Euphorbia prostrata Aiton, Hort. Kew. 2: 139 1789. (Syn: Anisophyllum prostratum (Aiton) Haw.; Aplarina prostrata (Aiton) Raf.; Chamaesyce malaca Small; Chamaesyce prostrata (Aiton) Small; Chamaesyce villosior (Greenm.) Millsp.; Euphorbia callitrichoides Kunth; Euphorbia malaca (Small) Little; Euphorbia perforata Guss.; Euphorbia prostrata var. caudirhiza Fosberg; Euphorbia prostrata var. vestita Engelm. ex Boiss.; Euphorbia ramosa var. villosior Greenm.; Euphorbia tenella Kunth; Euphorbia trichogona Bertol.; Tithymalus prostratus (Aiton) Samp.); . Common names Prostrate spurge, prostrate sandmat, red euphorbia. . Three prostrate species are rather close. I found the following keys in Flora of India: 30 a. Plants prostrate, only branches or tips of branches decumbent; cyathia solitary, paired or 3 together … 31 . Prostrate herb with opposite leaves and cyathia arising on short microphyllous branches, gland appendages minute, leaf base oblique. . Euphorbiaceae Week: Euphorbia prostrata from Delhi: Euphorbia prostrata Aiton, Hort. kew. 2:139. 1789 syn: Chamaesyce prostrata (Aiton) Small Prostrate herb with opposite leaves and cyathia arising on short microphyllous branches, gland appendages minute, leaf base oblique. Common in Delhi in Lawns, wastelands and cultivated fields. Thank you Sir for the pictures and the cyathia explanation. Perhaps those interested may compare the parts with the Euphorbia diagram I have uploaded a day or two back from D. H. Lawrence’s book. Sir, would it correct to say that the cyathia are on axils of leaves or are axillary ? Anisophyllum prostratum (Aiton) Haw. Aplarina prostrata (Aiton) Raf. Chamaesyce malaca Small Chamaesyce prostrata (Aiton) Small Chamaesyce villosior (Greenm.) Millsp. Euphorbia callitrichoides Kunth Euphorbia malaca (Small) Little Euphorbia perforata Guss. Euphorbia prostrata var. caudirhiza Fosberg Euphorbia prostrata var. vestita Engelm. ex Boiss. Euphorbia ramosa var. villosior Greenm. Euphorbia tenella Kunth Euphorbia trichogona Bertol. Tithymalus prostratus (Aiton) Samp. In (not on) leaf axils or axillary are both correct, latter preferred. Euphorbia prostrata from Delhi: Euphorbia prostrata Aiton, Hort. kew. 2:139. 1789 Prostrate herb with often reddish stem, small opposite leaves, 4 glands without appendages and minute about 1.5 mm fruits, ciliate along edges but smooth on faces. Common in Delhi along roadsides usually on barren sandy ground. Common names Prostrate spurge, prostrate sandmat, red euphorbia. .., perhaps at least photograph with fruit (or one more) can be added to FOI website . Euphorbiaceae Fortnight: Euphorbia prostrata from Delhi-GS-38 : Attachments (5). 7 posts by 4 authors. Euphorbia prostrata Aiton, Hort. kew. 2:139. 1789 prostrate herb with often reddish stem, small opposite leaves, 4 glands without appendages and minute about 1.5 mm fruits, ciliate along edges but smooth on faces. Common in Delhi along roadsides usually on barren sandy ground. Common names Prostrate spurge, prostrate sandmat, red euphorbia. In Euphrobia prostrata the fruits burst open the cyathium and ripen outside it while in E. thymifolia the fruits mature inside the cyathium. Now you decide. Thanks for a good lead … I will check my other photographs also. Both Flora of china and Flora of Pakistan report fruits are hairy only along keels, uniformly hairy in E. thymifolia. Sending two close up photographs for better decision Yes, this is certainly E. prostrata. Notice the ciliate hairs on the three keels of the fruit, which are otherwise glabrous at other faces. Thanks Sir for this common, yet critical upload… thanks … and … for telling the easy way to differentiate two confusing taxa… Euphorbiaceae Fortnight : 01112013MR01 from Pune for ID-MR01 : Attachments (4). 3 posts by 2 authors. June 2012, Pune requesting identification of this wild herb at Pune Should be Euphorbia prostrata… Thank you for the Id EUPHORBIACEAE FORTNIGHT:: Euphorbia prostrata from Panipat NS-59 : Attachments (7). 2 posts by 2 authors. Yes, this is Euphorbia prostrata Ait. Euphorbiaceae fortnight :: Euphorbia sp. from Assam, KD ID18 : 4 correct images as above. 2 posts by 2 authors. I have collected these two spp. of Euphorbia, Euphorbia sp. (Images A-1 to A-6) and Euphorbia prostrata (Images B-1 to B-4). from the same locality(distance of one sp. to other sp in case of habitat is not more than 30 ft). After observation of its habit, cyathium (under microscope) etc. found following characters. You have identified Images (B-1 to B-4) as E. prostrata. But I could not identify the other sp. So please ID the other sp.
Images A.1 & A.2 are out of focus the ovaries are not clearly visible. It may be either E. thymifolia or E. prostrata. Not sure. Images A.3, A.4, A.5 & A.6 are definitely Euphorbia prostrata Ait. Notice the ciliate hairs on the keels of ovary, which are otherwise glabrous on faces. B.1, B.2 & B.3 are mixture of two species. The small-leaved one is most probably E. thymifolia L. The ovaries seem to be pubescent all over. The large-leaved ones are probably E. hirta or E. hypericifolia B.4 is E. thymifolia L.. EUPHORBIACEAE FORTNIGHT:: Euphorbia prostrata? from Kaithal NS-49 : Attachments (4). 6 posts by 4 authors. Please help me to identify this prostrate Euphorbia which is quite commonly met with in the field.. please correct me if required, I could identify this as Euphorbia prostrata.. Present shots recorded from my village in Kaithal, Haryana.. Euphorbia prostrata Yes, this is Euphorbia prostrata. Location: Chobhar Height, Kathmandur , Nepal Altitude: 4600 ft. Date: 15 Septemberr 2016 Some Euphorbia species. Euphorbia prostrata Aiton (accepted name) ?? Yes, this is Euphorbia prostrata Ait., which is a valid and legitimate name for this common species in India. Euphorbia prostrata Aiton : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6) Location: Dolakha, Nepal Date : 5 September, 2017 Elevation : 5600 ft This is Euphorbia prostrata Aiton. The long hairs along the keels of fruits is very characteristic of this species. Euphorbiaceae fortnight :: Euphorbia heyneana Spreng from Assam, KD 09 : Attachments (7). 3 posts by 3 authors. Attached images may be Euphorbia heyneana Spreng. Please validate. My earlier post (/species/a—l/e/euphorbiaceae/euphorbia/euphorbia-thymifolia) Date :08.11.2013 Location: Kamrup district, Assam Family : Euphorbiaceae The plant is either Euphorbia heyneana Spreng or E. prostrata Ait. depending on the nature of fruits, which are not visible in the photos. In E. prostrata the fruits are acutely keeled with long ciliate hairs restricted to the keels only, whereas in E. heyneana the fruits are obtusely keeled and hairy throughout the fruit and not restricted to the keels. Please check the mature fruits. To me it looks more closer to E.prostrata. Fruits visible in the available photos. Definitely E. prostrata based on the hairs restricted to the fruit keels.
ID : Chamaesyce thymifolia from Guwahati : Attachments (2). 4 posts by 2 authors. Is it Chamaesyce thymifolia (L.) Millsp.(= Euphorbia thymifolia L.)?. Please confirm the ID. … It may be either E. thymifolia or E. prostrata. Not sure. Almost certainly E. prostrata. Note the slightly less elongated leaves and shorter hairs. . EUPHORBIACEAE FORTNIGHT: Euphorbia prostrata Aiton from Uttarakhand_DSR_20 : Attachments (1). 2 posts by 2 authors. Euphorbia prostrata Aiton is a common prostrate herb in Pantnagar. It is quite successful in colonizing narrow cracks in cement floors. Euphorbia prostrata and E. thymifolia are very close. Without seeing female flowers and fruits it is impossible to identify them. Definitely E. prostrata. Note how the hairs are restricted to the fruit keels and that they are not appressed to the fruit surface. Also, the fruits are well exerted from the cyathia at maturity. Euphorbiaceae Fortnight : 05112013 ARK-14 : Euphorbia prostrata from Mumbai – June 2013: Attachments(2). 2 posts by 2 authors. Attached are pictures of Euphorbia prostrata from Mumbai in June 2013. I am unable to detect from the photos whether it is Euphorbia prostrata or E. thymifolia. Definitely E. prostrata. The fruits of E. thymifolia are held closer to the cyathia at maturity. plants from Virat nagar B.Name- Chamaesyce serpyllifolia Place-Virat nagar, Jaipur Photo Taken- 5/5/2009 Is it also known as Euphorbia thymifolia, …? Most probably you are right, Let it be ID other experts. Euphorbia prostrata. C. serpillifolia is a North and South American species. Euphorbia Herb for ID : Bangalore : 01OCT20 : AK-02 : 10 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1) A tiny herb growing wild. Euphorbia thymifolia May I request you to pl. post high resolution image to check the details. A similar one from Nasik, had been identified as Euphorbia heyneana by … Three prostrate species are rather close. I found the following keys in Flora of India: 30 a. Plants prostrate, only branches or tips of branches decumbent; cyathia solitary, paired or 3 together … 31 Based on above, can it be E. prostrata ? Attachments (1)- 3 mb. Euphorbia prostrata. Note exerted fruits and hairs restricted to angles of fruits. efloraofindia:”For Id 20112011MR2’’ ?Euphorbia prostrata Pune: Kindly validate this herb growing wild at Pune ?Euphorbia prostrata Nov 2011 Height/Length- Prostrate herb with branches about 15 cms long tinged purplish Leaves –blade ovate, base unequal, one side cuneate, the other side rounded, apex rounded, margins shallowly toothed, glabrous above Inflorescence –terminal and axillary cluster of flowers, on short leafy shoots; with a barrel-shaped involucre, with very small pink appendages Fruits –exerted from the cyathium and pubescent in lines showing purplish and hairy sutures Yes, it is Euphorbia prostrata Yes, it is E. prostrata. Euphorbiaceae Fortnight : Euphorbia heyneana : Nasik : 061113 : AK-13 : Attachments (2). 3 posts by 2 authors. Yes, it is Euphorbia heyneana Spreng. May I request you to pl. post high resolution images as it may turn out to be Euphorbia prostrata as per discussions at Euphorbia Herb for ID : Bangalore : 01OCT20 : AK-02 Here they are.. Attachments (2) Yes, this appears to be Euphorbia prostrata … has identified this earlier as Euphorbia heyneana, in this same thread. Please check. Yes, I know. Fine. Lot of your ids may be wrong though identified by experts, simply because of your posting of long shots without any close up details. Thanks a lot. You are doing a great job. Thanks, …, Misidentifications by experts are possible when there are closely related species and posted images do not show enough details. Yes, completely agree with you. . Small Herb for ID : Euphorbia : Nasik : 121212 : AK-3: This is Euphorbia heyneana. Euphorbia prostrata as per high resolution images and discussions at Euphorbiaceae Fortnight : Euphorbia heyneana : Nasik : 061113 : AK-13 . Requesting ID: Euphorbia species (P2-E-2/3): 2 images. From dry forests near Masinagudi, Nilgiris, TN. Pl. check comparative images at Euphorbia Any other images ? Is it the same plant as at Requesting ID: Euphorbia species (2), which was identified as Euphorbia erythroclada Boiss. by … Please find attached some more photographs. 3 images. To me this appears close to images at Euphorbia prostrata Aiton as per details herein and as per comparative images at Euphorbia. Yes Euphorbia prostrata . Euphorbiaceae: Euphorbia thymifolia L.: 2 high res. images. synonym: Chamaesyce thymifolia (L.) Millsp. location/date (both): Jabalpur District, Madhya Pradesh, October 1994 I think it looks different from images at It appears close to images and keys herein as per per I guess you are right Based on both the key you provided in your message, and although these species are similar (and both appear to be morphologically variable), I would still stand by my earlier identification as Euphorbia thymifolia. Pl. see capsules acutely keeled, with ciliate hairs confined to keels only … 26. E. prostrata Point taken. Thanks! I think I may have been thrown off by the leaf morphology in particular. FYI attached are the descriptions from Saldanha’s Flora of Karnataka (volume 2). . References: |
Euphorbia prostrata
Updated on December 24, 2024