Grand success of 15 th anniversary celebrations of efloraofindia

Grand success of 15 th anniversary celebrations of efloraofindia:
There were grand celebrations on 15th anniversary of eFloraofIndia.

Details can be seen at
Credit goes to the moderators and members, who made it possible.

Some of the moderators who contributed generously are given below:
Dr. Nidhan Singh (eFI Summit)
Dr. Balkar Singh (Wildlife and Nature photography exhibition and eFI T Shirt)
Dr. Gurcharan Singh (New paper coverage)
Dr. Vijayasankar Raman (Logo, T shirt and poster designing)
Dr. Ritesh Chaudhury (Poster and Logo PPT and Cake)
Sh. Dinesh Valke (Compilation and award of Best Flora Photograph Contest)
Dr. D S Rawat (Compilation and award of Best Story)
Dr. Anil Thakur (Media story in Facebook group)
Hope I am not forgetting something important.
Lot of them contributed by posting their entry for Best Flora Photograph Contest and Best Story Contest and sharing their ideas, for 15th anniversary celebrations.
In all, it was a wonderful and memorable experience, bringing out the team spirit of eFloraofIndia.
Thanks to all of those who participated and contributed in making 15th anniversary celebrations.

Also posted on eFloraofIndia Facebook page.

Pl. give wide publicity.

Congratulations to all members of eFI especially those who made it a grand success, and Garg ji for coordinating it so well.

Congratulations to those all had been at the stern of the Grand Summit.

Updated on December 23, 2024

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