Excoecaria cochinchinensis Lour., Fl. Cochinch. 612 1790. (syn. Antidesma bicolor Hassk.; Excoecaria bicolor (Hassk.) Zoll. ex Hassk.; Excoecaria bicolor var. orientalis (Pax & K.Hoffm.) Gagnep.; Excoecaria bicolor var. purpurascens Pax & K.Hoffm.; Excoecaria bicolor var. viridis Pax & K.Hoffm.; Excoecaria cochinchinensis var. viridis (Pax & K.Hoffm.) Merr.; Excoecaria formosana (Hayata) Pax & K. Hoffm.; Excoecaria orientalis Pax & K.Hoffm.; Excoecaria quadrangularis Müll.Arg.; Sapium cochinchinense (Lour.) Kuntze); China South-Central; China Southeast; Malaya; Myanmar; Thailand; Trinidad-Tobago; Vietnam as per Catalogue of life; Chinese croton, Variegated Leaf; Native to s-e Asia and China; cultivated elsewhere as ornamental foliage.
Euphorbiaceae Fortnight: Excoecaria cochinchinensis from Delhi, the Laila majnu-GS-9 : Attachments (3). 3 posts by 3 authors. Excoecaria cochinchinensis Lour., Fl. Cochinch. 2:612. 1790 syn: Excoecaria bicolor (Hassk.) Zoll. ex Hassk. Ornamental shrub often grown in Delhi for its attractive leaves green above, red beneath Common name: Chinese croton. local gardeners call it Laila Majnu Thanks a lot Sir for this upload, flowers are minute and creamish, tough to capture.. Excoecaria cochinchinensis Lour., Fl. Cochinch. 2:612. 1790 syn: Excoecaria bicolor (Hassk.) Zoll. ex Hassk. Ornamental shrub often grown in Delhi for its attractive leaves green above, red beneath Common name: Chinese croton. local gardeners call it Laila Majnu EUPHORBIACEAE FORTNIGHT:: Excoecaria cochinchinensis from Panipat NS-05 : Attachments (5). 3 posts by 2 authors. This common ornamental known more for its bi-coloured leaves than flowers (which are minute) was shot from Panipat… Excoecaria cochinchinensis….. Correct identification. Euphorbiaceae Fortnight : 06112013 ARK-20 : Excoecaria cochinchinensis from Mumbai – October 2012: Attachments (2). 3 posts by 2 authors. Attached are pictures of Excoecaria cochinchinensis from Mumbai taken in October 2012. Good photos.
Euphorbiaceae fortnight :: Excoecaria cochinchinensis in gardens :: DV35 : 2 images. 4 posts by 3 authors. Excoecaria cochinchinensis Lour. … popular synonym: Excoecaria bicolor (Hassk.) Zoll. ex Hassk. Native to s-e Asia and China; cultivated elsewhere as ornamental foliage. at Nirvana Park, Powai on 14 JAN 07 Lovely display …, popular to this end also.. (Haryana) It is now cultivated in so many places. Ornamental Plant For ID : Nasik : 260214 : AK-25 : Attachments (3). 4 posts by 3 authors. An ornamental, cultivated plant seen at a plant nursery in Nasik. The under side of the leaves is maroon in color. Excoecaria chinensis? Habit: Shrub Habitat : Garden The wine-red leaves beneath point to Excoecaria cochinchinensis of Euphorbiaceae. Kindly help my friend to id the plant in the picture, the one that encircles. It is a garden plant taken from Cochin, during last week. my best guess is the red leaves in the center: a hybrid ficus benjamina… he would only sell it at fairs because he said it was very rare, even i fell for it. i bought one at a premium. now we see it everywhere even on the roadside/ sidewalk. if i have a chance i wii go and photograph some. yellow leaves i think: duranta “gold mound: very popular in southern us states. Thanks to … I too think that it could be a species of Duranta. Any way I requested … to provide a close up picture for a conclusion. Please check for Excoecaria cochinchinensis, Syn Excoecaria bicolor of Euphorbiaceae for the plant in the center. I had posted earlier. Need close up pictures for validation. Outer one looks like Duranta as suggested by … Difficult to id from this distant shot. The center plants : Excoecaria cochinchinensis and the peripheral one is Duranta repens probably ‘Aurea’ wow. thanks … so the fairground plant laila majnu may not have been a ficus? its dead now but I’ll see if i can find some pictures I looked up the Excoecaria cochinchinensis, and i do have one of the variegated varieties which looks quite different from the Laila majnu thing. I hope my variegated Excoecaria cochinchinensis survives till i find that fair guy again and get the plant in my hands to compare. One word of caution that i learnt from the web…. the sap from this euphorbia blinds a person though the web says temporarily. Thanks this was a good case to learn from EXCOECARIA COCHINCHINENSIS : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1). Attaching an image of Excoecaria cochinchinensis. The plant is known as CHINESE CROTON, BLINDNESS TREE, JUNGLE FIRE PLANT. The leaves are dark green on the upper side and deep maroon on the under side. Excellent photo indeed. reason behind the dimorphic leaves of Excoecaria bicolor(Euphorbiaceae): 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) A medium size shrub with variegated glossy leaves place: panjab university, chandigarh date: 9/9/2015 This is normal plant and not a variegated cultivar. Current accepted name of plant is Excoecaria cochinchinensis Lour. (Syn: E. bicolor (Hassk.) Zoll. ex Hassk.) As the name suggests (bicolor) the upper surface of leaf is green in colour lower surface red, young leaves may be reddish on the upper surface also but become green when mature. This is how variegated cultivar looks (see second image from left in bottom row). Euphorbiaceae ornamental shrub for ID: May 2016_DSR_2/2 : 6 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (3) This ornamental shrub was seen in Karan Prayag (Chamoli, Uttarakhand, 850m elevation). It is about one meter tall and spreading with reddish under surface of leaves. Please suggest the ID. Excoecaria bicolor Local common name Laila Majnu yes, Excoecaria bicolor a euphorbiaceae plant. we have several threads. A colorful social history of this plant and how something catches on for a few years and then disappears or decreases in demand. when it was new to nursery trade went with very high prices, esp with name such as laila majnu and every body had to have one. then it caught on and even our local corporation bought thousands and thousands to plant by the road sides … they flourished in one monsoon early on, later succumbed to too much waterlogging and then withered away in winter dryness and dust. Now for last two years not seen in the shows for houseplants, puja pandals, or horticulture shows. Poof, gone… only a straggler may be in isolated nursery stall …. just like the tulipmania of the durch… though on much smaller scale, and nobody did speculation on its stock!!!!😄 Thank you Sir for the ID. Probably for two distinct colours of leaf surface though united with each other are behind the name Laila-Majnu ? The current accepted name of the species is Excoecaria cochinchinensis Lour. Excoecaria cochinchinensis :: Vythiri, Wayanad :: 13 NOV 19 : 4 posts by 2 authors. 3 images. … at a resort in Vythiri, Wayanad Date: November 13, 2019 … Altitude: about 700 m (2,300 ft) asl Excoecaria cochinchinensis Lour. nice to see the rudimentary buds… of leaves or is it trying to flower? this is the laila majnu plant that became quite popular a few years ago in th enursery trade. even i bought a few but they did not survive in potted state. need to be in ground, I imagine Thanks … The “rudimentary buds”, I too think must be of leaves. yes. thats the frustrating part. its never the flowers. its always new leaves. i just thought it was being in pots. i keep looking out for any possible flowers but have not seen any so far I think these must be flowers of Excoecaria cochinchinensis as per details and references herein.
Excoecaria cochinchinensis :: Vythiri, Wayanad :: 13 NOV 19 : 6 posts by 3 authors. 3 images. … at a resort in Vythiri, Wayanad Date: November 13, 2019 … Altitude: about 700 m (2,300 ft) asl Excoecaria cochinchinensis Lour. nice to see the rudimentary buds… of leaves or is it trying to flower? this is the laila majnu plant that became quite popular a few years ago in th enursery trade. even i bought a few. but they did not survive in potted state. need to be in ground, I imagine Thanks … The “rudimentary buds”, I too think must be of leaves. yes. that’s the frustrating part. its never the flowers. its always new leaves. i just thought it was being in pots. i keep looking out for any possible flowers but have not seen any so far I think these must be flowers of Excoecaria cochinchinensis as per details and references herein. References:
Excoecaria cochinchinensis
Updated on December 24, 2024