Flemingia nilgiriensis

Flemingia nilgiriensis (Baker) Wight ex T.Cooke (Unresolved), Fl. Bombay 1: 393 1902. ;
F. gracilis : as leaves nigro-punctate beneath
F. nilgheriensis: as not nigro-punctate beneath



Kas Week :AVD: Flemengia nilgiriensis:01 October 2012:
Flemengia nilgiriensis
family: Leguminosae

I hope correct spellings are Flemingia


KAS Week DS_07_1012_05 Id requested:
Please id this plant for me. From Kas, 22nd Sep 2012.

This is Flemingia nilgiriensis, a twining herb of Fabaceae in fruiting stage. Flowers are purplish.

KAS Week:: PKA31:: – Flemingia nilgiriensis / gracilis: 4 images.
Would like to know the ID for this herb. Is it Flemingia nilgiriensis or F.gracilis??

following is the key character
F. nilgiriensis…….. roots are tuberous
F. gracilis….. roots are not tuberous

We have discussed this earlier too. It is not advisable to dig out the plants as it is nearly threatened species. One more character is Leaf which is nigropunctate in F. gracilis. I don’t know how much importance it has!
Most botanists say that the species occurring on Kas plateau is Flemingia nilgheriensis

Agreed, and am sure none of us (including me) have checked the root type as it demands uprooting the whole plant! But if the plant on Kas is F.nilgiriensis, the negro punctate cannot be a distinguishing character as the leaves of the plant at Kas ARE punctate. Please see the image of punctate leaves posted by me in my F.nilgiriensis post.

Satara, Oct 2014 :: Requesting ID validation :: ARKOCT-29 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5)
Requesting to please validate ID of these beautiful flowers captured near Satara, Maharashtra in October 2014.
Is this Flemingia nilgiriensis?

Flemingia nilgheriensis (Baker) T.Cooke
at Kas plateau on October 19, 2007
at Kas plateau on September 28, 2008
at Kas plateau on September 24, 2015

Fabaceae (Faboideae) Fortnight :: Flemingia nilgheriensis:: Kas :: PKA-OCT-09 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (3)
Flemingia nilgheriensis at Kas.

flem-MING-ee-uh — named for John Fleming, surgeon, Indian Medical Service
GRASS-il-is — graceful; slender
Sep 28, 2008 … at Kas plateau, Satara, Maharashtra
commonly known as: slender flemingia • Marathi: जरतारी jartari
¿ Endemic to: Western Ghats (of Maharashtra, India) ?
some views: Sep 28, 2008 … at Kas plateau, Satara, Maharashtra
Oct 19, 2007 … at Kas plateau, Satara, Maharashtra

I only remember the tiny sparkling spots on the inflorescence when you look at it through the camera lens.
Probably that the reason why it is called as Jartari in Marathi.

Flemingia nilgiriensis (Baker) Wight ex T.Cooke as per another thread by Dinesh ji.

Thank you very much … for updating this post with the corrected ID.


Kas Week :: DV :: 28 SEP 08 – 1255 :: Flemingia gracilis:
Kas plateauabout 4000 ft asl
… one of the 39 World Heritage sites in the Western Ghats of India
28 SEP 08
Flemingia gracilis (Mukerjee) Ali … (family: Fabaceae)
flem-MING-ee-uh — named for John Fleming, surgeon, Indian Medical Service
GRASS-il-is — graceful; slender
commonly known as: slender flemingia • Marathi: जरतारी jartari
¿ Endemic to: northern Western Ghats (of India) ?
References: Flowers of IndiaFlowers of Sahyadri by Shrikant Ingalhalikar

Good mix of Flemingia and Eriocaulon

Flemingia nilgiriensis (Baker) Wight ex T.Cooke as per another thread by Dinesh ji.

Thank you very much … for updating this post with the corrected ID.


Names of Plants in India :: Flemingia nilgheriensis (Benth. ex Baker f.) Wight ex T.Cooke: 1 image.
Flemingia nilgheriensis (Benth. ex Baker f.) Wight ex T.Cooke

flem-MING-ee-uh — named for John Fleming, President of the Medical Board of Bengal … Dave’s Botanary
¿ nil-ghey-ree-EN-sis ? — of or from Nilgiris, a mountain range in southernmost Western Ghats, India

commonly known as: Nilgiri flemingia • Kannada: ನೀಲಗಿರಿ ಮೂರೆಲೆ Nilgiri moorale • Malayalam: കരിമ്പാല karimbala • Marathi: निलगिरी जरतारी Nilgiri jartari

botanical namesFlemingia nilgheriensis (Benth. ex Baker f.) Wight ex T.Cooke … homotypic synonymsFlemingia vestita var. nilgheriensis Benth. ex Baker f. • Lepidocoma nilgheriensis (Benth. ex Baker f.) M.R.Almeida • Maughania nilgheriensis (Benth. ex Baker f.) H.L.Li … POWO

Bibliography / etymology

~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
Nilgiri flemingia
~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~
ನೀಲಗಿರಿ ಮೂರೆಲೆ Nilgiri moorale
  • name given for want of name; ನೀಲಗಿರಿ Nilgiri, derived from the geographical epithet nilgheriensis = of or from Nilgiris, a mountain range in southernmost Western Ghats; ಮೂರೆಲೆ moorale = three leaved plant … on lines of the name ಕಾಡು ಮೂರೆಲೆ kaadu moorele = wild three leaved plant, given to Flemingia macrophylla (Willd.) Kuntze ex Merr.
~~~~~ KONKANI ~~~~~
no given name / no name found
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~
കരിമ്പാല karimbala
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~
निलगिरी जरतारी Nilgiri jartari
  • name given for want of name; जरतारी jartari is a name given to a close species Flemingia gracilis (Mukerjee) Ali; the prefix निलगिरी Nilgiri derived from the geographical epithet nilgheriensis = of or from Nilgiris, a mountain range in southernmost Western Ghats
~~~~~ ODIA ~~~~~
no given name / no name found
~~~~~ TAMIL ~~~~~
no given name / no name found
~~~~~ x ~~~~~

Given Kannada names are O.K. for me.



Updated on December 24, 2024

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