Flemingia strobilifera (L.) W.T.Aiton (syn. Flemingia bracteata (Roxb.) Wight; Flemingia fruticulosa Benth.; Flemingia strobilifera var. bracteata (Roxb.) Baker; Hedysarum bracteatum Roxb.; Hedysarum strobiliferum L.; Moghania bracteata (Roxb.) H.L.Li; Moghania strobilifera (L.) J.St.-Hil.; Moghania strobilifera (L.) Kuntze; Moghania strobilifera (L.) Jacks.; Zornia strobilifera (L.) Pers.); . .. flem-MING-ee-uh — named for John Fleming, surgeon, Indian Medical Service … Dave’s Botanary stroh-bil-IF-fer-a — Greek: strobil (cone), fera (bearing) … Dave’s Botanary . commonly known as: luck plant, wild hops • Assamese: মাখিয়তি makhiyati • Gujarati: પોપટ્યો poptyo • Hindi: कानफूटा kanphuta •Kannada: ¿ ಕುಮಲು ? kumalu, ನರಿ ಬಾಲದ ಹೊನ್ನೆ nari baalada honne • Malayalam: കനലം kanalam, കുമാൻചെടി kumaanchedi, കുമലു kumalu, പോന്തോരില ponthorila, തേരി theri • Marathi: बंदर bundar, कानफुटी kanphuti, क्लिप्ती klipti • Nepali: भटमासे bhatmase, भटवासी bhatwasi • Telugu: నల్ల ¿ బద్దు ? nalla baddu . Native of: China, Indian subcontinent, Indo-China, Malesia . Here are the keys from the recent revision of Flemingia by Manoj Lekahak ji and others: Key to the species of subg. Ostryodium 1. Leaflets ovate or linear-lanceolate, apex acute … 2 1. Leaflets cordate, apex acuminate …..F. chappar 2. Erect shrubs ….. 3 2. Trailing shrubs ……..F. fruticulosa 3. Bracts persistent ……. 4 3. Bracts caducous …….F. nudiflora 4. Plant tall up to 1.2–3.2 m in height; leaflets ovate with 12–20 mm long petiole, lateral veins 7-8(-10) pairs ………..F. strobilifera 4. Plant tall up to 0.8–1 m in height; leaflets linear-lanceolate with 2–4 mm long petiole, lateral veins 4-6 pairs ……………… F. bracteata . Plz id this shrub: pa68 – 26dec2012: Its Flemingia bracteata (Roxb.) Wight Flemingia strobilifera , Fabaceae Thank you … I saw on the net that both are synonyms. ANMAR14/14 Flemingia strobilifera : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (11) Family: Fabaceae Date: 6th March 2015 Place: Aralam WLS, Kerala Habit: Shrub Flemingia strobilifera (L.) W.T.Aiton flem-MING-ee-uh — named for John Fleming, surgeon, Indian Medical Service stroh-bil-IF-fer-a — from the Greek strobil (cone-like shape) Feb 12, 2011 … at Karnala Bird Sanctuary, Maharashtra commonly known as: luck plant, wild hops • Assamese: makhioti • Gujarati: kasraut • Hindi: clipti, कानफूटा kanphuta • Kannada: kumalu • Malayalam: kumalu, kumbilteri • Marathi: कानफुटी kanphuti, nundar • Telugu: నల్లబద్దు nallabaddu Native of: China, Indian subcontinent, Indo-China, Malesia some views: Feb 12, 2011 … at Karnala Bird Sanctuary, Maharashtra between Feb 7 & 21, 2010 … at Yeoor Hills (part of Sanjay Gandhi National Park) Jan 10, 2009 … at Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary, Maharashtra Dec 15, 2008 … at Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary, Maharashtra Feb 2, 2008 … at Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary, Maharashtra This is the only Flemingia which is unifoliolate. All other species in Maharashtra are trifoliolate. Fabaceae (Faboideae) Fortnight :: Flemingia strobilifera :: n Western Ghats :: DVOCT77 : 1 post by 1 author. 15 images. Flemingia strobilifera (L.) W.T.Aiton at Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary on December 15, 2008 at Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary on January 10, 2009 at Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary on February 7, 2009 at Yeoor Hills on February 7, 2010 at Yeoor Hills on February 21, 2010 at Karnala Bird Sanctuary on February 12, 2011 at Prabalgad on January 28, 2012 at Matheran on February 2, 2013 . Fabaceae-Faboideae (Papilionaceae) Week : Shrubs/Herbs : Flemingia strobiliflora: Flemingia strobiliflora Observed in Mulshi area January 2010 Kas week: Flemingia strobilifera SMP: I use to remember it as Kanphuti. Nice one. Plz id this herb: pa92 – 19feb2013: This is Kanphati [Flemingia strobilifera]. Please check the archives of this group for my photographs of this. 110713 ASP 97 : Attachments (1). 3 posts by 3 authors. Please ID this small shrub. Photo was taken in Sri Lanka In Jan 2013. Please check Femingia strobilifera ? … had already shared its beautiful flower in one of his post. Yes, this looks like Flemingia strobilifera.. . kussunt :: Name of Flemingia strobilifera in Hindi: 4 posts by 2 authors. Someone please help me with validating this Hindi name: kussunt for Flemingia strobilifera and please provide it in Devanagari script. Referenced from internet and NISCAIR’s The Useful Plants of India. there is another name … kusrunt. Both kussunt and kusrunt may be googled, and they are found in worthy sites, as well as reference books. Attempts of both in various spellings in Devanagari script – do not fetch any single result. One of them could be a typo. These are what I found Hindi; Kussunt Mar.: Kanphute, bundar Tel.: Nallabaddu Kan. & Mal.: Kumalu, kumbilteri I am eager to get the Hindi names — kussunt and kusrunt validated by central and north Indian Hindi-knowing people familiar with this plant. One of the two might be a typo; but both are found on the internet and reference books as Hindi names for Flemingia strobilifera. Ultimately, I need the valid name in Devanagari script. . kasraut :: Name of Flemingia strobilifera in Gujarati : 3 posts by 2 authors. Help me with validating this Gujarati name: kasraut for Flemingia strobilifera and please provide it in native script. Referenced from Flowers of India. “Kasraut” is mentioned as the Hindi name (from Oudh) of Flemingia strobilifera in ‘Indian Trees’ by Dietrich Brandis [pg. 231] but I’m not aware of a similar name in Gujarati. I know of only one Gujarati name of this plant – પોપટ્યો / Poptyo. Hope this helps. It helps, …, immensely. Names of Plants in India :: Flemingia strobilifera (L.) W.T.Aiton : 1 image. 5 posts by 3 authors. flem-MING-ee-uh — named for John Fleming, surgeon, Indian Medical Service … Dave’s Botanary stroh-bil-IF-fer-a — Greek: strobil (cone), fera (bearing) … Dave’s Botanary commonly known as: luck plant, wild hops • Assamese: মাখিয়তি makhiyati • Gujarati: પોપટ્યો poptyo • Hindi: कानफूटा kanphuta •Kannada: ¿ ಕುಮಲು ? kumalu, ನರಿ ಬಾಲದ ಹೊನ್ನೆ nari baalada honne • Malayalam: കനലം kanalam, കുമാൻചെടി kumaanchedi, കുമലു kumalu, പോന്തോരില ponthorila, തേരി theri • Marathi: बंदर bundar, कानफुटी kanphuti, क्लिप्ती klipti • Nepali: भटमासे bhatmase, भटवासी bhatwasi • Telugu: నల్ల ¿ బద్దు ? nalla baddu botanical names: Flemingia strobilifera (L.) W.T.Aiton … synonyms: Flemingia bracteata (Roxb.) Wight • Flemingia fruticulosa Benth. •Hedysarum bracteatum Roxb. • Hedysarum strobiliferum L. • Moghania bracteata (Roxb.) H.L.Li • Moghania fruticulosa (Benth.) Mukerjee •Moghania strobilifera (L.) J.St.-Hil. • Moghania strobilifera (L.) Kuntze • Moghania strobilifera (L.) Jacks. • Zornia strobilifera (L.) Pers. … The Plant List (2010). Version 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Photographed at Matheran on 02 FEB 13 It is so beauutiful ..Incredible picture … flem-MING-ee-uh — named for John Fleming, President of the Medical Board of Bengal … Dave’s Botanary stroh-bil-IF-fer-a — Greek: strobil (cone), fera (bearing) … Dave’s Botanary commonly known as: luck plant, wild hops • Assamese: মাখিয়তি makhiyati • Bengali: বলু bolu • Dogri: बन छोले ban chole • Gujarati: કાનફુટી kanphuti, કસરોટ kasraut, પોપટીયો poptiyo • Hindi: कानफूटा kanphuta • Kannada: ಕುಮಳು kumalu, ನರಿ ಬಾಲದ ಹೊನ್ನೆ nari baalada honne • Konkani: बोंदर bondar • Khasi: ka-khong • Malayalam: കനലം kanalam, കുമാൻചെടി kumaanchedi, കുമലു kumalu, പോന്തോരില ponthorila, തേരി theri • Marathi: बंदर bundar, कानफुटी kanphuti, क्लिप्ती klipti • Nepali: बर्कौन्ली झार barkounli jhaar, भटमासे bhatmase, भटवासी bhatwasi, दुवारे duvaare • Telugu: నల్ల బడ్డు nalla baddu • Tulu: ಕಾಟ್ಟು ಒಂಜಿರೆ kaatu onjire botanical names: Flemingia strobilifera (L.) W.T.Aiton … homotypic synonyms: Hedysarum strobiliferum L. • Maughania strobilifera (L.) J.St.-Hil. ex Kuntze • Zornia strobilifera (L.) Pers. … heterotypic synonyms: Flemingia affinis C.Presl • Hedysarum celtifolium Salisb. • Maughania strobilifera f. rubriflora Kuntze … POWO Bibliography / etymology ~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~ luck plant, wild hops ~~~~~ ASSAMESE ~~~~~ মাখিলতি makhiloti, মাখিয়তী makhiyoti
~~~~~ BENGALI ~~~~~ বলু bolu
~~~~~ DOGRI ~~~~~ बन छोले ban chole
~~~~~ KHASI ~~~~~ ka-khong
~~~~~ GUJARATI ~~~~~ કાનફુટી kanphuti, કસરોટ kasraut, પોપટીયો poptiyo
~~~~~ HINDI ~~~~~ कानफूटा kanphuta
~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~ ಕುಮಳು kumalu
ಕಾಡು ಒಂದೆಲೆ kaadu ondele
ನರಿ ಬಾಲದ ಹೊನ್ನೆ nari baalada honne ~~~~~ KONKANI ~~~~~ बोंदर bondar
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~ കനലം kanalam, കുമാൻചെടി kumaanchedi, കുമലു kumalu, പോന്തോരില ponthorila, തേരി theri
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~ बंदर bundar
कानफुटी kanphuti, क्लिप्ती klipti
~~~~~ NEPALI ~~~~~ बर्कौन्ली झार barkounli jhaar, दुवारे duvaare
भटमासे bhatmase
भटवासी bhatwasi ~~~~~ ODIA ~~~~~ no given name / no name found
~~~~~ TAMIL ~~~~~ no given name / no name found
~~~~~ TELUGU ~~~~~ నల్ల బడ్డు nalla baddu
~~~~~ TULU ~~~~~ ಕಾಟ್ಟು ಒಂಜಿರೆ kaatu onjire
~~~~~ x ~~~~~ Names compiled / updated at https://dineshvalke.blogspot.com/2022/12/flemingia-strobilifera-l-wtaiton.html Kannada names are O.K. . nallabaddu :: Name of Flemingia strobilifera in Telugu : 4 posts by 2 authors. Dear friends … the word baddu in Telugu names for plants listed in ENVIS – FRLHT yields following results on search … Very eager to know the word baddu in native script in context of following: OR is badu బాదు more appropriate ? I found చిరుతాళిబాదు chiru-ṭāḷi-bādu for Dalbergia scandens (syn. Derris scandens) in A Telugu-English Dictionary by Charles Philip Brown. it should be written as నల్ల బడ్డు Thank you very very much … for this help. Great help. . kussunt :: Name of Flemingia strobilifera in Hindi : 6 posts by 3 authors. Someone please help me with validating this Hindi name: kussunt for Flemingia strobilifera and please provide it in Devanagari script. Referenced from internet and NISCAIR’s The Useful Plants of India. there is another name … kusrunt. Both kussunt and kusrunt may be googled, and they are found in worthy sites, as well as reference books. Attempts of both in various spellings in Devanagari script – do not fetch any single result. One of them could be a typo. Please help. These are what I found Hindi; Kussunt Mar.: Kanphute, bundar Tel.: Nallabaddu Kan. & Mal.: Kumalu, kumbilteri … I am eager to get the Hindi names — kussunt and kusrunt validated by central and north Indian Hindi-knowing people familiar with this plant. One of the two might be a typo; but both are found on the internet and reference books as Hindi names for Flemingia strobilifera. Ultimately, I need the valid name in Devanagari script. . kumalu :: Kannada & Malayalam name of Flemingia strobilifera : 6 posts by 2 authors. The name kumalu seems to be shared in both languages – Kannada and Malayalam for Flemingia strobilifera. But could not succeed with any of the permutation-combination of letters of ku-ma-lu in native scripts on the internet. Please validate the name, and provide it in native scripts. Some findings in Malayalam context … Vernacular name-wise search at ENVIS – FRLHT for kumalu yields F. strobilifera and Gmelina arborea. കുമ്പിള് kumpil OR കുമിഴ് kumil … these are the names for Gmelina arborea in Malayalam … reference: Common Flora of Kerala Forests by M S K Prathap Would one of these OR both be valid name(s) for F. strobilifera ? Please help. Got clarity of names in Malayalam from … in facebook … many thanks to him. കനലം (kanalam), കുമലു (kumalu), കുമാൻചെടി (kumaancheDi), തേരി (thEri), പോന്തോരില (pOnthOrila) are seen given for this plant in Malayalam (as per Prof. Mathew’s book) – Won’t get confused with Gmelina arborea which is known as കുമ്പിള് (kumpi) and കുമിഴ് (kumizh) Now, hoping to get the Kannad name for the plant. The correct native script for kumalu in kannada is ” ಕುಮಳು “. I hope the clarification is satisfactory. Location –Sawantwadi-Sindhudurg Dist. (Maharashtra) Habitat –Wild Date – 11.4.2014 Flemingia strobilifera (L.) W.T.Aiton [Fabaceae]. I am also agree with … I have taken it from Sylhet, Bangladesh
Flemingia strobillifera—for sharing and validation : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (3). Yes Please ID plant from Agumbe forest : 6 posts by 4 authors. 1 image. This is an old image taken in Agumbe forest, unfortunately I don’t have any more details. Please help ID Kindly check for Flemingia strobilifera Flemingia strobilifera only …, thanks for the id and confirmation. Certainly looks like Flemingia. This is a new genus for me. The showy bracts I have not seen on other Fabaceae species Date/Time 21/08/2016 Location- Mangaluru. India Habitat- Small Shrub Flowers. flemingia. i would like to see a little more of the habit ie the plant itself I think Flemingia strobilifera as per images herein. Agree with Flemingia strobilifera
FLEMINGIA STROBILIFERA : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1) Attaching a collage of Flemingia strobilifera. yes. its sort of popular with some avant garde flower decorators. not sold very often. these flower lovers grow them themselves eta ki apnar barite? COLLAGE : FLEMINGIA STROBILIFERA : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) Attaching another collage of Flemingia strobilifera. Shrub Id from Bangladesh_SM_1432 : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1) Habitat: Along the river Location: Sangu Matamuri Wildlife Sanctuary, Bandarban Picture taken: February, 2019 Flemingia sp. to me Flemingia strobilifera
Fabaceae for id 270210mk1 – efloraofindia | Google Groups Mahabaleshwar, MH :: Flemingia strobilifera :: ARK2020-071 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (4) – around 650 kb each. . . Desmodium from Kumarghat Tripura: 1 image. Kindly tell me the name of species found in Tripura. Flemingia chappar Benth. ! This is Flemingia strobilifera Flemingia chappar is different. . 218 ID wild plant Flemingia: 19 images. Please ID wild plant, Location: near Reserve Forest, Chathamattom, Ernakulam District, (Kochi) Kerala PIN:686671 Altitude: 1400fsl Flower date: 20.11.2021, 04.15pm Habitat: wild moisture Plant habit: shrub, erect, branches, hard stem 02 inch circumference, purple velvety young shoot, long lasting Height: 05 feet Leaves: alternate, ovate, oblong, apex, purple young, velvety, size:18×8cm Flower: velvety bracts, diameter:07mm, off-white, non fragrant Fruit: velvety ovoid capsule, green into brown, size:2×1cm Seed: black Camera: mobile Samsung Galaxy A21s Flemingia strobilifera (L.) W.T.Aiton, as per images and details herein. Yes, it is dear …, thank you very much for ID my plant,
ID of Large Shrub – 171210-RK: -Yes Flemingia, in Jharkhand they call is GALPHULLI, meaning SWOLLEN CHEEKS!! -Yes , this should be Flemingia strobilifera (L.) R.Br.ex Ait. as per ref. from Dr Almeida’s flora. Other common names besides kanphuti are Clipti, Bunder. – It will be great to see the flowers inside these bracts ! identification no100211sn3: – Looks like Flemingia to me. Most likely F. strobilifera. – Flemingia strobilifera is a good choice Shrub ( around 1 to 2 metres high). Botanical name: Flemingia Strobilifera Local name (Marathi) : Kanphuti Family: Fabaceae location: On the way to Chakdeo, (Mahabaleshwar-Khed region), Maharashtra Habitat: Wild Nice photos of a common plant of Western ghats. Nicely seen reticulate venation on the bracts. I think they are bracts isn’t it? – Recently i heard this plant is used to produce dye…. its a common weed in konkan . Fabaceae (Faboideae)Fortnight::Flemingia strobilifera :: Chakdeo::PKA-OCT-54:: : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) Shrub ( around 1 to 2 metres high). Botanical name: Flemingia Strobilifera Local name (Marathi) : Kanphuti Family: Fabaceae location: On the way to Chakdeo, (Mahabaleshwar-Khed region), Maharashtra Habitat: Wild nice. i have seen these pods used in some flower arrangements, look very innovative when someone uses them. was this wild? or planted? . Fabaceae: Flemingia strobilifera (L.) W.T.Aiton: 1 image.
, References: The Plant List GRIN Flora of Pakistan Annonated checklist of the flowering plants of Nepal Flora of China Dinesh Valke’s Flickr Post Flowers of India PIER species info Wikipedia Trees, Shrubs, and Palms of Panama: Flemingia strobilifera Flemingia strobilifera – wild hops (Fabaceae) – Plants of Hawaii – Images CTFS |
Flemingia strobilifera
Updated on December 24, 2024