Exacum sessile L., Sp. Pl. 112 1753. (syn: Exacum macrantherum Miq.);
SW. India, Sri Lanka as per POWO;
herb from a laterite hillock of Kozhikode district : 11 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) – 2 & 3 mb. Please identify this herb from a laterite hillock of Kozhikode district of Kerala. 3/9/20
Check with Loganiceceae member of Mitrasacme indica
Looks different from Mitrasacme indica as per
Could it be Exacum sessile….as per another discussion… I do not think it matches with Exacum sessile as per
Ok, I will check.
These are the floral details of the same.
Attachments (3)- 1 to 2 mb.
Pls go through the exacum paper.. Looks like exacum sessile. I can send the paper
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Exacum sessile
Updated on December 23, 2024