Garcinia lanceifolia Roxb., Fl. Ind. ed. 1832 2: 623 1832. (syn: India (Assam, Nagaland, Meghalaya), Bangladesh, Andamans (South Andamans), Myanmar [Burma] (Kachin, Taninthayi), Vietnam, Thailand, Laos as per Catalogue of Life;
Fwd: Garcinia Species in Papum Pare district : 9 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6) Location Papumpare district Arunachal Pradesh Sir, Kindly identify This is not Garcinia indica nor Garcinia homobroniana not Garcinia parvifolia Pl. check with images at Garcinia indica (Thouars) Choisy as per comparative images at Garcinia Was it wild or cultivated? The grower says he brought a seedling from forest and planted in his house. It is Garcinia lanceifolia Roxb. |
Garcinia lanceifolia
Updated on December 24, 2024