Gentianella tumailica

Gentianella tumailica Shabir, Mohd; Agnihotri, Priyanka; Tiwari, Jay; Husain, Tariq, Nordic Journal of Botany Volume36, Issue6 June 2018;


Fwd: Gentianella New species : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)- Shabir_et_al-2018-Nordic_Journal_of_Botany.pdf 

Please find an attached file of my recently published paper entitled ” Gentianella tumailica (Gentianaceae) – A new species from cold deserts of northwest Himalaya, India” in Nordic Journal of Botany.

4 images. Please receive the photographs of Gentianella tumailica and update it on your website eflora of India.


Gentianella tumailica (Gentianaceae) – A new species from cold deserts of northwest Himalaya, India (Abstract- A new species of the genus Gentianella, G. tumailica sp. nov. from Tumail in Kargil district of Ladakh, northwest Himalaya, India is described and illustrated. It is closely related to G. stoliczka in morphological appearance, inflorescence pattern, calyx and corolla shapes, sagitate anthers, more or less rounded seeds and same distributional ranges, but differs in small size vegetative and floral structures, larger basal leaves, few cauline leaves, leaf apex obtuse to rounded, calyx lobes unequal (2 longer, 3 shorter), inflorescence enveloping by 4 foliaceous bracts, capsule elliptic to oblong and seed coat smooth. Comparative morphological characters of G. tumailica and G. stoliczka are tabulated below.)
Updated on December 24, 2024

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