Request ID. Parasite Gentianaceae ?: 3 images.
Observation: 02/02/23. Riung District, Flores, Indonesia.
Description: A small purple parasite plant similar in aspect to the Voyria genus that you can found in south America. 4 purple petals measuring <1 cm and 4 white sepals measuring <0.5 cm. 4 yellow stamens and 1 stigma. Monoecious plant. For information mythumbnail is 1.5 cm.
Habitus: Flowers showing up in the wet season for a few month, in the dry forest undergrowth litter
First ID: Gentianaceae sp ?
Try to check Examcum from Indonesia.
Just a guess.
Please try to shoot the whole plant and leaves also.
Here is the best “whole plant” photo I have. For the leaves you can look at the picture above. It’s an mycoheterotrophic species
1 high res. image.
There are no leaves ?