Garcinia madruno (Cultivated- Lalbagh, Banglore)





Raman Arunachalam




Your G. morela photo is not correct. The photo is not a garcinia species i think. I shall send you another 4 species photo. 

A reply from another thread:

“…. Its my pleasure that I am a part of your efloraindia. Dear the photographs have been taken are nice but some species are mis identify as per my knowledge. 

First is photographs & identification of G. morella. The photographs which have been taken are G. acuminata & not the G. morella. Leaves of G. acuminata are long with acute apex (some what similar to Syzium cumin/jamun & appearance is very harsh) where as morella having oval shape with prominent veins; fruits are also totally different. G. acuminata having oval shape fruits with tapering towards lower side & having spikes means not smooth surface but morella having round shape fruits & size is medium means lower than G. indica, colour is copper red with yellow pigmentation. it also has very false odour. 
Dear I have given you details of these species you can cross check it with other expertise. Dear as you know i am also working on Garcinia sps. if you have any contacts who knows Garcinia sps. location please give me. I will request him to help me.”

This was identified as Garcinia madruno, Bumpy Lemon Tree

I feel this tree is Garcinia madruno
A Central and South American species. The species G. madruno  and G. intermedia (Lemon drop mangosteen) were earlier included in the genus Rheedia
Pls refer 

As per Garcinia madruno – Springer by TK Lim – ‎2012- Garcinia acuminata Planch. & Triana is a syn. of Garcinia madruno (Kunth) Hammel. I think this solves our confusion as … has earlier suggested Id as Garcinia acuminata Planch. & Triana, while … has now suggested as Garcinia madruno (Kunth) Hammel
In view the following will need a re-look:
1. As per BSI Flora of India : Garcinia acuminata Planch. & Triana in Ann. Sci. Nat. ser 4, 14: 355. 1860; Mahesh. in Bull. Bot. Surv. India 6: 133. 1965. G. elliptica Wallich ex Pierre, Fl. Forest. Cochinch. Fasc 6: 33. t . 86B. 1883. G.morella auct non Desr. 1789 with distribution in India: In evergreen forests from 610 to 1220 m. West Bengal, Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram and Tripura
2. The Plant List Ver.1.1: Garcinia acuminata Planch. & Triana is a synonym of Garcinia elliptica Wall. ex Wight



Garcinia for ID : Gallagher-Bangalore : 290412 : AK-1: Pictures taken at Lalbagh, Bangalore on the 15th of April.

A medium sized tree, flowers and a couple of ripe fruits seen on the tree.
Fruits rough on the outer surface.
Some dried fruits found fallen under the tree.
Remembered , my dear friend and collected a few for her.
Name plate suggests Garcinia cambogia.
… had posted same tree pictures under the name ‘Indian Gamboge Tree’, Garcinia morella.
But on searching the net, I was unable to match my pictures with the above given names and find fruits which were rough on the outer surface.
Experts please help in identifying this tree.

The boards about gardenia are completely wrong.
But somebody has to confirm my id of this

Thanks for this id too.
On checking for images on the net, the same does resemble my pictures.
Hope I can visit Bangalore more often and find all the trees at Lalbagh.

Is it not the same tree identified as Garcinia acuminata Planch. & Triana by … in the thread: Trees of Lalbagh, Bangalore – Garcinia morella – Indian Gambooge Tree
If so, other threads at Garcinia morella may also be same being from Lalbagh, Banglore.

It is the same tree.
Whether Garcinia morella, G. madruno or G. acuminata.
The tree remains the same.
I know this tree and its location very well in Lalbagh. 

Thanks, …, for the clarification.
In that case it has to be  Garcinia acuminata Planch. & Triana as identified by …, who is working on Garcinia.

A reply from another thread from (Scientist Indian Institute of Spices Research Kozhikode Kerala):
“I feel this tree is Garcinia madruno
A Central and South American species. The species G. madruno  and G. intermedia (Lemon drop mangosteen) were earlier included in the genus Rheedia
Pls refer 

Requesting to please ID this tree captured in Lalbagh, Bangalore in November 2013.

Garcinia sp

Garcinia madruno (Kunth) Hammel <=> Bumpy Lemon Tree

Thank you … for ID…

Garcinia acuminata as per another thread.

A reply from another thread from (Scientist Indian Institute of Spices Research Kozhikode Kerala):

“I feel this tree is Garcinia madruno
A Central and South American species. The species G. madruno  and G. intermedia (Lemon drop mangosteen) were earlier included in the genus Rheedia
Pls refer 




Garcinia species for ID – 210114 – RK3 : Attachments (4). 3 posts by 2 authors.

The board says Garcinia cambogia – but I have my doubts. Lalbagh, Bangalore – 05/01/2014 – morning. Request correct ID please.

This has been identified by … on this forum as Garcinia madruno..
Please refer to this post here: efi thread

Garcinia acuminata as per another thread.

A reply from another thread from (Scientist Indian Institute of Spices Research Kozhikode Kerala):

“I feel this tree is Garcinia madruno
A Central and South American species. The species G. madruno  and G. intermedia (Lemon drop mangosteen) were earlier included in the genus Rheedia
Pls refer 





Attached are pictures of Garcinia madruno captured at Lalbagh, Bengaluru in November 2013.
Posted and identified on the forum earlier.

Garcinia acuminata as per another thread.

A reply from another thread from (Scientist Indian Institute of Spices Research Kozhikode Kerala):

“I feel this tree is Garcinia madruno
A Central and South American species. The species G. madruno  and G. intermedia (Lemon drop mangosteen) were earlier included in the genus Rheedia
Pls refer 



Identification request : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)
What tree is this? Tall evergreen it seems.
Fruit green at first like the kantola, but yellow when ripe like lime. Seed looks reddish brown when dried.

Artocarpus sp?

This fruit looks similar to a fruit I found in Lalbagh, BangaloreGarcinia madruno.

I had posted it on the forum here and … had identified it. 

Thanks – that looks to be it. I found it in Lalbagh as well! Intrigued by it. Will try to grow from seed.

Garcinia acuminata as per another thread.

A reply from another thread from (Scientist Indian Institute of Spices Research Kozhikode Kerala):

“I feel this tree is Garcinia madruno
A Central and South American species. The species G. madruno  and G. intermedia (Lemon drop mangosteen) were earlier included in the genus Rheedia
Pls refer 





It is my pleasure to share few images of Garcinia gummi-gutta  (Clusiaceae 

Habit: Tree 

Habitat: Cultivated 

Sighting: Bangalore (LBG), Karnataka, about 800 msl 

Date: 08-03-2015

Again a beautiful set.

Does not match with any species found in Western Ghats as per Diversity of Garcinia species in the Western Ghats (pdf): JNTBGRI- Diversity of Garcinia species in the Western Ghats: Phytochemical Perspective- P. S. Shameer, K. B. Rameshkumar and N. Mohanan.
It looks different from other images at Garcinia gummi-gutta





Trees of Lalbagh, Bangalore – Garcinia cambogia – Gambooge Tree: Garcinia gummi-gutta (syn. G. cambogia, G. quaesita) is a subtropical species of Garcinia native to Indonesia also commonly known as gambooge.

The yellowish fruit is pumpkin-shaped.

Does not match with any species found in Western Ghats as per Diversity of Garcinia species in the Western Ghats (pdf): JNTBGRI- Diversity of Garcinia species in the Western Ghats: Phytochemical Perspective- P. S. Shameer, K. B. Rameshkumar and N. Mohanan.
It looks different from other images at Garcinia gummi-gutta 

Later i did correct it 

Garcinia madruno, (Kunth) Hammel <=> Bumpy Lemon Tree
Updated on December 24, 2024

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