) It is an Ehretia sp. for sure. Hard to determine the species without ascertaining the texture of the leaves. If the leaves happen to be rough & hairy, it would be E. aspera, which occurs wild in Pune. Yes, you’re right Neha Ma’am, it’s Ehretia laevis but now it’s synonym to aspera as suggested …, From me also it is Ehretia sps. Hope you have close ups to post. If so please post. Went again to the plant location for pictures of leaves. Found fruits too this time. Hope these pictures would help in id confirmation. Very nice upload. I think the ID is correct: To me it is Ehretia laevis, as per images and details herein. It is different from images and details at Ehretia aspera This is accepted by Catalogue of Life as per CoL 1 and CoL2 However, POWO‘s interpretation of E. laevis Roxb. being a syn. of E. aspera Willd. as per link, is not correct. Streblus asper Lour. (accepted name) : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (5) – around 1 Mb each. Sharing some pictures I guess is Streblus asper Lour. (accepted name) shot at Kurintar Nepal on 12 April 2012 (Fruits) and 30 December 2013 (Flowers). Nepali names: बेडुला Bedulaa/ काक्सी Kaaksee/ सिहोर Sihor/ सोडा Sodaa/ दातुन Daatun Need ID validation please! To me also appear close to images at Streblus asper There are two plants …, The first two images lac of information, need some more, another three are Ehretia laevis, All images are from the same plant at different time, so all images should be Ehretia laevis Roxb. If you’re sure all are the same plant, the first two are might be too young inflorescence, Yes these are budding stage of flowers. Ok . 163 ID wild plant: 20 images. Please ID wild plant, rare, only one. Location: near Reserve Forest, Chathamattom, Ernakulam District, (Kochi) Kerala PIN:686671 Altitude: 1400fsl Flower date: 19.09.2021, 11.55am Habitat: wild moisture Plant habit: small tree, erect, branches, hard stem 07 inch circumference, long lasting Height: 03 meters Leaves: alternate, ovate, apex, wavy margins, size:09×5cm or less Flower: racemose, clustered, diameter:02.5mm, white, lite fragrance Fruit: globular, green, diameter:4.5mm Seed: 3 nos., pear shaped size:2×1mm Camera: mobile Samsung Galaxy A21s Ehretia sp. Boraginaceae, may be Ehretia laevis?? Ehretia laevis Sharing more images. . Please identify this plant species from Hastinapur Wildlife Sanctuary, Meerut: 3 high res. images. An Ehretia species, probably Ehretia laevis, . SK 3576 12 July 2022: 7 very high res. images. Location: Jajarkot, West Nepal Altitude: 800m. Date: 26 April 2022 Habit : Wild Pl. check Yes, it’s Boraginaceae member, Ehretia sp Jamrod ……tree of Aravali hills. I think …, means to say Chamrod, name of this tree. Ehretia laevis (Rottler ex G.Don) Roxb. ?? Yes, appears close as per images at Ehretia laevis Roxb. This plant is growing wild in Aravali hills. It is known as Jamrod. . Swamy/New series/ID/81 – Id of the tree: 3 images. Ehretia laevis, Boraginaceae, .
Pl. check Ehretia laevis Roxb. Ehretia matthewii Kottaim. ?? I think looks different from images at . Ehretia laevis Roxb. :: Thane, Maharashtra :: Dec 7, 2007 · JUN23 DV538: 6 images. Ehretia laevis Roxb. Thane, Maharashtra :: Dec 7, 2007 · 8:30 AM IST :: about 11 m (36 ft) asl Many thanks to Bharat Godambe for validating the ID at iNaturalist. Ehretia laevis Roxb. is treated as synonym of Ehretia aspera Willd. … POWO . MS/2023/124 – ID of the plant – Ehretia leavis ???: 3 images. I am forwarding herewith the photographs received from another group for ID. Plant photographed in Chennai recently. It looks like Ehretia leavis bearing fruits. Please confirm or suggest new ID. Yes, appears close as per images at . 483 ID tree: 14 high res. images. Please ID tree, Location: bloomed at Qutub Minar Delhi INDIA Altitude: 980fsl Flower date: 19APR2023, 11.40am Habitat: lawn/wayside moisture Plant habit: tree, erect, branches, hard woody stem 55 inches circumference, rough brownish flaky bark Height: 04 meters Leaves: alternate, elliptic, acute, soft flexible smooth glossy size upto:08×6cm Flower: axillary panicle inflorescence, clustered, diameter:05mm, greenish brown, non fragrant Fruit: berry green into orange, globular diameter: 08mm, edible sweet Seed: brown 04 nos., ovoid size:3.5×2mm Camera: CANON EOS1500D +FL10x Ehretia laevis Roxb. [Boraginaceae]. Yes, it is Ehretia laevis, thank you very much for ID my tree. Our EFI flower images shows development of fruiting started before petals’ shedding, so I think it is calyx remaining after plucking of berry. . Boraginaceae: Ehretia laevis: 2 images. . Plant identification from Hastinapur Wildlife Sanctuary: 3 high res. I think appears close to images at . References: Flora of China (Ehretia laevis Roxburgh syn: Ehretia laevis var. platyphylla Merrill.) Flora of Pakistan (Ehretia laevis Roxb. syn: Ehretia floribunda Benth.; Ehretia laevis var. floribunda (Benth.) Brandis) Annotated checklist of Flowering plants of Nepal (Ehretia laevis Roxb.) |
Ehretia laevis
Updated on December 24, 2024