Endostemon viscosus


78-TSP-ID-10JUN2016-1: A herb @ Belur for ID : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4)

Kindly identify this HERB 

Habit: Herb 

Habitat:: Wild, Dry deciduous forest. 

Sighting: Belur, Hassan, Karnataka, about 900 msl 

Date: 10-06-2016

Thanks and regards … and as always … is spot on.

Lamiaceae for ID : 2 posts by 1 author. Attachments (3).
Found in Karnataka
June 2014

The plant has been identified as Endostemon viscosus (Roth) M.R.Ashby by Dr. Ganesh Babu, Amruth Herbal Gardens, I-AIM, Bangalore.

ANAUG09 Lamiaceae for ID :  5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3).

July 2014

I think it is Endostemon viscosus.

Thank you very much …

VK 21-FEB-2017:ID : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)
Location: Salem, Tamilnadu, India
Date: 21-02- 2017

It is Endostemon viscosus (Roth) M.R.Ashby, Syn. Orthosiphon diffuses Benth. of Lamiaceae


Lamiaceae fo r id 281109MK1 : 12 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (4)

I would be happier to know the id of this Labiate species.
Place: Satyamangalam in Eastern Ghats
Alt: 900 – 1000 msl
Date: November 2008

My same plant at the following Indiantreepix thread still remaining unided.
Attaching a same pictures again. Suggestions were for Melissa or Sutera sp.

Looks similar to Stachy sericea, I had uploaded from HP a few days back
I find that Stachys scaberula is reported from Khasi mountains. Could it be that?

Your plant is totally different, with broad upper calyx lobe.
My request, let us not post different plants in the same thread. It increases confusion. They can referred through a link

I still have the feeling that both are the same plant with broad upper calyx lobe.

Thanks to … Now I feel after browsing lots of images of Stachys, it is may be from Stachys genus. Question remains of the species.

for me … pictures look like Endostemon viscosus.

Thank you all for the suggestions.
I doubt that Stachys spp. has not been reported from TN (any synonyms for this?).
The sub shrub is closer to Endostemon viscosus but the character: ‘corolla 4+1’ is missing (reff: K.M.Matthew), …, could you please clear this?  

I think matches with images at Endostemon viscosus (Roth) M.R.Ashby

Herb for Id 020908JM4 : 6 posts by 3 authors.
On 16/8/08 in Talakona forest, AP. Seen along roadside- a smallish herb.

The picture reminds me of Zitronenmelisse (germanname http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Melisse) (Melissa officinalis) but the flowers look a bit different, than what i see here normally. Let expersts give their comments  Lemonbalm (english http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lemon_balm).

Can it be some Sutera species- pl. see the link for Sutera cordata:

I dont thing its Sutera. I feel it belongs to lamiaceae

I think matches with images at Endostemon viscosus (Roth) M.R.Ashby


Appears same as per WCSP, quite a reliable work by KEW.
Pl. also see Endostemon viscosus

Plectranthus sp.: 2 high res. images.
Found in Allikuli Thiruvallur district.TN.

Plectranthus caninus,
found at dry rocky slopes,

Looks different from images at Plectranthus caninus
I could not find a match as per comparative images at Plectranthus.
Pl. check other species found in Tamil Nadu as per details at Plectranthus.

Looks like Endostemon viscosus

it is Endostemon viscosus, due to unclear image may be a confusion

It seems this might the real Thulasi or Tulsi before the arrival of alien or exotic Ocimum tenuiflorum.

check for Orthosiphon

It looks like Endostemon viscosus (Roth) M.R.Ashby.


Lamiaceae for id: Mandalpatti, Coorg, Karnataka: 4 images- 1 high res.
On 7.5.22 at Mandalpatti view point at around 4000 ft. in Pushpagiri wildlife sanctuary, Coorg, Karnataka.
Thought of Coleus/ Plectranthus, but not finding any match.

Leucas sp?

I do not think so as per

looks like endostemon viscosus

Resembles Lepidagathis sp.

Seems Endostemon viscosus – eFlora of India

I agree with it.


Lamiacae: Scutellaria colebrookeana Wall. ex Benth.: 1 high res. image.
location/date: Tumkur Distr., Karnataka, July 1997

No, it does not appear so.
Pl. see POWO specimen.
Going by the inflorescence, it appears to be from some other genus.

I tried, but did not go anywhere

For me its like Teucrium chamaedrys

It is not found in the wild in India !

Yes … May be escaped one

Ocimum sps ????

Endostemon viscosus (Roth) M.R.Ashby

It’s Endostemon viscosus








The Plant List Ver.1.1  WCSP  India Biodiversity Portal  

Updated on December 24, 2024