Flemingia macrophylla

Flemingia macrophylla (Willd.) Merr. (syn: Crotalaria cavaleriei H.Lév.; Crotalaria macrophylla Willd.Flemingia brevipes CraibFlemingia congesta Roxb. ex W.T.AitonFlemingia congesta var. tomentosa Miq.Flemingia congesta var. viridis PrainFlemingia latifolia var. hainanensis Y.T.Wei & S.K.LeeFlemingia latifolia var. siamensis CraibFlemingia macrophylla var. congesta (Roxb. ex W.T.Aiton) M.R.AlmeidaFlemingia macrophylla var. viridis (Prain) H.B.NaithaniFlemingia sericans KurzFlemingia trinervia Desf.Hedysarum trinervium Roxb. ex Wall.Maughania brevipes (Craib) H.L.LiMaughania macrophylla (Willd.) KuntzeMaughania macrophylla f. poecilantha Kuntze; Maughania macrophylla f. viridula KuntzeMaughania sericans (Kurz) MukerjeeMaughania tomentosa (Miq.) H.L.LiRhynchosia crotalarioides DC.Rhynchosia sericea S.Vidal) as per POWO;
Tropical & Subtropical Asia to N. Queensland: Andaman Is., Assam, Bangladesh, Borneo, Cambodia, China South-Central, China Southeast, East Himalaya, Hainan, India, Jawa, Laos, Lesser Sunda Is., Malaya, Myanmar, Nepal, New Guinea, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Sulawesi, Sumatera, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, West Himalaya; Introduced into: Benin, Cameroon, Caroline Is., Comoros, Cook Is., Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ghana, Hawaii, Ivory Coast, Jamaica, Madagascar, Mauritius, Queensland, Réunion, Tanzania, Togo, Zaïre, Zimbabwe as per POWO;
India (N) ; Andhra Pradesh ; Arunachal Pradesh ; Assam; Bihar; Delhi ; Goa; Gujarat; Haryana ; Himachal Pradesh; Jammu-Kashmir; Karnataka; Kerala; Madhaya Pradesh; Maharashtra ; Manipur ; Meghalaya; Mizoram; Nagaland ; Orissa ; Pondicherry; Punjab; Rajasthan; Sikkim ; Tamil Nadu; Tripura; Uttar Pradesh; West Bengal and other countries as per ILDIS;  
Andaman Is; Australia; Bangladesh; Bhutan; Brazil; Cambodia; China; Fiji; Ghana; Hainan; India; Indonesia; Ivory Coast; Jamaica; Jawa; Laos; Madagascar; Malaysia; Mauritius; Myanmar; Nepal; Pakistan; Papua New Guinea; Peninsular Malaysia; Philippines; Reunion; Sabah; Sarawak; Sri Lanka; Sumatera; Taiwan; Tanzania; Thailand; Togo; Vietnam; Zaire; Zimbabwe as per Catalogue of Life;

Keys as per Taxonomic revision of the genus Flemingia (Leguminosae: Papilionoideae) in India November 2020 Webbia 75(2):141-218:

5. Racemes longer than the petiole; petiole winged ……………. 6
5. Racemes shorter than the petiole; petiole grooved ………… F. macrophylla
6. Pod sparsely gland-dotted ……….. 7
6. Pod densely gland-dotted ………….. F. sootepensis
7. Stipules, bracts and calyx grey tomentose, leaflets narrow-ovate-elliptic ……. F. semialata
F. semialata calyx is eglandular and in F. macrophylla, it is glandular.
Common name: Large-Leaf Flemingia • Nepali: भतबासी Bhatabaasee, भटमासे Bhatamaase
MalayalamKamatteri, Korkattachedi
OthersKorkattachedi, Kamatteri

Erect shrubs; branchlets trigonous, adpressed tomentose. Leaflets subequal, 5-14 x 2-5 cm, elliptic-lanceolate, base cuneate to rounded, apex acute to acuminate, tomentose along the nerves on both surfaces or glabrescent above, basally 3-nerved; petiole to 7 cm long, narrowly winged. Racemes axillary, clustered or single, 2.5-5.5 cm long, villous. Flowers 7-10 mm long; pedicels c. 2 mm long; bracts 4-7 mm long, lanceolate. Calyx lobes linear-lanceolate, the lower longest, much exceeding the tube, pubescent. Petals reddish; standard 7-8 mm long, oblong-obovate; wings and keels long-clawed. Pods 0.8-1.2 x 0.4-0.6 cm, oblong, turgid, covered with powdery red coating.  

Flowering and fruiting: November-January
Semi-evergreen and moist deciduous forests, also in the plains



Fabaceae for id 070410MK2 – efloraofindia | Google Groups : 4 images.
please help to id this Fabaceae plant found on dry deciduous forests.


24-02-2010 / 04:00 PM

Location- Place, Altitude, GPS- 

Satyamangalam; 950 msl; TN

Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type- 

Dry deciduous forest

Plant Habit-



Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size- 

Leaflets elliptic & 3-foliolate; up to 7cm long

Inflorescence Type/ Size- 


Flowers Size/ Colour/ Calyx/ Bracts- 


Fruits Type/ Shape/ Size Seeds- 

pods 0.5cm across and 1.5 – 2.5cm long

It seems to be Flemingia macrophylla (Willd.) Merr

I also think and support … This plant is Flemingia macrophylla (Willd.) Merr.


Flemingia macrophylla in FOI : 2 posts by 1 author.
Images of Flemingia macrophylla in FOI should be of Flemingia semialata Roxb. – (Keys as per book in Flora of peninsular India: F. semialata calyx is eglandular and in F. macrophylla, it is glandular.)
Images of Flemingia macrophylla (Willd.) Merr. are different as per images and details herein.
Also see discussions at SK1557 11 Nov 2018
Pl. correct.

Corrected now.


ID Kozhikode 0220: 2 images- 1 high res.
Please identify this under shrub from kozhikode, kerala. 22/12/20

Flemingia sp., check with macrophylla

I agree with …


Cilacap Herb/Shrub:
Could you help me ID our plant please.

This looks a Flemingia sp.

Yes this is Flemingia sp.

Flemingia or Moghania in India by late SK MUkerjee Keeper CNH?

Flemingia macrophylla (Willd.) Merr. is possible.

Yes … Correct ID !


Flemingia macrophylla (Willd.) Merr.: 8 very high res. images.

Location: Surkhet, West Nepal
Altitude: 702m.
Date: 27 August 2021
Habit : Wild

Racemes unbranched & shorter than the petiole with large ovate-lanceolate leaflets point towards Flemingia macrophylla (Willd.) Kuntze ex Merr.

Identification (mixed thread): 2 correct images.
Place of collection: Mayurbhanj, Orissa
Habit: Small herb (Up to 5 cm)
Habitat: Dead stumps of Sal forest

Altitude: 300 m above msl
Please find the attachment

GUESSING it as : “Flemingia nana Roxb.”

Considerable name changes and merging has occurred leaving it now as:
Flemingia macrophylla (Willd.) O. Ktze. ex Merr.
Crotalaria macrophylla Willd.
Flemingia congesta Roxb. ex Ait. f.
F. nana Roxb.
F. congesta var. latifolia (Bth.)  Baker
F. congesta var. nana (Roxb.) Baker
Moghania nana (Roxb.) Mukerjee
M. macrophylla (Willd.) O. Ktze.
The Flora of Bombay by T. Cooke (which separates the species) mentions calyx covered with ferruginous glands and : Pods turgid with greenish-grey tomentum and covered with viscid reddish glands.
Melghat has this plant and it normally has only a few leaves (3-foliolate) or a short woody stem above ground.
BUT please check the recent literature and recent key for Fabaceae.


Need id of reddish legume possibly perennial: 2 images.
Bhopal; black soil

Flemingia macrophylla (Willd.) Kuntze ex Merr.

Maybe. I am not sure with these images, as per images at Flemingia macrophylla



Updated on December 24, 2024

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