Flora of Nepal- Online accounts : 10 posts by 4 authors.
Flora of Nepal- Online accounts is now available online and can be pursued through search or family wise.
I think Home page further offers pdf version along with Gallary of images, herbarium specimens etc. We have to use it extensively as till now we have to rely on Flora of China as BSI flora online version is not working since long.
Thank you … I am referring time and again.
What I find is that only some 26 odd families have detailed accounts with keys (Flora of Nepal- Online accounts) etc. while some others are in the process.
However, images and herbarium specimens, may be available beyond these families also in Image gallary at Home page
wonderful start. do we now also have a Nepal page(?)
Please remember that the Flora of Nepal is run by professional botanists in collaboration of Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh and Japan. I really appreciate their efforts. This is something similar which BSI should have done for India.
I do wish that someday we convert our efloraofindia into something similar.
Thanks, … A great thought.
Indeed … Dr. Bhaskar Adhikari is also involved in this project !
you mean convert our pages to pdf? but why?
… is constantly revising and correcting the pages as he gets new cases, new information and he gets to that page.
pdf wont allow that, would it?
you are right about the fact that this website for Nepal flora is a collaboration. its a serious collaboration and extensive scientifically precise documentation and classification on their website there is a button for image gallery. in addition to superb photographs, in more than 2500 pages, there are 6 or 8 pages that show people involved working, collecting etc and the process…
herbarium specimen being examined under dissecting microscope for help in precise classification.
this is in contrast to what we do, we do not have herbarium, nor a lab…. only member submitted photographs.
in some cases we do get good quality photographs and can do classification and identification. but often when pictures are not upto par, some of us say so, wanting to leave things as either unided, dubia as … calls it, or just give it family or genus level diagnosis, yet some of our more courageous members (i am being charitable here).
go ahead and give a diagnosis down to species level, sometimes even cultivar level… or subspecies level… that’s frustrating … at scientific level.
I think, for us to get to be similar to such sites, we need to be stricter in our enthusiasm to classify and pass judgements down to species level in most of our such incomplete cases.
Googling for “use of dissecting scope in study of herbarium specimen”
got me 165,000 pages and lots of images
one of which is this
For the taxonomic revision of Atocion and Viscaria , flowers from herbarium specimens were boiled, dissected, and the character states observed under the stereomicroscope. Here the flower of Viscaria alpina , with removed calyx. Quantita- tive floral characters were measured using a digital image analysis system. The measures are indicated here as originally displayed (photo B. Frajman, July 2007).POINT of this is that that classification and naming of species is a serious and time consuming business.
cant always be done on point and shoot or cell phone camera pictures.
No I am not talking about changing pdfs. But the matter on these pdf on the Nepal flora is more detailed (yet incomplete) than ours.
many of those pdfs did not load when i was looking at them. their Endeavor and our Endeavor are two different things. only posterity will say which will serve general community better.
Flora of Nepal
Updated on December 24, 2024