Excoecaria acerifolia Didr., Vidensk. Meddel. Naturhist. Foren. Kjøbenhavn 1857: 129 1857. (Syn: Excoecaria acerifolia var. himalayensis (Klotzsch) Pax; Excoecaria acerifolia var. lanceolata Pax & K.Hoffm.; Excoecaria himalayensis (Klotzsch) Müll.Arg.; Stillingia himalayensis Klotzsch); Bangladesh; China South-Central; East Himalaya; Nepal; West Himalaya as per Catalogue of Life; VoF Week :: DV :: 01 AUG 12 – 0940 :: fruiting-flowering shrub along Govind Ghat – Ghangaria trail: 1 AUG 12 Govind Ghat – Ghangaria trail … about 6800 ft Habitat: mountain slope Habit: herb, about 30 – 40 cm high; with slant long branch, male flower and fruit seen Beautiful find … we skipped this….a Euphorbiacean.. This is Excoecaria acerifolia it is common near Pulna village
VoF Week: Excoecaria acerifolia from the way to Ghanghriya: Excoecaria acerifolia from the way to Ghanghriya EUPHORBIACEAE FORTNIGHT:: Shrub for id from Gori Valley NS-35 : Attachments (3). 9 posts by 4 authors. Please help to identify this shrub shot from Gori valley area.. I could only see the fruits and not the male flowers.. hope this is recognizable… I am puzzled. Let me think. I am marking this mail. Seems Exoecaria acerifolia. I thought of Cleistanthus and Excoecaria. Cleistanthus has entire leaves. And Excoecaria acerifolia has much narrower leaves with slightly different fruits. It could be a new species of Excoecaria. Here also I have some doubt as from the picture the fruit appear to be leaf-opposed. A perplexing species. It is never Excoecaria acerifolia which I know very well. Could be a new species. I am giving it benefit of doubt as Excoecaria acerifolia. But I am not satisfied. The photographer should study it in detail and prepare a detailed description. Key to the species of Excoecaria in India is as follows: 1a. Plants dioecious, of mangrove or littoral areas; leaves alternate, with basally two glands in the margin at either side of the petiole; male flowers in very dense catkins 2. E. agallocha b. Plants monoecious, of interior forest areas; leaves alternate or opposite, without basal glands in the margin; male flowers in open racemes or in heads 2 2a. Leaves opposite or at least partly opposite 3 b. Leaves entirely alternate 5 3a. Leaves all opposite, green beneath; inflorescences with one type of flowers only, male inflorescences 3.5 – 22 cm long; fruits slightly depressed and shallowly lobed, usually larger, 1 – 6 cm in diam. 4 b. Leaves alternate or opposite, wine-red beneath; inflorescences with basally a few female flowers and apically many male ones; male inflorescences 1 – 3 cm long; fruits much depressed and deeply lobed, smaller, up to 1 cm in diam. (cult.) E. cochinchinensis 4a. Branchlets mostly flattened or tetragonous; male inflorescences 3.5 – 8 cm long; fruits 1 – 3 cm in diam. 3. E. crenulata b. Branchlets mostly terete; male inflorescences 5 – 22 cm long; fruits 4 – 6 cm in diam. 5. E. oppositifolia 5a. Leaves larger, 25 – 32 x 8 – 11 cm; petioles 3 – 4 cm long 6. E. rectinervis b. Leaves smaller, 2.5 – 16 x 1 – 5 cm; petioles 0.2 – 3 cm long 6 6a. Leaves closely and regularly serrulate along margins; lateral nerves close, parallel, conspicuously raised on the upper surface; tertiary nerves closely parallel and running predominantly at right angles to the midrib; fruits 1.5 – 1.8 cm in diam. 1. E. acerifolia b. Leaves distantly repand-serrulate along margins; lateral nerves distant and arcuate, obscure or faint on the upper surface; tertiary nerves laxly reticulate; fruits up to 1 cm in diam. 4. E. cuspidata
Euphorbiaceae shrub SN1017 : 6 posts by 3 authors. Euphorbiaceae shrub from Bageshwar area of Uthrakand This could be a Buxaceae member. May be some Buxus species. Pl. check comparative images at Does not matches any species as per comparative images at /species/a—l/b/buxaceae Not Buxaceae? Okay then at that altitude this should be Excoecaria. The leaves are crowded towards apices of branchlets but othewise alternate. Hence this should be Excoecaria acerifolia Didr.
SK1372 20 AUG 2018 : 8 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (7)- AROUND 600 KB EACH. Location: Godavari, Nepal Altitude : 5000 ft. Date: 24 July 2018 Habit : Wild Small shrub of about 4/6 ft. Excellent depiction of Excoecaria acerifolia Didr. of the family Euphorbiaceae. May I know the size of the fruits? Thank you …! Nepali Names : गोदासिलो Godaasilo / उत्तुस Uttus / रजेली Rajelee Attachments (1) – 2 Mb. Thank you …, This raises the question whether Excoecaria cuspidata of Meghalaya, differing from E. acerifolia in the leaves being distantly repand-serrulate along margins rather than closely serrate (see the images here) and much smaller fruits (up to 10 mm in diam.), should be treated as a variety of E. acerifolia as done by Muller or maintained as a distinct species. It may be noted that the species E. crenulata of South India and Sri Lanka (fruits 1-3 cm in diam.) and E. oppositifolia of North-East India to South-East Asia (fruits 4-6 cm in diam.) differ from each other mainly in the size of their fruits and showing disjunct distribution. References: |
Excoecaria acerifolia
Updated on December 24, 2024