Fagonia indica

Fagonia indica Burm.f., Fl. Indica 102 1768. (Syn: Fagonia aucheri Boiss.; Fagonia elliptica Tabassum, Omer & Qaiser; Fagonia indica var. aucheri (Boiss.) Boiss.; Fagonia jolyi Batt.; Fagonia jolyi var. stenophylla Maire; Fagonia mysorensis B.Heyne ex Roth; Fagonia olivieri f. jolyi (Batt.) Ozenda & Quézel; Fagonia ovalifolia Hadidi; Fagonia ovalifolia var. qatarensis Hadidi; Fagonia parviflora Boiss.; Fagonia persica DC. [Illegitimate]);
Mauritania to NW. India: Afghanistan, Algeria, Chad, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gulf States, India, Iran, Kenya, Kuwait, Libya, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Sinai, Somalia, Sudan, Western Sahara, Yemen as per POWO;
Egypt (Eastern Desert, SE-Egypt, Western Desert, Desert Oases), Iran (S-Iran), Iraq (S-Iraq), Jordania (S-Jordania), Oman (Mascat & Oman), Saudi Arabia (C-Saudi Arabia, Dahana, Nafud Desert, Rub al Khali, Asir, Nejd Desert, Hejaz), Sinai peninsula (C-Sinai), United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Yemen (Aden Desert, SE-Yemen: coastal Hadhramaut, SW-Yemen, Tihama, W-Yemen), Afghanistan (Helmand, Kandahar), Pakistan, India (Punjab, Hadana, Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka), Western Sahara, Morocco, Algeria, Libya, Mauritania, Mali, N-Niger, N-Chad (Tibesti, etc.), NW-Sudan, NW-Kenya, Somalia, Djibouti, NE-Ethiopia, ?Eritrea as per Catalogue of life;
Keys available at Flora of Pakistan ;
fah-GOH-nee-uh — named for Guy-Crescent Fagon, physician to Louis XIV … Dave’s Botanary
IN-dih-kuh or in-DEE-kuh — of or from India … Dave’s Botanary

ID23122011phk 2: Id Please
A thorny herb at Lakhpat, Gujrat

Please check for Fagonia species, could be Fagonia indica.
We find these herbs around Muscat, Oman.
Had identified it from a book…Wild Plants of Oman.

Indeed Fagonia indica

fagonia indica : Attachments (3). 4 posts by 3 authors.
fagonia indica
fossil park near jaisalmer
first week of faebruary

Interesting plant, Nice catch..

This is a very common wild plant in Oman.

Fagonia indica :: JJ – Jaisalmer, March 2018 :: ARKAPR-26 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6)

Fagonia indica
Clicked these in Jaisalmer, RJ in March 2018.

Fagonia indica :: Sam sand dunes, Jaisalmer :: 26 OCT 18 : 3 posts by 2 authors. 3 images.
Sam sand dunes  … the Thar desert, Jaisalmer
Date: October 26, 2018 … Altitude: about 225 m (740 feet) asl  
Fagonia indica  Burm.f.

I glanced through pages on internet including eFI, The Plants List, Herbarium JCB, ENVIS-FRLHT, and read through keys in Flora of Pakistan.
I believe posted plant is lower taxa of Fagonia indica Burm.f. … Fagonia indica var. schweinfurthii Hadidi
There is lot of jumble among synonymies in Fagonia genus.
At FoI, it is Fagonia schweinfurthii (Hadidi) Hadidi with synonym as Fagonia indica var. schweinfurthii
I am sure … has referred Catalog of Life, where this taxon was latest scrutinized in May 2018.
At Catalog of Life, it is Fagonia schweinfurthii (Hadidi) Hadidi … latest updated May 2018
Thus, I am taking this posted plant as Fagonia schweinfurthii (Hadidi) Hadidi

POWO linkFagonia schweinfurthii (Hadidi) Hadidi ex Ghafoor- This is a synonym of Fagonia paulayana J.Wagner & Vierh.

Thanks, …, for pointing out. I was a bit worried initially. But tried to convince myself with your initial I’d.

Thanks … I have concluded the ID as Fagonia schweinfurthii (Hadidi) Hadidi. I hope you are in agreement.

If we follow the keys at Flora of Pakistan, I think it should be Fagonia indica as I do not see any trifoliate leaves and long petiole of FOP illustration and efi page at Fagonia schweinfurthii


via Species‎ > ‎F‎ > Fagonia schweinfurthii (L.) H.Karst. … family: Zygophyllaceae

Flowers of India Discussions at efloraofindia more views in flickr more views on Google Earth
fah-GOH-nee-uh — named for Guy-Crescent Fagon, physician to Louis XIVDave’s Botanary
shwein-FURTH-ee-eye — named for Georg August Schweinfurth, German botanist and taxonomistDave’s Botanary
commonly known as: desert fagonbush, prickly cloverGujarati: ધમાસો dhamasoHindi: दमहर damhar, धमासा dhamasa, धन्वयास dhanvayas, हिंगुण hingunKannada: ನೆಲ ಇಂಗಳಿ nela ingaliMarathi: धमासा dhamasaPunjabi: ਦਮਾਂਹ damanh, ਦਮੀਯਾ damiya, ਧਮਾ dhamaRajasthani: धमासा dhamasa, जवासीयो jawasioSanskrit: धन्वयवास dhanvayavasa, दुःस्पर्शा duhsparshaUrdu: دھماں dhamas
botanical names:

  • Fagonia schweinfurthii (Hadidi) Hadidi … synonyms: Fagonia arabica var. schweinfurthii (Hadidi) Giri & Nayar • Fagonia bruguieri var. ehrenbergerii Schweinf. • Fagonia indica var. schweinfurthii Hadidi … status at Catalogue of Life
  • Fagonia indica var. schweinfurthii Hadidi … synonyms: Fagonia arabica auct. non Linn: Edgeworth & Hook. f. • Fagonia cretica auct. non Linn.: Parker … Flora of Pakistan

… the names Fagonia cretica Linn. and Fagonia arabica Linn. have been widely applied to plants from south Asian subcontinent. The above named species occur only in the south Mediterranean region … plants so named belong to one or the other variety of F. indica and in particular to Fagonia indica var. schweinfurthii and differ from the above named species in having smaller capsules and flowers … Flora of Pakistan
October 25, 2018 … Jaisalmer

I think the current page Fagonia paulayana may need to be renamed as Fagonia shweinfuthii. But it is a matter of study. Members who have their study and familiarity with Fagonia spp. in Indian context have to comment on their status. Fagonia paulayana seems to be not distributed in India, and Fagonia indica var. schweinfurthii Hadidi is not associated to it … Catalog of Life.
The names Fagonia cretica Linn. and Fagonia arabica Linn. have been widely applied to plants from south Asian subcontinent. The above named species occur only in the south Mediterranean region … plants so named belong to one or the other variety of F. indica and in particular to Fagonia indica var. schweinfurthii and differ from the above named species in having smaller capsules and flowers … Flora of Pakistan
Distribution of Fagonia cretica Linn. is not found distributed in India … Catalog of Life.
In Indian context, it is probably Fagonia cretica auct. non Linn.: Parker … Flora of Pakistan

Thanks, … I will look into the matter.

Nice upload.  It is also known as ‘Mullu maddu gida’ or ‘Mullu muddu gida‘ , ‘Nela ingalaara’ in Kannada

Thanks very much, …
These names are listed in ENVIS – FRLHT.
But I was not sure of the words: ಮುಡ್ಡು muddu, ಇಂಗಳಿ ingali, ಇಂಗಳಾರ ingalaara … also not sure whether I have spelt them correctly.
ಮುಳ್ಳು mullu = thorn
ಮುಡ್ಡು muddu = not sure what it means, perhaps a bundle.
ಮಡ್ಡು maddu = sediment OR residue
ಗಿಡ gida = plant, shrub, bush
ನೆಲ nela = ground, earth
ಇಂಗಳಿ ingali = not sure what it means, perhaps scorpion
ಇಂಗಳಾರ ingalaara = not sure what it means

I will check  &  let you know in a few days time. Meanwhile I will provide the meaning of Maddu :
Maddu means Medicine. Some people (mostly non- kannadigas) also write it as Muddu for Maddu. Nevertheless,  Muddu means :  lovely, beautiful, charming expressed especially towards lovely  children (young) .

Thank you very much, …, for the meanings of maddu / muddu !
Will look forward for ingali / ingalaara.

Image should be of Fagonia indica as per discussion in another thread.

Thanks … Will soon make changes accordingly in Names of Plants in India database.

Correction done; new post related to compiled names of Fagonia indica is posted to group some moments ago. 

Fagonia indica :: Jaisalmer :: 25 OCT 18 : 10 posts by 2 authors. 6 images.
Jaisalmer  … the golden city
Date: October 25, 2018 … Altitude: about 225 m (740 feet) asl
Fagonia indica  Burm.f.

Fagonia schweinfurthii (Hadidi) Hadidi
As discussed in another post.

If we follow the keys at Flora of Pakistan, I think it should be Fagonia indica as I do not see any trifoliate leaves and long petiole of FOP illustration and efi page at Fagonia schweinfurthii

Thanks … for the analysis.
My posted plant agrees with the first key in  Flora of Pakistan –  that is: Lower leaves trifoliolate, upper unifoliolate; petiole 5-12 mm long…Fagonia indica var. schweinfurthii
I am not clear which key or features relate to Fagonia indica (var. indica).
Fagonia indica var. schweinfurthii – the accepted name as per Catalogue of Life is Fagonia schweinfurthii.
On reading through internet, Fagonia schweinfurthii  is found distributed in Gujarat, Rajasthan and Punjab, 

I hardly see any trifoliate leaves as in FOP Illustration and as per page at Fagonia schweinfurthii
Pl. also see:
Lower leaves trifoliolate, petiole up to 10-12 (-15) mm long terminal leaves unifoliolate, with up to 5 mm long petiole; leaflets linear-oblong, up to 3.5 cm long, acute, central the largest; Stipular spines aculeate, shorter than leaves and internodes, patent, not reflexed as per FOP in Fagonia indica var. schweinfurthii Hadidi
Leaves unifoliolate, shortly petioled or subsessile, leaflets narrowly ovate-lanceolate, 8-16 mm long, c. 3-4 mm broad, mucronate, distinctly articulate at the base; stipular spines suberect, equal to shorter than leaves. Capsule 4 mm long and broad, pedicel reflexed, equal to or slightly longer than the fruit as per FOP in Fagonia indica var. indica
In view I feel your plant is Fagonia indica 

Thanks … I will go with Fagonia indica. Will soon label accordingly in flickr notes.


via Species‎ > ‎F‎ > Fagonia indica Burm.f. … family: Zygophyllaceae

Flowers of India Discussions at efloraofindia more views in flickr more views on Google Earth
fah-GOH-nee-uh — named for Guy-Crescent Fagon, physician to Louis XIVDave’s Botanary
IN-dih-kuh or in-DEE-kuh — of or from IndiaDave’s Botanary
commonly known as: Indian fagoniaMarathi: धमासा dhamasaPunjabi: ਦਮਾਂਹ damanh, ਧਮਾ dhamaRajasthani: धमासा dhamasaTelugu: చిట్టి గార chittigara
botanical names: Fagonia indica Burm.f. … synonyms: Fagonia elliptica Tabassum, Omer & Qaiser • Fagonia mysorensis B.Heyne ex Roth • Fagonia ovalifolia Hadidi • Fagonia parviflora Boiss. … status at The Plants List (2013). Version 1.1.
October 25, 2018 … Jaisalmer

in gujarati its dhamaaso. o at the end. cant type in guj font right now

Will add the name in native script soon. Thank you very much …

zy-go-FIL-um — joined leaves … Dave’s Botanary
IN-dih-kuh or in-DEE-kuh — of or from India … Dave’s Botanary

commonly known as: Indian fagonia, khorasan thorn • Gujarati: ધમાસો dhamaso • Hindi: धमासा dhamasa, दमहर damhar • Kachchhi: ધમાસો dhamaso, ધ્રામાઉ dhramau • Kannada: ನೆಲ ಇಂಗಳಿ nela ingali • Marathi: धमासा dhamasa • Punjabi: ਦਮਾਂਹ damanh, ਦਮੀਯਾ damiya, ਧਮਾ dhama • Rajasthani: धमासा dhamasa • Sanskrit: धन्वयवास dhanvayavasa • Telugu: చిట్టి గార chittigara • Urdu: دھماں dhamas

botanical namesZygophyllum indicum (Burm.f.) Christenh. & Byng … homotypic synonymsFagonia indica Burm.f. … and more at POWO

Bibliography / etymology

~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
Indian fagonia
  • Flowers of India … the given name is coined from Fagonia indica Burm.f. … now considered as a synonym
khorasan thorn
~~~~~ GUJARATI ~~~~~
ધમાસો dhamaso
~~~~~ HINDI ~~~~~
धमासा dhamasa, दमहर damhar
~~~~~ KACHCHHI ~~~~~
ધમાસો dhamaso, ધ્રામાઉ dhramau
~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~
ನೆಲ ಇಂಗಳಿ nela ingali
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~
धमासा dhamasa
~~~~~ PUNJABI ~~~~~
ਦਮਾਂਹ damanh, ਧਮਾ dhama
ਦਮੀਯਾ damiya
~~~~~ RAJASTHANI ~~~~~
धमासा dhamasa
~~~~~ SANSKRIT ~~~~~
धन्वयवास dhanvayavasa
~~~~~ TELUGU ~~~~~
చిట్టి గార chittigara
~~~~~ URDU ~~~~~
دھماں dhamas
~~~~~ DISTRIBUTION in states of India ~~~~~
Andhra Pradesh, Haryana, Karnataka, Punjab, Rajasthan
~~~~~ x ~~~~~


would like to inform you that i jut want o know what is the common Hindi name of Fagonia indica

As its distribution is restricted, you may find local names at Fagonia indica
I think Rajasthani name may be treated as same in Hindi also.



Fwd: Fagonia sps for identification : 5 posts by 1 author. Attachments (3).
sending more images of fagonia for identification

Earlier posts on Fagonia indica & Fagonia paulayana

Fagonia schweinfurthii syn F. cretica.

Fagonia arebica/ F. schweinfurthii

Characters are not clear in the photographs.

I observed the following characters
leaves trifoliate below and unifoliate above
stem quadrangular
Branches appeared to be glandular
Based on these characters, I believe it is Fagonia bruguieri DC.

Key to Fagonia in BSI Flora of India, clearly differentiates Fagonia bruguieri DC.  on the basis of spines longer than leaves and stem 4-angled, seen in photographs. That confirms Fagonia bruguieri DC. 

I think this appears more closer to images at Fagonia indica Burm.f. rather than those at Fagonia bruguieri DC.



Updated on December 24, 2024

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