Ephedra regeliana Florin, Kongl. Svenska Vetensk. Acad. Handl. III, 12(1): 17 1933. (syn: Ephedra monosperma var. disperma Regel; Ephedra pulvinaris V.A.Nikitin; Ephedra pulvinaris V. Nikit.);
C. Asia to SW. Siberia and Pakistan as per WCSP;
Afghanistan, China, N India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan as per Flora of China;
Occurs across Central Asia from southwestern Siberia (Russian Federation) to Pakistan and west to Afghanistan and Kazakhstan. Recorded from 700 m up to 4,000 m. Reported as common.
A shrub, found growing in semi-desert and steppe habitat, on mountain slopes, rocky, gravelly areas, amongst pebbles of dried river beds and sandy areas. Flowers from June to July.
The stems of most members of this genus contain the alkaloid ephedrine and are valuable in the treatment of asthma and many other complaints of the respiratory system (Plants for a Future 2010).
Re: Ephedra regeliana Florin – New to eFI : 1 post by 1 author.
As “light relief” from more complicated and time-consuming genera combined with the pleasure of viewing ‘habitat’ images in the mountains, I have been taking a further look at specimens photographed in Baltistan (part of which is in the Karakoram Range not the ‘Himalaya’ or ‘TransHimalaya’).
In an attempt to improve understanding of the DIFFICULT genus identification-wise, Ephedra, I am providing a link to fine images of what I currently understand to be E.regeliana, which is new to eFI.
See Marijn’s fine images: http://photos.v-d-brink.eu/Flora-and-Fauna/Asia/Pakistan-new/i-V8t3LMG plus the two previous images showing a wonderful expanse.
‘Flowers of the Himalaya’ does not cover this species.
Stewart lists E.regeliana from Baltistan and the Indus Valleys.
Klimes found this species in coarse sandy steppe often amongst large boulders, in rocky and stony sem-deserts.
I suspect this species is under-recorded in parts of Ladakh probably mistaken for E.gerardiana or E.intermedia.
Now that attention has been drawn to it, hopefully members visiting Ladakh will look out for it and post good close-up images in the years to come.
Ephedra regeliana
Updated on December 24, 2024