Type specimens at BSI, CAL are now online

Type specimens at CAL are now online:
Inaugurated today at 5.30 pm.
Link: https://archive.bsi.gov.in/

Many thanks for sharing … It will be really useful.

It is a good news. Thanks to BSI for making this most important information available to all.

This is one good news for India and Indian botanists and others outside India!!
Well done BSI!!!

Great news! Another important achievement by BSI. Congratulations to everyone involved 👍👏

A great start indeed…much needed!!!
Congratulations team BSI…!!!

Good news for all taxonomists. Happy to know this important development.

I just tried the site and it is good.
Search is possible with:

  1. Family name
  2. Scientific name (only generic name, species name will yield nothing)
  3. Country
  4. Collector

Well done BSI.

Roxburgh Flora Indica drawings are also there.


Botanical Survey of India launched “INDIAN VERTUAL HERBARIUM”:
Twit by HMOEF&CC, Sri Shri Bhupender Yadav ji
Twit by MOEFCC
Link for the portal     IVH | Indian Virtual Herbarium

It is good news.

Type specimens were available already before this.

I hope they increase the coverage of IVH by adding more specimens to it. Presently they have probably around one lakh specimens in it.
Useful to all.

Would be real help to researchers. Remember the days in the early seventies when I continuously worked for 15 days or more twice to compare my herbarium Collection with specimens in CAL Herbarium.

‘Plant Discoveries 2021’ is also uploaded on the BSI website and available at: https://bsi.gov.in/page/en/national-wild-life-action-plan

Good, it will be helpful in identity confirmation.

Its great initiation


Updated on December 23, 2024

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